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Difference between rural area and urban area

Rural zone It refers mainly to the fields and large cultivation spaces where primarily agricultural economic activities are carried out. Urban zone It is the one where the big cities are established.

Generally, rural areas have a smaller population compared to those that live in urban areas and their geographic territory is usually more extensive.

Urban areas are characterized by being industrialized, while nature predominates in rural areas.

Rural zone Urban zone
Definition Large fields where agricultural activities predominate. Large industrialized cities.
  • Low population density.
  • Nature prevails.
  • The economic activities of the primary sector predominate.
  • Larger and cleaner spaces.
  • High population density.
  • It presents a greater economic, technological and scientific development.
  • The economic activities of the secondary and tertiary sector predominate.
  • High pollution.
  • Piscila, Mexico.
  • Atabapo, Venezuela.
  • Province of Misiones, Argentina.
  • The Eastern Plains, Bolivia.
  • Mexico City, Mexico.
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • La Paz, Bolivia.
  • Washington, United States.
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What is rural area?

The rural area refers to the big fields and peoples that depend on economic activities of the primary sector.

These areas are characterized by having a fewer inhabitants in comparison with the one that lives in urban areas, but at the same time its geographical space is usually more extensive.

Rural areas are often very diverse and the criteria for differentiating them from urban areas often vary depending on the country.

Normally, to designate an area as rural, parameters are used as the main activities economic conditions, the availability of services and the number of inhabitants, a number that varies depending on from the country.

The economic activities that characterize rural areas are usually agricultural, that is, agriculture and livestock. Fishing, mining and logging are also common.

The tourism Rural or ecotourism has also developed exponentially in many areas that are attractive to foreigners.

The environment is characterized by a wide nature with natural and organic resources at its disposal. Because of this, many rural areas are currently protected to conserve the environment.

More developed science and technology often take longer to reach rural areas or are often not available.

What is an urban area?

Urban areas are those where the cities, large towns or metropolis.

The population density of urban areas is higher compared to rural areas, a minimum of 2,500 inhabitants is generally considered to qualify as an urban area in countries such as Mexico. Likewise, in this population there is greater diversity.

Urban areas are characterized by being industrialized and present all kinds of infrastructures. Likewise, the spaces available for the large number of people are smaller.

Another fundamental factor in urban areas is the development of a diverse economy, focused on the secondary and tertiary sector, the primary being practically non-existent.

Industrialization, mass production and the development of services of all kinds favor the population, generating a high rate of employment.

Commerce, science and technology are also highly developed, representing a fundamental factor that distinguishes urban areas.

These characteristics make public services in urban areas better prepared compared to rural areas.

Some disadvantages that can occur in urban areas are the high prices and the high pollution product of industrialization.

Learn more about:

  • Difference between rural and urban.
  • Rural and urban population.
  • Types of pollution.
Zara Lugo

Degree in social communication, journalism mention, from the Santa Rosa Catholic University (2014), with specialization in communication and negotiation strategies by the Iberoamerican Institute of the University of Salamanca (2013).

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