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What is the INFORMATIVE function

Informational function - with examples

Throughout our years of study at school, we have always been presented with different functions that language can use depending on what is being expressed, what is the purpose or with what part of the communicative process it is related (sender, receiver, message, context, …). It is among them where we find the informative function. This function, as its name suggests, is responsible for informing the receiver about something specific, but it can go further. For this reason in a teacher we have decided to explain what is the informative function and, in addition, provide a series of examples to make everything easier. Let's go!

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  1. What are the functions of language?
  2. What is the informational function - definition
  3. Informational function examples

What are the functions of language?

The Language functions present a language division depending on usage that it performs in a certain situation. And it is that the same language is not always used by the same person in a similar way when factors such as intention, feelings, speech act, context, etc. come into play. Depending on these and many other factors, we shape our sentences to seek a specific reaction in the receiver or focus the message in a specific direction.

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To better understand what a language function is, it will be better to know what they are and what role they play. There are a few language functions other than informational, and they are:

  • Appellate or emotional function: This function would resemble the imperative mood of verbs, since it refers to the receiver. With the appellate or conative function, an order, instruction or a message is sent to the receiver from which a reaction is expected.
  • Emotional or expressive function: This function, as its name suggests, is used to express the emotions, feelings and thoughts of the producer of the message. That is why we affirm that the expressive or emotional function focuses on the transmitter.
  • Phatic or contact function: This function focuses on the channel used for the act of communication, that is, the means or device used to speak (call, letter, chat, etc.). It is usually used to check that the message is getting through correctly from one speaker to another.
  • Metalinguistic function: The prefix goal It comes from the Greek (μετά-), which means “beyond”. Therefore, this function goes beyond language. In this case we focus on the own code (that is, the language used), and we mean by this function the language itself. This article would have many examples of the metalinguistic function, since we are making a lot of allusion to the Spanish language.
  • Poetic or aesthetic function: As its name suggests, this function is responsible for adorning the language in a pompous and basically aesthetic way. That is why we focus on the message.

We would have one more function that, of course, would be the informational function. But we will develop this more extensively in the next section.

Informational function - with examples - What are language functions?

What is the informational function - definition.

We have already seen the rest of the functions, but the most relevant in this article is still unsolved. Nor is there too much complication in intuiting where the informative function can move, having read its name and understanding the other functions previously seen. And it is likely that this last function is the most used in our day to day. But well, What is the informational function?

Obviously, the information function is in charge of informing about something. It is also known as a referential or representative function. In short, this function of language is used to refer to the world that surrounds the issuer. That is why the information function is closely linked to the context. With it, we refer to everything that surrounds us and we provide objective information about it. However, the main objective of this function of language is to inform about something.

This referential or informative function we see her a lot on the news, although we also use it in our day to day to inform our interlocutors of anything. That is why it is said that the receiver must remember or learn some information that is received in this function of language. Taking into account that we are talking about a function that moves away from subjectivity, language It should be simple, clear, neutral and without emotional or stylistic features that take out the message of the objectivity.

Informational function - with examples - What is the informational function - definition

Examples of informative function.

We already know what the informative, referential or representative function is. But well, how are the sentences in which this function is used? Let's see some informational function examples in the following sentences!

  • That antenna has been there for more than two years.
  • Next year we will camp again in the same place.
  • It is possible that it will rain today.
  • Four plus two equals six.
  • I've been living here for three months.
  • I have lost my wallet.
  • There is no more water.
  • The game was not available yet.

If you want to read more articles similar to Informational function - with examples, we recommend that you enter our category of Grammar and Linguistics.


  • Encyclopedia of Examples (2019). Language functions.
  • Urbina, R. (January 24, 2020) The informative function. Pragmatic UBU.
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