Education, study and knowledge

Psychologists in Sant Vicent del Raspeig


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The Psicode Institute is a benchmark within Psychology in Spain. There are more than 5000 patients treated since the inauguration of the center in 2006 and three locations: Madrid, Alicante and Valladolid, in addition to online therapy and Europe, the US and Latin America. We carry out your treatment in as few sessions as possible and you will feel much better after just a few therapy sessions. We work with short therapies and scientifically validated techniques that work in the short term. Each therapy session will be useful to you and will help you feel better and achieve your goals. Among our specialties, couples and sexual therapy stand out, as well as the treatment of emotional problems, obsessions, anxiety and depression.


Verified professional

I have been treating patients for more than 17 years and during these years of experience, I have also been able to train other psychologists and supervise their clinical cases. My orientation is cognitive behaviors, using EMDR and Mindfulness techniques among others. I do trainings at the official college of psychologists in Madrid, I teach Masterclass in Prestigious universities and I am an internship tutor for students studying the Master Psychologist General Sanitary. I lead a team of 14 people at the Psicode Institute and I am a collaborator in the media writing psychology articles for El Mundo, el País, Informativos Telecinco,... By chance one day I wrote a therapeutic story ("The three treasures of Martin") and it was published. Today it is support material in work of emotions for the educational programs of UNESCO.

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My name is Carlos, I have a degree in psychology. If you have behavior problems, addictions to new technologies, self-esteem problems, anger, anxiety or depression, I can help you if you need me.


Hello, My name is Sara and I am a Psychologist. I have extensive experience treating people of all ages. Psychology is my greatest passion. If you are going through a bad time and you can't find your way again, or you just want to learn more about yourself and how to improve, ask me. Remember that we must do something different to find different results.

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Psychologists in Las Rozas de Madrid

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