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How do you work on self-esteem from coaching?

Normally, when defining self-esteem, it is said that this is the feeling that appears when accepting oneself, associated with the set of beliefs in what we are capable of doing. In other words, it is our way of evaluating ourselves based on the experience we have gained by facing challenges and analyzing the results of these missions and projects.

So, self-esteem is essential when it comes to promoting our personal development and create the conditions that make it possible for us to reach the objectives we set for ourselves.

Feeding our self-esteem is to enhance the belief that as human beings we are autonomous and can live with dignity and possibility of being happy, which leads us to be more sure of ourselves and to enjoy a stronger confidence in our skills. Thus we expand the radius of our strategies and actions aimed at being happy.

Thus, it is not uncommon for one of the goals of coaching to focus on self-esteem. Let's see how it is done and how it is possible to detect problems in this facet of the psyche.

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Bringing self-esteem from coaching

To know how you can intervene on self-esteem through coaching, you must first understand how low or high self-esteem is expressed. All of it should be seen by analyzing the behavior of people in various aspects of life.

Signs of high self-esteem

But... what can be done to know where our self-esteem is? Let's look at several of the characteristics that define those who have an adequate level of self-esteem.

1. Set career goals and achieve them

There are always bad times and bad luck, but generally, people with good self-esteem are better able to set goals and act accordingly to achieve them, because do not spoil your potential.

2. Self-confidence is expressed

Those who have good self-esteem show themselves in a way that is consistent with their real abilities, without the need to pretend what they are not, since does not have strong insecurities to compensate.

3. Develop balanced emotional bonds

When you have a realistic self-concept that makes us feel good about ourselves, interpersonal conflicts are less common. That is why it is possible to maintain better quality friendships and love relationships.

4. Accept their emotions

As there is nothing to hide or be ashamed of, it does not make much sense to feel very bad for having felt something that does not fit with certain values ​​or principles. In any case, the causes of this state of consciousness are analyzed.

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Indicators of low self-esteem

If instead of focusing on what indicates the presence of good self-esteem we look at the signs of that it is necessary to improve this part of our way of being, we will find the following indicators of self-esteem short.

1. Pessimistic bias

Those with poor self-esteem predict failure and disappointing results for any project or plan they undertake, since they are not overly confident in their chances of succeeding.

2. They project their feelings of guilt

It is very common that in this psychological state one tends to discharge frustration on others, blaming others for their own mistakes, since this dynamic is learned as a systematic way from not constantly directing attention to oneself when something goes wrong.

3. They always try to compete

As paradoxical as it may sound, people with low self-esteem try to compensate for their feeling of discomfort turning various areas of your life into a competition, in order to have the opportunity to, from time to time, feel like a winner in something.

4. They hide many of their feelings

Another characteristic of those who go through this phase of their life is that they tend to hide much of what they feel, since they fear the rejection that this could generate in others.

5. Egocentrism

Another of the ironic aspects of low self-esteem is that in many cases it is reflected through a tendency to self-centeredness. Is about a way to hide your insecurities through a facade of arrogance and apparent legitimacy to make the important decisions, of so that all their value in the face of others rests only in the image that they offer (or that they try to offer).

How do you work this from coaching?

With what we have seen so far, we already know the two poles that make up the level of self-esteem of people. But... what do you do from coaching to help people improve in this regard?

1. Accept reality

This task is essential to start from a realistic analysis of who you are and what you can become, without denying reality.

2. Assume responsibilities

This step is essential. Without accepting responsibility, you cannot become autonomous and you always depend on others.

3. Validate your own feelings

Take into account that what you feel is real and valid helps to trust your own criteria.

4. Find purposes

Knowing how to locate goals to aspire to brings an important boost to our lives, and activates us.

5. Practice of personal integrity

This allows us to generate a coherent self-concept that encourages us to trust ourselves and approve what we are and do.

6. Boost self-acceptance

This is based on valuing ourselves without judging who we are from an unattainable moral position and learning to forgive ourselves for our mistakes without the appearance of a discomfort that weighs us down.

How to start?

European School of Coaching

When it comes to learning the theoretical and practical foundations to improve self-esteem through coaching, there are several courses and workshops that allow you to do this with expert supervision.

The Certification Program in Executive Coaching of the European School of Coaching is a very good example of this, given that both its blended version and its face-to-face version touch on the most complicated aspects of the process applied to personal life and to the field of leadership and business, in addition to many other subjects such as the regulation of emotions or social and communication skills.

Also, at the end of this program The Executive Coach Title is obtained by EEC with ACTP accreditation from the International Coach Federation. To learn more about this learning and professional development option, Click here.

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