CAUSES and CONSEQUENCES of the Holocaust

One of the most traumatic events in recent history is the Holocaust, being the way the huge is called genocide caused by the Germans during World War II in which more than 11 million died, the majority being members of Jewish and gypsy ethnic groups. To understand the historical importance of the most well-known genocide, in this lesson from a Professor we must talk about the causes and consequences of the Holocaust.
Before talking about the causes and consequences, we must briefly explain what the Holocaust was, being necessary so that especially people who do not know about this genocide can have a context.
The Holocaust, known to Jews as Shoa being the word to refer to catastrophe, it is the genocide caused by the Germans during the Second World War against different ethnicities and groups of people, among which the Jews.
Known by the Nazis as the "final solution", since the hitler government he blamed these ethnic groups for the problems of the world, defending that they were a superior race.
The Holocaust was a systematic plan of persecution and extermination of all those people who did not enter the Nazi ideals. The Germans searched for and apprehended everyone and sent them to concentration camps, where they performed forced labor or were killed.
The Holocaust not only took place in Germany, but it spread throughout all the territories that the Germans conquered, being examples of it Eastern Europe and Eastern Europe, where Jews were sometimes sent to the German zone itself to be locked up and tortured.
During the holocaust more than 11 million people died, among which we can count on Jews, gypsies, blacks, communists, homosexuals and practically any ethnic group that the Nazis considered not as worthy as the Aryan Germans.
To understand the Holocaust we must talk about its main causes, to understand how a government of a nation could commit this series of crimes and what were the causes for doing so. The main causes of the Holocaust were the following:
- After the arrival of Hitler and his Nazi followers to power in Germany, they began to talk about the power of the aryans and that the problem in Europe were ethnic groups such as Jews or Gypsies.
- Starting the Second World War, Germany took a huge number of zones, like Poland or North Africa, placing in each of them a government that responded directly to Berlin.
- Between the politics that the Germans fixed in the territories they took, we must emphasize the racial, holding that the Aryans were the superior race and therefore the government had to control and trap other races such as the Jewish.
- The Nazis believed that society should have scales of power and obedience, being they the superiors and other ethnic like the gypsies or blacks an inferior class, reason why these last ones had absolute obedience to the Germans.
- Before the concentration camps, the Germans they took away rights and freedoms to all the peoples they considered minor, for example forcing them to be marked by their race or only being able to spend an amount of money, so in many respects they turned them into a kind of slaves.
- The German people largely agreed with the ideals that the Jews should be less than they, since for years they had suffered discrimination for being such a different people and with very marked customs. Coupled with this was that many Germans viewed the Jews as the cause of defeat in the First World War.
- The Nazis grew a theory according to which the Jews sought a global conspiracy to conquer the whole world from the shadows, and being a great part of the conspiracy to sink Germany.
- Hitler led people to believe Germans who were a higher class and that the Jews were just thieves, defending the idea that the Aryans should not unite with the Jews to maintain their purity.
- The Nazi government, using as an excuse that as the cause of the German decline, they had to raise the country in another way, forced them to forced labor, to experimentation with weapons and drugs and finally to extermination forcing a genocide.

To conclude this lesson from a Professor on causes and consequences of the Holocaust we must talk on the main consequences that the Holocaust brought for the Jews and the rest of the humanity. The consequences of the holocaust The most prominent were the following:
- Some 11 million people were killed during or as a consequence of the Holocaust, changing the demographics of many countries.
- A third of European Jews were murdered, so the Jewish community in Europe was seriously hurt and horrified.
- As a consequence of the Holocaust, the United Nations promoted the creation of the State of Israel, serving as a place for all the Jews who had lost their place. This caused years of conflict between Israel and the Arabs who did not consider the existence of this new state lawful.
- The main culprits of the Holocaust were tried and convicted in the Nuremberg trials.
- The Nazis who escaped were hunted and convicted in later years, especially by the intelligence services.
- So that something similar would not happen again, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- Nazism was banned in Germany, although in some nations it is still legal and there are still Holocaust defenders.