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Romanization process of the Iberian Peninsula

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In this video of History of Spain I will explain to you the process of romanization of the Iberian Peninsula complementing the video of the first settlers of the peninsula.

Romanization, which is the process of acculturation by which the peoples conquered by Rome were gradually acquiring its civilization, it began with the Roman conquest of the Peninsula, which we can divide into three stages:

- 1st Stage (218-197 a.0) Conquest of the east and south of the Peninsula.

- 2nd Stage (154-133 a.0) Conquest of the west and the center of the Peninsula.

- 3rd Stage (29-19 a.0) Conquest of the north of the Peninsula.

After introducing elements of their social and cultural organization, they met with the indigenous tribes, of which the Romans ended up imposing and in this way conquering the Iberian Peninsula founding a large number of cities throughout the territory.

If you want to know all the details, do not miss the video and practice with the exercises printables that we leave you below, you can also write to me on this page if you have any questions.

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