Education, study and knowledge

The best 10 Psychologists in San Borja (Lima)

The psychologist Eliana Aguilar She graduated in Psychology from the Bolivian Catholic University, she has a Master's Degree in Family Intervention and Mediation from the University of She sevilla and she also has a Master's Degree in the Study of Women and Gender from the University of Granada in collaboration with the University of York.

This therapist has more than 10 years of professional experience, in which she has specialized in treating cases of gender violence, family problems, trauma, low self-esteem, divorce and cases of anxiety and depression.

Eliana Aguilar serves both children and adolescents of all ages and adults, by offering face-to-face or online sessions for those who request it.

Roxana Sanchez Gamarra She has a degree in Psychology from the Peruvian University of Cayetano Heredia and has a specialized Master in Psychology, which was awarded by the well-known Bath University in the United Kingdom.

This psychologist can help us greatly in the event that we are going through a difficulty that is related to our anxiety, stress levels or low self-esteem.

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German Beteta Bartra He graduated in Psychology from the Federal University Federico Villarreal and since then, he has spent more than 15 years professionally dedicating himself to the practice of psychology.

Over time, this psychologist has specialized in the treatment of addictions, eating disorders and the implementation of child and adolescent psychotherapy.

Sergio Luis Aguirre Obando He has a degree in Psychology from the well-known Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and has a Master's degree specialized in Clinical Psychology, which this psychologist also taught through this same college.

Among her most prominent specialties is the treatment of depression, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and antisocial personality disorder.

Natalia Koudina She graduated in Psychology in Russia and later when she moved to Peru, she made the decision to validate her studies by obtaining a degree through the University of San Martín de Porres.

She stands out for having great ability in the concrete treatment of chronic depression, very high levels of work stress and in complicated grief situations.

Miryam Cecilia Barturen Torres He completed his basic studies in Psychology at the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University and after a while, he decided to specialize in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy conducting a course focused on its application through the well-known Center for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of Lime.

With his help we will be able to face in a much more successful way some difficulties, unfortunately so such as depression, a case of social phobia or a possible disorder of the feeding.

Mauricio Murcia She has a degree in Psychology from the Peruvian University of Los Andes and has a Master's degree awarded by the famous University of São Paulo, specialized in the interesting field of Psychology Clinic.

On the other hand, we should also know that this specialist has extensive experience in treating depression, suicidal ideations, anxiety and panic attacks.

Luciana Lucar Flores She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Lima and also has a specialized training degree in Couple Therapy issued by the Center for Cognitive Therapy Psicotrec of Peru.

Together with this specialist we will be more likely to be able to successfully face some of our most personal difficulties, being some clear examples of these a very severe depression, an anxiety problem or even a disorder of the conduct.

Carlos Lescano Bravo He is a registered psychologist with more than 20 years of experience, a time thanks to which this specialist has obtained great skill in treating all kinds of problems.

Among the difficulties that are most often treated, there are some that we may know, such as the famous work stress, low self-esteem or erectile dysfunction.

Libbera It is a psychological office formed by a great team of professionals who are experts in the treatment of what they call self-destructive behaviors.

To a large extent they specialize specifically in the treatment of addictions and eating disorders although They can also help us, in the event that we are going through a depression or a difficulty that is related to our anxiety.

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