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+ 20 EXAMPLES of germanisms and meaning

Examples of Germanisms and meaning

Something we should know is that the languages, Normally, they do not appear out of nowhere or remain totally isolated from each other. The situation in which the human being currently finds himself as a social and global being means that languages ​​are in constant contact, what makes some influence others. This contact between languages ​​makes them flow and mix with each other, contributing new concepts and words in the other language and receiving, for their part, the same from the other.

This is how we have, for example, germanisms, which are words that come from German. Surprisingly, many words of the Spanish language come from this language without its speakers being fully conscious and, therefore, in a teacher we have encouraged ourselves to see a series of examples of germanisms and the meaning of the same. Ahead!

Perhaps today we are more used to talking about Anglicisms in the Spanish language than in the Germanisms themselves. Anglicisms are words that we have borrowed from the Anglo-Saxon language and adapted it to our linguistic needs. This is how we have introduced the words into our language

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chat, link, surf, check, stop And a long etcetera. With globalization and the contact between different societies and languages, this has been increasing exponential, adopting some languages ​​concepts that are lacking, but that are found in others languages. Of course, this does not have to be a bad thing, but it makes our language richer.

Among these contacts we find the influence of German on the Spanish language. At words from this Germanic language (or other Germanic languages) that have managed to adapt to the Spanish language, we know them as germanisms. Therefore, a Germanism is a word or concept that we have taken borrowed from german (or, as we say, some other Germanic language) to fill a linguistic gap in Spanish. On many occasions these Germanisms come together with a new concept or invention and we retain the original name, as it happens with many Anglicisms.

These Germanisms are not as important as the Anglicisms could be in our language, not for qualitative aspects, of course, but for quantitative ones. And it is that, compared to the number of Anglicisms, Germanisms there are very few in the Spanish language.

Although many are not used in our day to day (there are many concepts that are used especially in the field economic), others are so common that we could never have thought that they are words that were originally born in the German. In this article we will focus especially on the most common words in our language that are of Germanic origin, and we will see them developed in different sentences.

So that you know the influence of the language loans from Germany, here is a list of examples of Germanisms in the Spanish language:

  • Entertain: "I do not think entertain you for being good to me ”.
  • Harp: “I wanted to learn to play the harp because it seemed quite easy to me, but then I discovered that it was very difficult ”.
  • Flag: "They made a new roundabout at the entrance of the town and in the center they put a large flag”.
  • Mustache: "I was very amused when I saw him appear with the mustache. It didn't look like him. "
  • White: “I did not know which upholstery to choose, so in the end I kept the White”.
  • Forest: "The other day I went for a walk in the Forest and I got lost. Luckily it didn't take me long to find a way ”.
  • Toast: "Make a toast for the good times, may they never cease to exist ”.
  • Quartz: "This strange stone is quartz and I found it like that on the mountain ”.
  • Diesel: "This car is gasoline, the diesel it is more expensive in the long run ”.
  • Spy: "I love movies of spiesThey are always full of action ”.
  • Skirt: “There are so many skirts to choose from that I don't know which one to choose. I love all of them!".
  • To win: “No matter how hard we tried, it was impossible to move forward. We only cared to win”.
  • Goose: "That is not a duck, it is a goose”.
  • Glove: "To go to the snow I need some good gloves. I don't want to freeze my hands. "
  • Keep: "Please, could you save my guitar in your trunk? It doesn't fit in my car ”.
  • Guard: "If we can't keep things tonight and we don't want them to be taken away, we'll have to do guard”.
  • Pride: "You should be proud of having been who you have been and having achieved everything you have achieved ”.
  • Rich / Wealth: "It's no more rich who else wealth he has, but he who learns to be happy with what life gives him ”.
  • Steal: “Whenever I go on a trip, it doesn't matter where I go. I have to keep everything well because I'm afraid that they might Steal”.
  • Clothing: "In this closet the truth is that there is not much room clothing, we will have to make a dressing room soon ”.
  • Towel: “When I got out of the pool I couldn't find the towel and they had to leave me one. Then we found out that the dog had taken her. "
  • Waltz: "Let's dance a waltz”.
  • Helmet: "This is a helmet original from the Middle Ages ”.
Examples of Germanisms and meaning - Examples of Germanisms in Spanish
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