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Summary of Indian civilization

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Indian civilization summary".

Abstract Indian civilization. We are going to try to make a very brief summary of what was the Indian civilization. The Indian civilization was born between the Indian Valley and the Ganges Valley around 2,500 BC. That is to say, between what would be Pakistan and the current north-west of India. From 1800 BC, there were the Indo-Aryan invasions. Some tribes from the northeast of India, begin to move and occupy the area of ​​the Indus and the Ganges. Which brings us to Vedic period (1,800 BC to 1,000 BC) this period is characterized by the preeminence of grazing and by the introduction of Sanskrit in these areas. Then we move on to epic period (1,000 BC to 500 BC). It is when these Indo-Aryan invaders reach the heart of India and establish, form, small independent states. This is when the caste society originates, the Vedic religion is established (which will become the matrix of what later will be the Hindu religion) and it is at this moment that India is divided between North and South. Then we move on to

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Muslim period (AD 712 to 1398). There are a number of Muslim expeditions that the sultans of Delhi have to face. Then we move on to empire of the Great Mughal, it would be the invasion of the Mughals (1483 to 1530). As we knew, India was divided into different states and the Mughals are the first to manage to unify, at least, northern India. European penetration. Already since the middle ages, different European countries (England, France especially) had reached the Indian territory and were fighting among themselves to conquer it. As we know, it was the UK the one who was erected as victor and the one who turned, over time, India into a colony of his empire. In contemporary times (Twentieth century) After a great repression, by the English, to the nationalistic wishes of India, the figure of Gandhi that through non-violence and many protests, finally succeeds in 1947 finally declaring the independence of India.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video about "Indian civilization summary" and practice with the exercises that we leave you below.

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