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Who were the reds in the Franco regime

Who were the reds in the Franco regime

One of the warlike events that has influenced Spain to a greater extent in its history has been the Spanish Civil War. This war split the country in two, a republican part and a nationalist part, separated by very different ideals. The confrontation led to both sides being given a nickname that was intended to be pejorative, with “fachas” being the nationalist nickname and “reds” the nickname of the Republican side. Due to the importance of this confrontation, today in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about who were the reds in the Franco regime so that you know better this period of our history.

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  1. Brief introduction to the Spanish Civil War
  2. The Reds in the Civil War and Franco
  3. Foreign support in the Spanish Civil War

Brief introduction to the Spanish Civil War.

To understand who the "reds" were, we must first understand the war in which they participated, one of the worst wars that Spain has lived through throughout its history, and whose consequences influenced the country's politics during decades. In this other lesson we will discover the

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sides that fought in the Spanish Civil War.

The Spanish Civil War or Spanish War was a social, political and armed conflict that was unleashed after the failure of the Coup d'état of 1936. The war spanned from 1936 to 1939, with the victory of the rebellious or nationalist side, which led to the beginning of the Franco regime.

There are several consequences that the Civil War entailed in the Hispanic country, affecting numerous sectors of society, some of the consequences were the following:

  • Demographic: A large increase in mortality and a decrease in the birth rate, which marked the Spanish population pyramid for decades
  • Materials: Loss of artistic heritage and destruction of cities.
  • Intellectuals: Exile of numerous intellectuals of the time who supported the losing side in the war.
  • Policies: Great repression on both sides, and exile of most of the politicians on the Republican side.
Who were the Reds in Francoism - Brief introduction to the Spanish Civil War

Image: Colomabea's Blog -

The Reds in the Civil War and the Franco regime.

The "reds" was the way in which some members of the nationalist camp pejoratively called the members of the republican side. The Republican side was made up of a union of left-wing parties, these parties were:

  • Republican Union
  • Communist Party of Spain (PCE)
  • Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE)
  • Workers' Party of Marxist Unification (POUM)
  • Republican Esquerra de Catalunya (ERC)
  • Basque Nationalist Party (PNV)

As we can see, the parties that formed the side of the "reds" were the pRepublican parties, leftist parties, the parties closest to communism, and the nationalist parties. The approach of some parties to socialism is the reason why members of the Republican side were called "red."

But this side was not conformed only by the aforementioned organizations, since a large part of the anarchist institutionsthey supported the Republican side. The two main ones were the National Labor Confederation (CNT) and the General Workers Union (UGT), made up largely of the working classes. Both supported this side for having an ideology closer to theirs than the rebellious side.

In general, the areas that supported the Republican cause were the most industrialized and developed, the Mediterranean area being especially important.

Foreign support in the Spanish Civil War.

To continue with this lesson of who were the reds under Franco, we must talk about the international support received by the side of the "reds", since the aid of a specific country has a large part of the fault that the Republican side was nicknamed with this name.

The Republican side was not only made up of Spaniards, since they received help from abroad, yes, less than the nationalist side. It should be known that there was a International Non-Intervention Committee, so that countries could not help either side in the war, but some states influenced the war as well. Mainly there were two powers that helped the Republicans, Mexico and the USSR.

The main country that supported the Republican side was the USSR, closer to the ideas of this group than other countries. The eastern country contributed endless resources to the republican cause, such as tanks, food or ammunition. The aid of the USSR is one of the reasons why the members of the republican side were called “reds”.

Mexico was the other country that gave great support to the “republican” side, the good relationship that the Mexican president had with the Republican leaders made Mexico one of the few countries that will officially help this side.

In this other lesson we will discover what the countries involved in the Spanish civil war.

Who were the Reds in Francoism - Foreign support in the Spanish Civil War

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