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The reign of Alfonso XIII

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In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "The reign of Alfonso XIII"

Alfonso XIII was a king of Spain from the time he was born until the second republic (April 14, 1931). Alfonso XIII was born on May 17, 1886 in Madrid and died on February 28, 1941 in exile in Rome. As we have commented, he was king almost since he was born because his father Alfonso XII He died when he was very little, so when his father died he was already king. Being a minor, the regency was held by his mother, María Cristina de Habsburgo-Lorena.

I mean, he didn't go up to 1902 that already with 16 years (coming of age at the time) he is crowned king and can begin to rule. Before entering the chronology, it must be taken into account that, during his reign, in Spain there were many social crises and many revolts (as in all of Europe; Russian Revolution, First World War ...). It was a time of great instability and of struggle for change. So, in his reign we can find 4 big problems.

The first would be the lack of

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political representativeness by sectors of society (they saw how decisions were made without taking them into account). The second problem was the terrible situation of the popular classes. The third was the problems derived from Rif war (colonial war in Morocco). Finally, the 4th were the quite strong clashes that he had with Catalan nationalism.

Let's go see the chronology of his reign.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "The reign of Alfonso XIII"and practice with the exercises that we leave you next.
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