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5 differences between ANARCHISM and COMMUNISM

Anarchism and Communism: Differences

The differences between anarchism and communism They refer to the existence of parties, to the presence of the State, to the type of property... In a Teacher we tell you.

He XIX century was marked by the appearance of new currents of thought, which sought to achieve great changes in the political and economic systems of Western societies, being currents that considered that capitalism was a failed system and therefore get a new model for their nations. Two of these currents were anarchism and communism, and for this reason in this lesson by a Professor we must talk about differences between anarchism and communism.

Before getting to know the differences between anarchism and communism, it is essential that we understand the meaning of both terms well. We'll start with the definition of anarchism.

It is known as anarchism to a political and social system characterized by defend the absence of a government in managing a nation. This current was born at the beginning of the 19th century at the hands of William Godwin, whose objective was to find a system that could replace capitalism.

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Anarchist thinkers consider that men are good by nature and it is society that corrupts them, and therefore human beings could live without laws and without restrictions, since no one would bother the rest. Anarchists think that it is the existence of the government that makes the human being evil.

Characteristics of anarchism

To better understand anarchism, we must list some of its main characteristics, so that later we can differentiate it from communism. The main characteristics of anarchism are the following:

  • He believes in the total freedom and autonomy of people. There should be no control for them.
  • The anarchists are in favor of the total elimination of the government, political parties and any other institution that can cut people's freedom.
  • Consider that there should be no private property since it is one of the biggest causes of inequality.
  • Consider that education is a higher value of the world, as it is necessary for people to understand how freedom works and the importance of anarchism.
  • Rejects the existence of social classes, since they are one of the biggest causes of inequality.

He communism It is a social, political and economic system that seeks to create a society in which there are no social classes or private property, since with this a society could be created in which there were no inequalities and everyone was equal.

For much of the 20th century, communism and its variations were one of the most used systems, especially for the call Eastern Bloc or communist bloc. Currently, communism hardly exists in the world, with very few real examples, and most of them being variations of communism itself.

Characteristics of communism

To understand communism we must explain some of its characteristics, and especially to be able to define its differences from communism. For this reason, the main features of communism are the following:

  • born of the call Marxism, being the current of thought created by Marx and Engels.
  • emerges as a critique of capitalism since the idea is that capitalism is a system that can break at any time, and therefore needs a system to replace it.
  • Asks eliminate social classes, since they are an element that creates inequalities and that make that not all human beings are equal.
  • He proposes to eliminate private property, Since it is one of the elements that creates the greatest inequality, to replace it, he asks that the property become the property of the state.
  • Defends the interests of the majority above the individual interest of a person, since everyone must function as a kind of unitary group.
  • believes that there should be only one party since someone must manage the property of the State, but there must be only one so that there are no conflicts.
Anarchism and communism: differences - What is communism and characteristics

To conclude with this lesson, we must talk about the main characteristics of these systems, being something essential to understand the things in which both models do not agree.

The main differences between anarchism and communism are the following:

  1. Communism considers it essential that there be a game so that it can manage public property, while anarchism rejects any kind of political party as it sees them as part of the problem.
  2. Communism believes that the state it must be controlled for the benefit of the people, while anarchism believes that the state must disappear. Communism that a strong state is needed to maintain the system, but anarchism totally rejected this, considering that the main problem of society is the state as such.
  3. Communism believes that property it must be public, that is, it must belong to the state, while anarchism believes that there should be no property of any kind. Both reject private property, but have different ways of understanding what they should do with it after removing it.
  4. Communism believes that we all must struggle as a collective and seek the good of the majority above the individual, while anarchism considers that the most important thing is the individual freedom of each person. For this reason we can say that communism puts the group above and anarchism the individual.
  5. for communism base of society must be the workers, be they laborers or peasants, while anarchism considers that all people serve as the basis for the system. We can say that communism defends workers over employers, while anarchism defends the importance of both as long as they enter the system anarchist.
Anarchism and Communism: Differences - What are the differences between Anarchism and Communism
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