Education, study and knowledge

What is Apartheid

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "What is Apartheid".

What is Apartheid. Apartheid is a term that belongs to the Afrikaner language, a variant of the Dutchman (the Dutchman). It can be translated as separation. In fact, the idea of ​​apartheid is used as a reference to racial segregation that occurred in South Africa during the period that goes; from 1948 to 1992. It was imposed by the white minority that lived in that country. In other words, the white minority prevailed over the black majority and imposed apartheid by law. In fact, apartheid as we say, was established as law. It established differentiated places for whites and blacks, prohibited interracial marriages, gave the right to vote only to white citizens, in fact, there were schools, hospitals, means of transportation... differentiated for the white population and for the population black. There was even segregation by neighborhoods; the neighborhood of the whites (of the rich) and the neighborhoods of the blacks (the poor)

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. In fact, for decades there was great activism, many activists who fought and protested against the regime, against apartheid. Perhaps the most famous was Nelson Mandela that, due to his ideals of equality, I spent 27 years in prison and it was not until 1990 that, through of a multitude of international pressure, managed to get the government of South Africa to return Liberty. Moreover, after 4 years, in 1994, Through democratic elections he obtained for him, Nelson Mandela, the presidency from the country.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video about "What is Apartheid" and practice with the exercises that we leave you below.

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