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Prohibition in the US

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In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Prohibition in the USA".

Prohibition in the USA. Prohibition is a law that went into effect in January 1920 (also called the "volstead law") and is, in fact, the 18th amendment to the United States Constitution. It was not repealed until December 5, 1933 when Franklin Delano Roosvelt came to power as President of the United States. What was this law intended? It intended to prohibit the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages. All of these new crimes were punished with fines and even prison terms. Why was this law that prohibited the consumption and sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States implemented? You have to understand that at the beginning of the twentieth century, there was a massive arrival of immigrants in large cities of the United States as they could be NY, Chicago ...

All this new working class that arrived, allowed a new urban culture to emerge, based on the consumption of alcohol and the atmosphere of the classrooms. It can be understood then that the most reactive, most conservative sectors of American society, they saw all this with very bad eyes and they pretended and wanted to return to traditional values American people. Therefore... they came together as a group, there were many protests and in the end they almost forced this law to be passed. Once approved, millions of liters of wine, spirits, beer were destroyed... a multitude of salons, venues were closed... There was a

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great boom in convictions.

All this led to the formation of a subculture, the opening of clandestine taverns, a great smuggling boom that was the breeding ground for what is understood by the mafia. Mafia groups that created clandestine distilleries where alcohol was made, also clandestine transport and clandestine bars or premises where it could be consumed clandestinely too (as we say), that alcohol. This also caused the mafia to bribe politicians, policemen, judges... therefore, there was a rarefied climate as it was had passed a law that sought to end alcohol consumption... but on the other hand, a culture had emerged clandestine of alcohol consumption.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "Prohibition in the USA"and practice with the exercises that we leave you next.
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