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America in World War II: Summary

Historically, the United States has always been considered a key country for the victory of the Allies during World War II, since although it took years to intervene, its entry was vital to turn the war around. To know in depth the American role in the war in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we offer you a summary of the United States in World War II.

Although the Second World War started in 1939 when the Hitler's Germany invaded Poland, the entry of the United States did not take place until many years later. At first, the war was a confrontation between the Allies formed by the United Kingdom and France and the Axis Powers formed by Germany, Italy and Japan.

During this first period, the President of the United States Roosevelt said it was going to be neutral and indifferent, although the reality is that the entire American government considered that the Axis fascism was a great danger for the liberalism and capitalism of your nation. The idea of ​​the United States was not to intervene until the fate of the war was more or less clear, especially due to the great distance of the nation from the European and Asian war.

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The first interventions of the United States were the arms sale with great technology to the United Kingdom, selling them for money and also for occupying military bases in the Atlantic area in areas that were English territory. When the United Kingdom ran out of money to buy the United States government established a rental system of products, giving them weapons for free, but that in the future would be charged with interest to the coffers English.

While the intervention in Europe was based only on the sale of arms, in the Asian area the same was not the case, since Japan's invasion of regions such as China or Manchuria it had caused the tension between the Americans and the Japanese to grow, prompting the United States to ban exports with Japan to sink its economy.

With all this situation, it came 1941 in a situation that seemed clear that Japan could start an attack at any moment against the Atlantic bases of the United States. It was at this time that the Japanese attack on the base of Pearl harbor, causing the entrance of the United States in World War II.

The United States entered World War II on December 7, 1941. The entry of the United States was a total change to the evolution of war, entering a nation with great technology and a large number of combatants to a war in which the opponents had already suffered many casualties. The enormous production of planes and ships by the United States changed the war in the Pacific, which looked like it was going to be won by the Japanese.

Once the landscape in the war against Japan changed, the Americans turned to Europe to try to defeat germany who considered himself the leader of the Axis Powers. The first step in increasing the tension against Germany was send US troops to the North African area to try to finish off the Italian forces located in the area. This great increase of troops made that in a short period of time the Allied forces were able to take the capital of Rome and finish with one of the greatest allies of Germany.

Two days after taking Rome, the Normandy's landing, in which a huge number of allied troops entered from the sea and occupied the Norman region. The great performance made in two months the Americans liberate Paris from German hands and they will reach the borders of Germany. Shortly after, thanks to the help of the Soviets, the Allies took the city of Berlin, defeating the Germans and ending Hitler's government.

After the war against the Germans ended, the United States remained in war against japan, ending when, after dropping the well-known nuclear bombs, the Japanese surrendered to the imposing US military power.

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