What are the registers of the language
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Although based on the Spanish language it is the same for all the territories of the world where it is spoken, not in all of them it is pronounced and used the same. That's why we are going to know what are the registers of the language, to find out how it is used in each place and why.
If we rely on examples that we can all easily know, it is clear that countries like Spain, Argentina or Mexico, to speak of three of the greatest, speak Spanish based on rules common. However, we can observe that pronunciation and usage vary quite a bit from one place to another.
But there is more, if we look at particular cases of specific countries, we can also observe that the language spoken in rural areas, to give a simple example, is not the same as in large cities. All of this leads us to establish specific registers of the language to distinguish the various uses, as we see in this lesson from a PROFESSOR that begins here.
Varieties of the language.
To know exactly which are the registers of the language, we are going to focus previously on the language varieties, since these records belong to one of them. Therefore, it is convenient to know this distinction before so that the lesson is perfectly clear:
Geographic or diatopic varieties
Among the types of varieties of the language, we find in the first place the diatopic ones. In this case, we observe the difference in the ways in which the language is used to speak in the various zones in which language is handled. It is the example that we have seen previously in reference to the Spanish that is used in Mexico, Argentina, Spain... Each country has its peculiarities.
Social or diastratic varieties
In this case, we refer to varieties in the use of the language that depend on the speaker's cultural grade. In this aspect we discover various levels, ranging from worship, which is the language perfectly spoken by educated people with full knowledge and mastery. of language, even vulgar, characterized by the low level demonstrated in the command of the language, using constant incorrectness in syntax, poor vocabulary, etc.
Functional or diaphase varieties
These varieties of situation or functional are the ones that interest us, since they will lead us to the registers of the language. In this case, we find that depending on the communicative situation in which a speaker is, will use various forms of transmission of messages and use of oral or written language. It is obvious, since we do not speak in the same way that we write, for example, when the interlocutor is absent. Likewise, an oral exam is not the same as a chat between friends. The use of the language varies a lot. So we use various linguistic registers.
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Language registers.
As we have just mentioned, diaphasic varieties lead us to use different registers of the language or linguistics. All of them will depend on different circumstances, such as the medium, the trust between sender and receiver, etc.
In this sense, we distinguish between a total of three records, which are the formal, the colloquial and the vulgar:
Formal registration
It is the one they use cultured and very well educated people, who have a very complete command of the language. This registry is usually used between interlocutors who do not have much confidence in each other, so it is sought to use correct language, without vulgarisms, that avoids inaccuracies at all levels, from grammatical to spelling or lexicons.
Technicalities are frequently encountered in this language. That is, it is the one that any individual who faces an exam, a job interview, who is before an influential personality, writes a study or work, etc. will use.
Colloquial registration
It is also known as family record, and is commonly used in relaxed environments where there is a close relationship between interlocutors. It is not that the language is not well understood, it is that confidence makes us relax. Thus, it is widely used between friends who know each other well, between parents and children, etc.
Vulgar registration
Finally, we highlight the vulgar register, which is the one they use people with poor knowledge of the language, so they make an incorrect use of the language. As much as they try to approach cultured people whom they try to imitate and try to handle the language well, they do not have enough knowledge for it. That is why they incur phonic errors such as loss of phonemes, show great lexical and semantic poverty, fall into the constant use of fillers and show great morphosemantic deficiency.
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