Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Eugenia Cavero Gandarias

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I help people to free themselves from the emotional burden of anguish-anxiety, sadness-loneliness-depression, anger-anger, to better relate to themselves and to others, managing better all your emotions and possible traumas and wounds from the past through techniques of high emotional impact in just three sessions, thus improving your self-esteem, confidence, security and peace mental. I do a pre-session without commitment by phone for half an hour.

I get great openness from the person on a conscious and unconscious level so that they can heal their conflicts by developing a great connection, affinity and commitment from the beginning. Great communication skills by being a trainer in emotional management, thus helping to understand and feel where the problem is and how to solve it with tools that can be applied later.

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Specialized in nervousness, anxiety, stress management, anger, sadness, fears, wounds and past traumas. She used modern techniques in psychology, achieving results in a few sessions.

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