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Exact date of the start and end of the First World War

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Exact date of the start and end of the First World War

The exact date of the start of the First World War was the June 28, 1914 and the exact date of the end was the November 11, 1918.

The First World War is also known as the Great War since all the great industrial and military powers of the time were involved in it. It began a month after Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian crown, was assassinated in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. After this event and for the next four years, Europe found itself immersed in one of the deadliest war conflicts of humanity with more of seventy million mobilized combatants and that ended on November 11, 1918 when Germany agreed to put an end to the enmity of the side ally.

Next in this lesson from a TEACHER we will discover the exact date of the beginning and end of the First World War as well as the causes and development of this important warlike conflict.

The exact date of the start of the First World War the June 28, 1914, which coincides with the day of the murder of the heir to the Austrian crown.

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At the beginning of the 20th century, most of the European countries were part of a complex system of alliances, whose main objective was to take control of the colonial territories that were initially in North Africa and the areas of the Balkans.

These alliances began to be forged in Bismarck's time between 1870 and 1890 and after several signed alliances it concluded in the Triple Alliance formed by Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Italy and in front of this arose in 1907 the Triple Entente formed by France, Russia and the United Kingdom.

In this video we discover you Europe before the First World War so you know how the continent was at that time.

On June 28 the successor to the Austrian crown was assassinated in Sarajevo, by a Serbian nationalist. This fact made the Austro-Hungarian Empire declare war on Serbia. From this moment, the game of alliances between the different powers began, as Russia gathered her troops to ally with Serbia and this caused the Germans to declare war on Russia and, in turn, Russia's allied France declared war on Germany. The latter's invasion of neutral Belgium caused the United Kingdom to be an ally of France and Russia to declare war on Germany.

Germany's plan was to enter through Belgium and Luxembourg to attack France more quickly (western front), but they managed to stop the advance on the Battle of Marne, however, there was no significant advance by both sides, although it was based on a brutal Trench War that lasted three years.

In 1916 again France and Germany were faced in Batalla de Verdún but again they were with the resistance of the French. On the other hand, on the eastern front, Germany attacked Russia with the difference with respect to France that they defeated them without any difficulty at the Battle of Tannemberg and the Battle of the Lakes Masurians.

After this defeat, the Russians reestablished peace with Germany and Italy, which until then had been declared neutral even having signed its agreement with the Triple Alliance, it is passed to the opposite side, the Triple Entente. The war also spread through the seas, it is when the United Kingdom enters war with Germany after having sunk two ships of the American crew with its submarines.

And again finally in 1918 Germany launched another offensive against France, which, strengthened with the help of the United Kingdom, now emerged victorious in the second battle of Marne, which caused the withdrawal of the German army.

In this video of a PROFESSOR we discover the development of the First World Warin charge of an expert teacher in the field.

Map: IES Gran Capitán

Exact date of the beginning and end of the First World War - Development of the conflict

After this conflict the representatives of the powers that had won the war met in Paris to prepare different peace treaties where the punishments that would be imposed on the countries would be shown defeated.

There were four signed treaties but it is worth noting the Treaty of Versailles which was carried out on the basis that Germany was responsible for the start of the conflict. This treaty forced to return all the colonies that it had overseas as well as a large part of its national territory, to limit the number of soldiers that made up his army, not to manufacture more weapons and to pay large compensation to the victors.

All this added to the notable demographic as well as economic losses and a deep territorial restructuring of all Europe with the appearance of the new states. In this other article you can see Europe after the First World War.

Map: josele!

Exact date of the start and end of the First World War - Aftermath of the First World War

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