Respectful parenting of children: 6 tips for parents
As parents, one of the most difficult things to achieve when raising young children is knowing how to set limits for them; make them learn to adapt their behavior to certain norms, for their own good and that of others.
As a result, they sometimes fall into the short-termism trap, either by indulging in whatever they ask to prevent tantrums or by almost completely restricting their movements. Neither of these two apparent solutions is adequate for children to develop healthy ways of interacting with the environment and with others.
In this article we will see some tips for apply a respectful upbringing of sons and daughters to the day-to-day family, so that they incorporate consistent norms of behavior into their habits.
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Tips for applying respectful parenting with your children
These are some basic tips that you can add to your parenting strategies for your little ones to educate them and relate to them from respect and empathy, setting limits but without falling into confrontation constantly.
1. Explain what is okay and what is not
As much as they are young children, they need to understand the why of the rules they must follow, and if you do adapting your explanations to the type of concepts with which they have become familiar, it will not cost them to understand it.
That they are very young does not mean that they should function from ignorance, on the contrary: if there is something they do not know, such as everyone, they tend to come up with possible explanations, so you better help them not stray too far from the reality.
2. Focus on encouraging appropriate behavior
Instead of focusing your attention on preventing little ones from misbehaving, take the opposite approach. This is; do your best to get them to behave appropriately. This simple change in mindset will go a long way to helping you be consistent in developing respectful parenting.
3. Highlight your progress
When you see that your son or daughter takes steps in the right direction, it is important that you let her know that she is doing well, and that you do it in the moment, without waiting too long. That way it will be easier for you link that satisfying feeling to the behavior you just performed.
4. Teach him the importance of repairing the damage
Another aspect of respectful parenting is that it is not limited to putting an end to evil behavior through punishment, but takes a much more constructive perspective in which everyone wins.
If a child does something wrong, the logic to adopt is to repair the damage caused to other people. In this way, not only are others compensated, but the child is offered a way to redeem himself that makes him feel good about yourself, instead of taking the role of passive recipient of a penalty: participate in the solution.
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5. Spend time together
This is another aspect of respectful parenting that is often overlooked. Spending time together is not only essential to establish an affective bond with everything that involves; In addition, it is important so that the moments in which you implement rules are not seen by the minor as the only significant interactions that you have with him, which favors a hostile climate and rejection towards those rules of behaviour.
6. As an example
On the other hand, set an example as much as you can, because the importance of rules is expressed through actions, not just words. What's more, If he believes that a rule is only set for him, the child will feel that he is suffering an injustice, with which it can be that it rejects almost all the norms in general.
In those things in which you do not meet the same standards as the little one because of the difference in age (for example, when it comes to going outside without anyone else), make sure he understands this.
Professional assistance for parents
On many occasions, it is necessary to have the help of professionals to establish appropriate respectful parenting dynamics: no It is always easy to find the balance between setting rules and leaving freedom for them to have fun and develop their own autonomy. So, many psychologists are trained to help families in this regard both through counseling or therapy for parents and through child and adolescent therapy.

On the Institute of Psychode Psychology, a psychological assistance center located in Madrid, we have been offering this kind of services for more than a decade. You can count on us both in person and through online therapy. You will find more information about our center at this page.
Bibliographic references:
- Cantero, M.P. (2011). History And Concepts Of Developmental Psychology. Human Development Psychology. University Club.
- Cromdal, J. (2009). Childhood and social interaction in everyday life: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Pragmatics. 41 (8): 1473 - 1476.
- Palacios, J.; Marchesi, A. and Coll, C. (1999). Psychological Development and Education, Vol. 1: Evolutionary Psychology. Madrid: Editorial Alliance.
- Shaffer, D. R. and Kipp, K. (2007). Developmental psychology. Childhood and adolescence (7th. Ed.). Mexico: Thompson.