Education, study and knowledge

The Battle of Midway

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "The Battle of Midway ".

The Battle of Midway, to find out where we are, is the air-naval conflict that developed during World War II in the peaceful. That is to say, it pitted the American forces against the Japanese imperial forces. This battle took place between June 4-7, 1942 near Midway Atoll.

The Japanese plan was to attack said atoll because there was an American air base there. The Japanese imperial fleet is heading there (what happens and what the Japanese did not know was that; a short time before, the American secret services had managed to decipher a secret message from the Japanese in which it was suspected that they were going to invade the atoll). With which, the American fleet could be prepared and plan the battle more satisfactorily. The Japanese Imperial Fleet lost. At this time (June 7) there is a turning point in the war that causes the Japanese to lose the initiative and the Americans begin to resurface and get more and more territories, islands... approaching Japan. Let's go straight to "what was the battle".

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The Imperial Japanese fleet arrives with 4 aircraft carriers and other ships, they make the Japanese fighters take off from the aircraft carriers to bomb all the facilities of that American base. They manage to destroy many things but they cannot completely disable the planes or the runways. It is at this time when the Japanese fighters are bombarding the island, that they realize that the fleet of USA is coming. With which, it takes them by surprise, unprepared. Japan is in the situation of what to do? keep attacking the island or head to attack this American fleet? During this brief period of time the Americans take off the fighters of their aircraft carriers, with which, they the Japanese by surprise and manage to destroy 3 of the 4 aircraft carriers of the 4 Japanese that had gone to attack the Island. I mean... they nearly annihilated the Japanese fleet.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "The Battle of Midway"and practice with the exercises that we leave you next.

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