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Background to the war in Yugoslavia

Background to the war in Yugoslavia

At the end of the 20th century the separation of two great nations took place which gave rise to a large number of new countries, this being a total change in the territorial reality of Europe. One of these regions was Yugoslavia, whose separation by the Yugoslav wars brought the birth of many of the countries we know today. To talk about the main events that led so many territories to seek their independence in this lesson from a PROFESSOR, we are going to talk about the background of the Yugoslavia war.

The Yugoslav Wars were a series of numerous conflicts that took place in the Yugoslavia regionbetween 1991 and 2001, causing all of them a series of independences and births of new regions that ended with the nation of Yugoslavia. The 6 wars that took place are often called the Yugoslav wars, Yugoslavia war or balkan war.

There are many Causesthat led to this great confrontation, but were mainly caused by religious and ethnic struggles between the different peoples that made up Yugoslavia, being a nation created by the union of very different cultures that finally led to a cultural clash that prevented the region from being able to maintain itself as it was until then. moment.

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The 6 Yugoslav wars: countries in conflict

To better understand the great breadth of the conflict, we must list the numerous wars that made up this event, and therefore we must explain what happened in each of the events below. The conflicts that are part of the Yugoslav wars are as follows:

  • Slovenian WarKnown as the Ten Day War, it was the war that pitted Slovenia against Yugoslavia.
  • Croatian War: A war between Croatia and Yugoslavia that had an important appearance of a Croatian minority who wanted to join Serbia.
  • Bosnian War: Confrontation between Bosnia and a union of Serbia and Yugoslavia caused by the independence of Slovenia and Croatia.
  • Croatian-Bosnian War: A short confrontation between the already independent Croatia and Bosnia.
  • Kosovo war: Confrontation between Yugoslavia and Kosovo, the latter being a nation that is still on the way to being considered a nation of its own.

To continue this lesson from a PROFESSOR we must talk about the many antecedents of the Yugoslavia war, to know the facts that created a series of conflicts of such relevance and understand the importance that a series of actions may have in the birth of new regions.

The influence of World War II

Weaken herad from Yugoslavia during World War II it was exploited by the Axis powers to create a kind of state controlled by them in the area of ​​Croatia and Bosnia, their intention being to increase their influence in the Yugoslav area. The policy of this puppet fascist government was that of a genocidal attack on the Serbs, causing serious confrontation between Serbs and Croats that would only end with the arrival of the Federal Republic Yugoslav Socialist, although the tensions between the two cultures were maintained and were an important cause of the war of Yugoslavia.

The fall of communism

From the formation of the state and until shortly before the beginning of the Yugoslav wars, the predominant ideology of the region was the communism, due in part to the great influence of the USSR. The weakness of communism, which would lead to the end of the USSR and the beginning of a series of independence movements they were an important antecedent for the beginning of the wars.

The religious factor

One of the main antecedents of the Yugoslav war due to the great tension it caused in Yugoslav society at the time was the religious factor, since in the Bosnian area the predominant religion was the muslim and in the Serbian area the Christianity it was the most important religion. Yugoslavia had been born from the union of very different peoples, and the clash of Muslim, Christian and Orthodox ideas had caused disputes and confrontation from its origin, serving only to increase the confrontation between the different cultures that made up Yugoslavia.

Ethnic struggles

Yugoslavia was a multi-ethnic region which was made up of very different zones, both in language and in thought, and this made it very difficult for there was a climate of unitary patriotism, since in many cases the citizens of one area did not speak with those of another due to their great differences cultural Ethnic differences is what led to the birth of nationalisms, being a key antecedent of the war.

Economic crisis

In the years prior to the separation of Yugoslavia the nation suffered a series of economic problems caused in large part by a series of debts he had incurred in the 1970s. The Yugoslav governments were unable to improve the economy in the following years, and this created a series of demonstrations and discontent that increased the tension in the region.

Serbian intervention

Serbian participation was key in all the confrontations that took place during the war in Yugoslavia, creating in the region an idea that Serbia should defeat Yugoslavia to end the hatred of the different Yugoslav regions against Serbia The participation of the Serbs is a key antecedent, since without their appearance we do not know what could have happened in the war.

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