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16 healthy foods that improve your memory

What we eat each day affects not only our physical health, but also our cognitive functions. For our brain and the rest of our body to function properly we need to maintain a varied and balanced diet.

In this sense, we can incorporate certain foods that will help us improve memory and concentration, and to prevent certain neurodegenerative diseases in the long term.

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Foods that help improve memory

Next, we are going to talk about 16 healthy foods that improve your memory and your concentration.

1. Avocados

Avocados are one of the healthiest fruits and help us improve cognitive functions. Although they are high in fat, it is important to know that they are monounsaturated, a type of fat that keeps blood sugar levels in check. In addition, they also lower blood pressure (related to cognitive decline).

This fruit also contains folic acid, which helps the body maintain and create new cells, and vitamin K, essential for preventing blood clots in the brain and maintaining bones powerful. Also, avocados are rich in vitamin B and vitamin C. An essential food in a healthy diet.

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2. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate contains cocoa, which is rich in flavonoids, substances with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Antioxidants are especially important for the health of our brain, since it is very susceptible to oxidative stress, which contributes to age-related cognitive decline and disease neurodegenerative.

Research has shown that cocoa flavonoids may be essential for neurogenesis and growth of blood vessels in various brain areas related to memory and learning. In addition, in various studies it has been observed that eating dark chocolate can improve brain plasticity and that flavonoids could have a positive effect on improving spatial memory.

3. Blueberries or berries

Blueberries and many types of berries contain flavonoids and antioxidants (anthocyanin, caffeic acid, catechin, and quercetin) that help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain.

The latest research indicates that these compounds have a positive effect on cell communication, produce an increase in neuronal plasticity, and reduce or delay certain age-related neurodegenerative diseases and cognitive decline that affect memory and other functions cognitive.

4. Coffee

Coffee consumption is widespread and its effects on attention and concentration are well known. Caffeine blocks a substance in the brain called adenosine, which causes drowsiness in the person. Beyond increasing alertness, some studies suggest that coffee may increase the brain's ability to process information.

Research has found that coffee increases "brain entropy," which refers to complex and variable brain activity. When this entropy is high, the brain can process more and better the information it receives.

Coffee is also a good source of antioxidants, and its consumption has been linked to a reduction in the risk of cognitive impairment, as well as suffering from Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

5. Walnuts

The consumption of walnuts is recommended, as they contain a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Higher overall walnut intake has been suggested to be related to better brain function in later life.

What's more, walnuts are a source of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress caused by radicals free and whose effects could contribute to improving cognition and reducing the risk of developing the Alzheimer disease.

6. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is probably the most versatile oil you can find. It is also used in cooking, for hair and for beauty treatments. However, apart from these well-known benefits of coconut oil, it is also very beneficial for the brain, as contains high levels of medium chain triglycerides that help break down ketones (by-products that act as fuel for brain cells).

Coconut oil also contains anti-inflammatory properties that help suppress inflammation in cells. Studies have shown that coconut oil is beneficial for age-related memory loss. Besides, also can act as a probiotic that destroys harmful bacteria present in the intestine.

7. Broccoli

In addition to being a source of low calories, broccoli has positive effects on our brain. This vegetable is rich in compounds called glucosinolates that, once decomposed, produce isothiocyanates, substances that can reduce oxidative stress and reduce the risk of disease neurodegenerative.

Broccoli too contains lots of vitamin C and flavonoids, as well as choline and vitamin K, essential to maintain a good functioning of the nervous system and cognitive functions. Also, according to some research, broccoli may help improve episodic verbal memory.

8. Salmon and other blue fish

Oily fish such as salmon are an important source of omega-3 fatty acids, essential for brain cell health, learning, and memory. People with high levels of omega-3s have been shown to increase the production of blood flow in the brain. In addition, it has also been observed that there is a connection between this fatty acid and a better ability to process information.

Several studies have linked the lack of omega-3 fatty acids with the risk of depression and learning disabilities. On the other hand, it has been suggested that these compounds could delay related cognitive decline with age and may help prevent Alzheimer's disease and other diseases neurodegenerative.

9. Turmeric

Turmeric is a yellow spice that is used to dress many dishes. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has been shown to have a number of benefits including: anti-inflammatory effects, antioxidant effects, improvement of cognition and memorya, depression relief and brain-derived neurotrophic factor increase.

10. Olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil is an essential product in our diet and a product that is packed with antioxidants called polyphenols. Some research has suggested that polyphenols help improve memory and learning. Besides, also could help reverse age-related diseases that reduce cognitive abilities and fight toxic proteins related to Alzheimer's disease.

11. Eggs

Eggs are a source of nutrients linked to brain health, including vitamins B6 and B12, folic acid and choline. The latter is a micronutrient that the body uses to produce acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and memory, among other functions. Additionally, B vitamins and folic acid may help delay age-related cognitive decline.

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12. Green Tea

As in the case of coffee, the caffeine in green tea increases cognitive performance, improving alertness, memory and concentration.

One of the components found in green tea, L-theanine, is an amino acid that crosses the barrier of the brain and helps to increase the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA, related to the reduction of anxiety. L-theanine also increases the frequency of alpha waves, which helps you relax without feeling tired.

13. Spinach

Like most green leafy vegetables, spinach also contains nutrients that help improve cognitive functions. This food is packed with vitamin K, which is considered the best vitamin for memory and concentration.

It has also been suggested that spinach can help slow the decline in memory and cognitive abilities in adults. Spinach is also rich in vitamin A, which helps reduce brain cell inflammation.

14. Tomato

Tomatoes are the source of a powerful antioxidant called lycopene. This antioxidant helps reduce cell damage that can contribute to Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Lycopene can also help prevent depression, which can cause more inflammation in the brain. In addition, tomatoes (especially cherry tomatoes) contain carotenoids, nutrients that help improve cognitive abilities and promote memory capacity.

15. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds, like other types of seeds such as flax, chia or sesame, contain numerous antioxidants that protect the brain from free radical damage. They are also an excellent source of magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper. These micronutrients work to improve nerve function, to increase cognitive functions such as memory and learning, and to prevent neurodegenerative diseases.

16. Whole grains

Among the most common whole grains we can find oats, quinoa, corn or flaxseed, among others. These grains contain a large amount of fiber and, according to the latest research, their consumption can be related to a lower risk of mild cognitive impairment that can progress to Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's.

Diets that include these whole grains can reduce inflammation, oxidative stress, and other vascular risk factors such as high blood pressure, which can play a significant role in increasing the risk of brain disease and cardiac.

Bibliographic references:

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  • Kalmijn, S., Van Boxtel, M. P. J., Ocke, M., Verschuren, W. M. M., Kromhout, D., & Launer, L. J. (2004). Dietary intake of fatty acids and fish in relation to cognitive performance at middle age. Neurology, 62 (2), 275-280.
  • Miller, M. G., Thangthaeng, N., Poulose, S. M., & Shukitt-Hale, B. (2017). Role of fruits, nuts, and vegetables in maintaining cognitive health. Experimental gerontology, 94, 24-28.
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