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CHARACTERS of The Foundation of Buero Vallejo

The Buero Vallejo Foundation: characters

The spanish theater collects an endless number of remarkable works that have been studied over the years for one reason or another. Among all of them we can highlight The foundation, written in 1973 by Antonio Buero Vallejo and released in Madrid a year later. Given the high significant and allegorical content that we find in the way of being of the protagonists, in a Professor we have decided to talk about the characters of The foundation by Buero Vallejo and analyze them in the context of it. Go for it!

If something is agreed on the works of Antonio Buero Vallejo placeholder image is that his characters tend to speak far beyond what is expressed with words. They do this through their personalities, qualities, or actions. In general, the characters created by this author tend to have recurring characteristics in almost all of his works. Among them we can highlight the following:

  • They evolve and transform remarkably throughout the work.
  • On many occasions they have physical or psychological problems.
  • They have an important metaphorical and / or allegorical weight.
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In addition, they are usually grouped into two types of characters:

  • Active characters: far from being represented as bad people, they are selfish, cruel and violent people. They are usually driven by impulse and do not have much tact or watchfulness. Plus, they do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.
  • Contemplative characters: these are more carried away by doubt and feel limited by life, society and, in general, the world around them. That does not prevent them from dreaming, even though they are aware that those dreams are difficult to fulfill.

So what do we find of all this in the characters that appear in The foundation of this same author?

The Foundation of Buero Vallejo: characters - What are the characters of Buero Vallejo

Image: Slideshare

We are going to talk, now, about the characters of The foundation scored by Buero Vallejo. We will analyze the protagonists of this play in order to better understand their psyche and understand the psychological depth of this play.


Thomas is taken as the main axis of the work. He is a character who appears on the scene at all times and who is in charge of directing the plot in its entirety. He believes that he has received a grant from a foundation to write a novel with several colleagues. Over time he discovers that this is not the reality and he will regain his judgment. Throughout the play, he is dominated by a feeling of weakness for having betrayed his friends.


We ran into one of the characters that receive the most importance not only in this work, but in the entire career of the writer. This receives characteristics of both the active and contemplative characters, knowing how to infect the rest with an encouraging optimism.

Being almost more important in the work than Thomas, Asel develops as raster driver above his friend. We find in him a mature, wise and experienced character, and he transmits his optimism about the escape to the rest of his companions. Before Thomas appeared, he had already planned a botched escape, which greatly discouraged him.

However, after the return of the protagonist, Asel regains hope and tries to fulfill his purpose. This is how Asel is in charge of bringing Tomás back to reality and in charge of planning the escape. Furthermore, he himself serves as a relief to Tomás by confessing that he too acted as an informer in the past, eventually sacrificing himself for the sake of Lino and Tomás' escape.

Definitely, Asel represents hope and it leaves the reader or viewer with the message that you should never fight for what you want and never stop dreaming about it. Without a doubt, this is one of the characters in The foundation of Buero Vallejo most important.


Despite dreaming of something better, Tulio is represented as an arrogant character. This photographer uses sleep as a means of escape. At the beginning it is the contrast to the figure of Tomás, with whom he does not have a very good relationship, a situation that changes at the end of his life. Finally Tulio dies at the most optimistic moment of his life, asking Tomás beforehand to open his eyes and stop dreaming.


Berta is Tomás's partner and throughout practically the entire work he only appears as part of Tomás's own imagination. Something like a mental refuge. In fact, he has strange and meaningless conversations with her that, right at the end of the play, it is understood that they are nothing more than a reflection of her subconscious, leading him to reality.


Max is another of the most important characters in The Foundation of Buero Vallejo. This character acts in as opposed to Asel. Despite getting along well with Tomás at first, he ends up bearing the blame for having betrayed his companions in the protagonist. It is later discovered that it was Max who did it and, at the end of the play, he is killed by Lino. Therefore, given his weakness, arrogance, and his unscrupulousness, Max is an example of Buero Vallejo's active characters.


Lino is a impulsive and determined man And, after discovering that the traitor is Max, he ends up killing him after Asel's suicide. Beyond being a character portrayed as bad, he is finally aware of his mistakes and shows regret.

The Buero Vallejo Foundation: characters - Main characters of The Foundation
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CHARACTERS of The Foundation of Buero Vallejo

CHARACTERS of The Foundation of Buero Vallejo

The spanish theater collects an endless number of remarkable works that have been studied over th...

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