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The 8 best Psychologists who are experts in adolescents in Alcobendas

The psychologist Fernando Azor has an experience of more than 20 years in the field of private therapy aimed at adults, adolescents, couples and the elderly, in a wide variety of problems and disorders.

At the Azor & Asociados center, of which he is the director, this professional offers a face-to-face and online psychotherapy service, specialized in addressing problems self-esteem, deficits in anger management, cases of stress or depression, anxiety disorders, chronic diseases or problems with partner.

The professional intervention of the therapist Fernando Azor is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, applied in an integrated way with other guidelines of proven efficacy such as Therapy Cognitive-behavioral, and in its sessions "homework" is proposed from the first day, with the aim of consolidating and reinforcing the strategies for overcoming each problem that the person.

His qualifications include a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, a Master's Degree in Psychology Clinic and Health, a Master of Specialist in Expertise and Social Rehabilitation and a third Master of Specialist in Psychopharmacology.

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The professionals of TAP Center are specialized in serving adolescents of all ages in different areas of therapeutic intervention, including which include Psychotherapy, Sexology, Psychiatry, Pedagogy and also training or support for the study.

The therapeutic services of the center are comprehensive in nature, with coordination between its different therapists and are offered with a constant accompaniment to the parents of the person attended, being some of the main specialties of the center, the family conflicts, school difficulties, self-esteem problems, cases of depression, developmental disorders and addictions.

The main therapies applied in an integrated manner by the professionals of the TAP center are Family and Couples Therapy, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Brief Therapy and Mindfulness, with which they address developmental disorders, school difficulties, addictions, self-esteem problems and management problems emotional.

The psychologist and coach Encarni Ayoso attends all kinds of disorders and consultations related to eating and also psychological pathologies of all kinds, in adults, young people and adolescents.

Some of the main sources of discomfort that this professional addresses in her practice are disorders of the eating behavior, anxiety disorders, unhealthy eating habits, self-esteem problems or the overweight.

His professional qualifications include a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology and of Health, a Master in Nutritional Dietetics, a course in Nutritional Coaching and another Master in Resources Humans.

The psychologist Angeles Lopez Lopez She is part of the team of professionals at the Alcobendas Psychologists and Psychiatrists Center, where serves adults, teens, and couples who are having a hard time or need support professional.

Graduated in Law and Psychology from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, this therapist has specialized in addressing psychosomatic disorders, anxiety disorders, hypochondria, relationship problems, family conflicts and in offering legal advice in custody and custody of minors.

The therapist Maria Díez Alvarez She has a degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, has a Postgraduate Degree in Psychodiagnosis and Psychotherapy and is a Specialist in Clinical Psychology and in Psychotherapy by Europsy.

This Health Psychologist has an experience of more than 20 years and currently she serves adolescents, adults, couples and families who may present any problem in the emotional, cognitive or behavioral fields, through psychological therapies based on the scientific method and different techniques neuropsychological.

In addition to that, some of her main intervention specialties are adjustment disorders, low self-esteem, bipolar affective disorder, grieving processes, depression, and conduct.

The psychologist Maria Jose Martin Vazquez She attends in her consultation to children and adolescents of all ages, through an integrated application of different therapies and in face-to-face or online sessions.

Graduated in Psychology from the UNED in 2001, this therapist also has a Master's degree in EMDR Psychotherapy, a Doctorate in Medicine from the University of Alcalá de Henares and she is a specialist in Forensic psychology.

Some of the therapies that she applies in her consultation are Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and EMDR Therapy, with which she addresses cases of depression, adjustment disorders, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Sandra Hontanilla She is a licensed Health Psychologist who runs her own psychotherapy center in Alcobendas, where she attends to adolescents and young people of all ages through a Brief type therapy, integrated together with EMDR Therapy, between other

Some of the main reasons for consultation that this professional addresses in her workplace, both in person and remotely are conduct disorders, bullying, anxiety and depression, sleep disturbances and problems in controlling impulses.

The psychologist Alejandra Ranz She also serves adolescents who need psychological support, through personalized therapy, offered both online and in person.

The main focus of this professional is cognitive-behavioral, a tool with which she addresses academic problems, deficits in impulse control, difficulties related to sexuality, emotional problems and anxiety.

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