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Most important World WAR II treaties

Treaties of World War II

In any war the treaties gain enormous relevance, being elements that can greatly change the events that occurred during the conflict, being able to change territories, create or destroy alliances or bring peace. To talk about the treaties of one of the greatest wars in history in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we must talk about the WWII treaties.

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  1. Military alliances
  2. Territorial agreements in World War II
  3. Peace treaties in World War II

Military alliances.

We began to know the treaties of the Second World War by mentioning those of a military nature. One of the most important treaties of the war is the military, being those that form the alliances that make up the sides during the war, but also serving to carry out non-aggression pacts.

Anglo-Soviet Agreement

It was a military alliance agreement signed by UK and USSR in 1941 and whose mission was a union between both powers to defeat Nazi Germany. The German attack against Russia was key to the signing of this treaty, which would be so important to end the war.

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Anti-Comintern Pact

Pact between Germany and Japan in 1941 after the Russian invasion of Germany. The agreement was based on a promise to defend both regions to curb the influence of Russian socialist ideology.

Pact of Steel

A pact signed in 1919 by Italy and Germany in which the bases for a later alliance were established in case of starting a war. Behind the start of World War II the Italians at first said that this agreement was no longer valid, and it was not until the defeat of France that this agreement had value as Italy entered the war.

Tripartite Pact

Also known as the Axis Pact was an agreement signed by Japan, Germany and Italy in 1940 that formed the side of the Axis Powers, being one of the main alliances in history and the origin of one of the sides of World War II.

Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact

A pact signed by Germany and the USSR in 1939, being a non-aggression pact between nations so that their interests were not affected by the other power. The agreement was maintained until the German invasion of the USSR, the end of the treaty signifying the Russian inclusion in the war and the beginning of the end of Germany.

Territorial agreements in the Second World War.

Another of the most relevant treaties in any conflict are territorial ones, being those that make a zone change nation or set a series of borders that in the long run are key for the war to change its course.

Churchill-Stalin Agreement

An agreement signed by the leaders of UK and USSR in 1944 whose task was to establish the areas of influence of both powers in the Balkan area. After the war this agreement had great relevance, being one of the main reasons for the disputes between the United Kingdom and the USSR in the postwar period.

Potsdam Agreement

A treaty signed in 1945 by the USSR, United States and United Kingdom whose function was to fix the military occupation of Germany and the end of the war in Europe. The agreement established new German borders, some regions conquered by the Nazis returned to their previous owners and the occupation of Germany by the Allies was established.

Craiova Agreements

A treaty signed in 1940 by Romania and Bulgaria whose purpose was to set the borders of both regions that had been in dispute for decades. Its relevance for the war was because the change in the borders affected Germany, who had to change the situation of her troops.

Treaties of Rome

Treaties signed by Italy and Croatia in 1941 and that served to modify the borders between both nations. Thanks to her position as an Axis power, Italy was able to take regions in Croatia that it otherwise would not have been able to.

Treaties of World War II - Territorial agreements in World War II

Peace treaties in World War II.

To finish this lesson on the treaties of the Second World War we must comment on the most important of all them, being the treaties that end the war and therefore bring peace to a conflict with so many deaths and hardships.

Armistice of June 22, 1940

A peace treaty signed by Germany and France in 1940 in which the French surrendered to the Germans after their entry into the French capital. By this treaty France split in two, being one controlled by Germany and the other part by Vichy France.

Armistice between Italy and the Allies

A treaty signed by Italy and the Allies in 1943 in which the Italian nation surrendered after having seen how its territory was occupied by the allied powers. This treaty was the first surrender of one of the Axis powers, beginning the end of World War II.

Surrender of Japan

Treaty signed by Japan and the Allies in 1945 in which Japan surrendered before these nations and ended with World War II. Japan did not surrender until the entry of nuclear bombs, being the last Axis power and therefore this agreement was vital to conclude the war.

Paris treaty

Treaty signed in 1947 in which up to 21 nations participated to decide the fate of the allies of the Axis powers. The agreement returned territories, agreed to changes of government and brought the final peace of the war, the agreement being considered to end fascism.

Treaty of San Francisco

Agreement between United States and Japan signed in 1951 in which the end of the Second World War was officially signed. Although the war had already ended with the surrender of Japan, this agreement served to mark the crimes committed by the Japanese and end the entire war.

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