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The 10 best Psychology Clinics in Majadahonda

In Vaguada del Arcipreste 2 street, we find in the heart of Majadahonda one of the best clinics in this municipality of the Community of Madrid.

The psychotherapy clinic Psychologists Majadahonda It is made up of a team of five psychology professionals who cover and give therapy to a wide range of psychological ailments.

These psychologists cover and can give therapy to a wide range of psychological ailments and relational disorders such as anxiety disorder, low self-esteem, emotional dependence, sexual dysfunctions, agoraphobia, fear of public speaking, bipolar disorder ...

In addition, they also offer psychological assistance to couples who are in a period of crisis and need psychological assistance to thus enhance communication between the two, deal with jealousy, increase passion and affection or increase positive behaviors between both of them.

On the other hand, they also offer psychotherapy for children who are going through situations of abuse or who have aggressive behaviors, addiction to new technologies, hyperactivity ...

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The Psychology Center PSiCOBAi It is a psychotherapy center especially recommended for those seeking therapy for children and adolescents, or to treat emotional problems.

This entity is directed by the psychologist Romina Paola Giarusso, who has been treating patients of all ages and treating cases for more than a decade. in which there are problems such as depression, work stress, phobias, couple conflicts, generalized anxiety, trauma, low self-esteem, etc.

The psychologist Maria González Aller-Zavala He has an experience of more than 20 years in which he has specialized in addressing all kinds of problems in the fields of clinical and educational psychology. In addition to that, their intervention is comprehensive and Cognitive-behavioral based, one of the most used by professionals and adapted to the specific characteristics of each particular case.

Furthermore, in the academic field, María González-Aller Zavala is co-author of the book “Difficult situations in therapy ”, an indispensable reference work among psychology students at the Complutense University of Madrid.

For all this, we can highlight this psychologist as one of the most recommended and qualified professionals in Majadahonda, in whose consultation addresses, among other demands, cases of anxiety and depression, trauma of all kinds and cases of violence against gender.

The Clinical Psychologist Rebeca Carrasco She attends to children, adolescents, adults and also couples in her private practice in Majadahonda, where she offers an online or face-to-face therapy service.

This therapist is Graduated in Health and Educational Psychology, she has a Master in General Health Psychology, a Master in Clinical Psychology, another Master in Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and is part of the Institute of Psychotherapy Relational.

His intervention integrates various therapies with proven empirical evidence and some of his specialties are anxiety disorders and depression, emotional dependence, trauma, pathological grief, low self-esteem, Covid-19 disorders, and highly sensitive.

Andrés García Notary He is a psychologist with 25 years of professional experience in this field, and today he works both as a psychotherapist and as a teacher in the university context.

This Doctor of Psychology deals mainly with problems such as depression, anxiety disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, addictions, work stress, family and relationship conflicts, and more.

The clinic Serena Psychology Online has a team of professionals specialized in providing a professional psychological care service to women of all ages, as well as couples.

The sessions of this center are offered online with all the comforts for the person attended, as well as with a great flexibility of schedules adapted to their personal needs.

All the therapists at the Serena Psychology Center are qualified and specialized in treating anxiety disorders, depression, addictions, family conflicts, sex addiction, low self-esteem, relationship problems or difficulties sexual.

The psychology therapy clinic Anchor It has its main headquarters in the Gran Vía de Majadahonda, as well as having two more in central Madrid and southern Madrid.

It is registered as a Health Center of the Community of Madrid and a dozen professionals from the field form a team in it. psychology, thus covering a wide spectrum of psychological problems and mental disorders to which to offer treatment.

Áncora offers psychological treatment to individuals, children and adults as well as to groups, families and couples. The clinic has been active since 2012 and currently has several psychologists, a psychiatrist and a neuropsychologist / speech therapist.

In addition, if you are looking for workshops to enhance social skills, increase your assertiveness or relaxation courses, you can also find them in this clinic.

On Avenida de los Reyes Católicos we can find another of the most recommended clinics if we are looking for psychological therapy in Majadahonda: Act Psychologists.

The cabinet is made up of three psychologists: Lidia Carmena, expert in Systemic Couples Therapy, Sara Barbeito, an expert in couples therapy and Irene Colastra who is an expert in Psychogy and Coaching Sports.

The working method used in Actúa is based on the personalization of the treatment for each patient and that the results of this remain in time. To achieve this, they follow three steps, the first is the evaluation of the problem in order to give way to therapeutic intervention. Once psychologically intervened, a follow-up is done to avoid relapses.

Among the specialties of these professionals are anxiety disorders, sleep disturbances, hypochondria and addictions.

On Calle Hernán Cortés 4 we find in the heart of Majadahonda a psychological therapy clinic focused especially on children and adolescents, Communicate Center.

This clinic has been open for more than 10 years and has more than 20 psychologists specialized in child and adolescent psychology. The team is divided into 4 departments: psychology, speech therapy and speech therapy, psychopedagogy, and physiotherapy, stimulation and psychomotor skills.

Thanks to the training and experience of this extensive therapy team, the Comunica psychotherapy clinic is now specialized in intervention in cases such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the Autism Spectrum Disorders (TORCH).

The clinic Bliss It is another of the most recommended options in terms of psychology clinics in Majadahonda if we seek psychotherapy to treat our psychological problems.

Ana Saro She is the professional in charge of the center and has extensive experience in the field of psychology. She graduated in 1996 and founded Bliss in 2012, so her more than 20 years of experience endorse it as one of the best options we have in this Spanish town.

At Bliss, psychological therapy is offered to children and adolescents as well as to adults and the elderly.

Among the therapies offered here we find family therapy, adolescent therapy, therapy to children and in addition to offering assistance in person, you can also count on receiving therapy via Skype In addition, if what you are looking for are Mindfulness courses, you can find them in Bliss.

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