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The 80 most famous quotes of great Olympians (of all time)

The Olympic Games are the golden, silver and bronze opportunity for athletes who have prepared with effort every day, dedication and infinite hope, to show the talent that dominates in his greatest passion. Hard work not only leads to success, it also teaches us that failure is not the end - it is just an obstacle to overcome.

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Great phrases and reflections of Olympic athletes in history

Taking their effort, trajectory and achievements, we have brought a compilation with the phrases of great Olympians of all time that will serve as inspiration.

1. The best thing about dreams is that they can come true. (Pierre de Coubertin)

Everything that is desired can be achieved with effort and work.

2. Age is not a barrier. It is a limitation that you put in your mind. (Jackie Joyner-Kersee)

If you want to achieve something strive for it, do not let your age be an obstacle.

3. You have to work, you never have to give up. In the end you get what you want. (Mireia Belmonte)

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The secret to success is continuous work and never giving up.

4. Winning fairly, properly and by the rules, but winning. (Vince Lombardi)

In life, as in sport, honesty pays off.

5. You cannot put a limit on something, the more you dream the further you will go. (Michael Phelps)

Do not limit your dreams, you are capable of achieving everything you set your mind to.

6. I do not run from a challenge because I am afraid. On the contrary, I run towards the challenge because the only way to escape fear is to run over it with your feet. (Nadia Comaneci)

Face your fears and overcome them, so you can move on.

7. Behind the athlete that you have become, the training of hours, the coaches that have driven you is a little girl who fell in love with the game and never turned back. Play for her. (Mia Hamm)

When you are afraid, stop and look back, so that you realize where you came from and all that you have overcome.

8. Never give up. Never give up. (Gabby Douglas)

Despite the difficulties and obstacles, don't give up, keep going.

9. You cannot set any limits, there is nothing impossible. (Usain Bolt)

Nothing is impossible if you really believe it and work for it.

10. My sport made me a more focused, determined and stronger person than I was before. It's a mind game - the stronger the better you will be. (Kiran Khan)

Sport not only trains the body, but also the mind.

11. If I come across a weakness, I will turn it into a strength. (Michael Jordan)

If you think you can't, focus, work hard and you will see that you can.

12. We made a bet and we won. (Maialen Chourraut)

Always play in your favor, don't stop.

13. I want to be remembered as the guy who gave everything on the pitch. (Walter Payton)

Always give the best of you.

14. Everyone wants to win gold medals, but few want to train hard enough to get them. (Mark Spitz)

You can't get to the top if you don't work hard.

15. If you don't go for everything, then why do you go? (Joe Namath)

If you don't give 100 percent of your potential, you will never get where you want to go.

16. Failure is something I can live with. Not trying is something I can't deal with. (Sanya Richards)

You also learn from failure.

17. It all depends on the trip, not the result. (Carl Lewis)

There are obstacles along the way and it is essential to knock them down in order to continue.

18. Luck falls not only on those who are brave, but also on those who think they deserve to be where they are. (Novak Djokovic)

You always have to make an effort and not be defeated.

19. Champions are not made in gyms. Champions are made of something they have inside. (Muhammad Ali)

Train your body, but it is essential to train your interior.

20. The basic thing is to believe in yourself and try to do your best every day. (Rafael Nadal)

If you believe in your abilities, then you already have a part of the guaranteed success.

21. The day he claims to be the best player is when he really is the worst. (Pele)

Never believe yourself better than others.

22. Share the spirit. (Sydney 2000 Olympic Games motto)

It is important to share your teachings.

23. If you want to run, he runs a mile. If you want to experience a different life, run a marathon. (Emil Zátopek)

Look for new experiences, don't stop.

24. A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck will be. (Wayne Gretzky)

You always have to look further.

25. To discover your true potential you must first find your own limits and then you have to have the courage to overcome them. (Picabo Street)

Knowing what our limits are allows us to know the best way to overcome them.

26. The best tactic is to play with enthusiasm and leave your skin behind. (Marc López)

In everything you do, do your best.

27. If you are afraid of losing, you don't deserve to win. (Björn Borg)

In life you lose and you win.

28. Age is not a barrier, it is a limitation in your mind. (Jackie Joyner-Kersee)

The triumph does not come by luck, you have to make an effort every day.

29. A life training only for 10 seconds. (Jesse Owens)

Effort, perseverance and dedication are the key to success.

30. You have to train your mind just like you train your body. (Bruce Jenner)

Not only do you have to think about physical training, but you also have to focus on the mind.

31. The knowledge of knowing that all good things can go away fast is what makes me work so hard. (Ronda Rousey)

Hard work brings its reward.

32. The more difficult the victory, the more happiness there is to win. (Pele)

If the goal is uphill, then you have to try twice as hard.

33. You never have to lower your arms. (Marcus Cooper Walz)

To give up is not an option.

34. Many people run to see who is the fastest. I run to see who has the most guts, who can punish himself with an exhaustive rhythm and, in the end, punish himself even more. (Steve Prefontaine)

Success comes with effort and hard work.

35. Remember this. Stay here. This is the only perfection there is, the perfection of helping others. This is the only thing we can do to make it worthwhile. This is why we are here. (Andre Agassi)

Helping others also leads to achieving the goal.

36. Focus, discipline, hard work, goal setting, and of course, the thrill of finally achieving your goals. Those are all the lessons of life. (Kristi Yamaguchi)

Being very clear about what you want to achieve, together with great discipline, allows you to go far.

37. Athletics should reduce stress, not increase it. (Mark Allen)

Everything that is done brings some stress.

38. You must believe in yourself when no one else does, at that moment you are already a winner. (Venus Williams)

Never stop believing in yourself or your abilities.

39. I can because I think I can. (Carolina Marín)

If you are convinced that you can do it, then it will be so.

40. Perfection is not something permanent, just an instant. (Nadia Comaneci)

Don't look for perfection. Does not exist.

41. I try to do everything I can. I am not worried about tomorrow, but about what happens today. (Mark Spitz)

Focus only on the present.

42. We all have dreams, and if you are there and you want something in an irresistible way you have to risk everything you have. (Abby Wambach)

If you want to make your dreams come true, work for it.

43. Your chances of success increase each time you try. (Mireia Belmonte)

If you try again and again, it is more feasible to achieve dreams.

44. Never put age as a limitation to achieve what you dream of. (Dara Torres)

Age is not an excuse to achieve something.

45. I can have as much fun as I want before a race, but when the starter yells: on your marks! I focus and I know it's time to run. (Usain Bolt)

There are times for fun and to focus on what is important.

46. When someone tells me that I can't do something, I just don't listen to them anymore. (Florence Griffith Joyner)

Don't let others tell you that you can't.

47. I hated every minute of training but I said don't give up. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion. (Muhammed Ali)

Great efforts have their reward.

48. There is always a moment when you get knocked down. But I'll stick with what I learned on the track: if you work hard, things will work out well. (Lolo Jones)

If you fall, get up and move on.

49. The ability to conquer oneself is undoubtedly the most precious of all the things that sport grants. (Olga Korbut)

Do not lose your essence, it is what really matters.

50. Sport opens many doors for you and gives you great opportunities. (Nadia Comaneci)

Sport is a great opportunity to get to know.

51. I think the best way to be the best is to just have fun. (Shaun White)

As you work towards your goals, enjoy the scenery.

52. Each of us has a fire in his heart for something. It is our goal in life, to find it and keep it on. (Mary Lou Retton)

Never stop fighting for you dreams.

53. Some choose the comfort of their therapist's office, others go to the pub on the corner for a beer, but I prefer running as my therapy. (Dean Karnazes)

Each person knows how to get out of a situation.

54. I do not think about the kilometers that I have left to travel, I do not think about the kilometer that I am now and neither that I have already traveled. I just get carried away with the moment. (Ryan Hall)

Don't focus on the path you still have to go, just keep doing your part.

55. I'm on an incredible streak. One always expects defeat from time to time. So when it happens, why be disappointed if I win more than 90% of my matches? (Roger Federer)

Defeat is also part of triumph.

56. They talked about us and we responded with soccer. It is one of the happiest things that happened in my life. What are you going to do? Now they're going to have to swallow me. (Neymar)

Achieving what you have set out to do is a way to silence those who criticized you.

57. United by Excitement (Tokyo 2020 Olympics Theme)

Emotion is the adrenaline that fuels life.

58. I am not the next Usain Bolt or Michael Phelps, I am the first Simone Biles. (Simone Biles)

We should not compare ourselves with other people.

59. I like to play against guys who beat me early in my career, try to get revenge. I think it will be interesting to see how we have both improved. (Roger Federer)

Life always gives you a new opportunity.

60. No one is going to win a 5,000-meter race after running two easy miles. At least not with me. (Steve Prefontaine)

We must believe in our abilities.

61. There is too much emphasis on success and failure and too little on how the person progresses through effort. Enjoy the journey, enjoy every moment and stop worrying about victory and defeat. (Mat Biondi)

Don't focus on success or failure, just enjoy life.

62. The first thing is to love your sport. Never do it to please anyone. It has to be yours. (Peggy Fleming)

You have to really love what you do, otherwise nothing will make sense.

63. I would like a day to come when there are more like me and there is no 'Simone, the black swimmer' sign. (Simone Manuel)

You don't have to catalog people.

64. Successful men know the tragedy. It was God's will that I win the Olympics, and it was God's will that I had my accident. I accept those victories and I accept this tragedy. I have to accept both circumstances as facts of life and live happily. (Abebe Bikila)

Life brings us difficult situations that must be accepted.

65. If I had stronger rivals, then I would be more motivated. (Yelena Isinbayeva)

We must always look for new challenges.

66. You don't fail until you stop trying. (Florence Griffith)

Trying is a word that must always be by our side.

67. We should help each other, rather than try to be better than others. (Katarina Witt)

It is important to reach the top, but it is more important to help the needy.

68. For someone to have tested positive not once, but twice, and still have a chance to swim in these Games... break my heart. (Michael Phelps)

Never give up.

69. We all have dreams, but making those dreams come true takes great determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort. (Jesse Owens)

If you love what you do, then strive to do better and better.

70. Maybe today we all paddled a bit for Stefan too. (Sebastian Brendel)

Companionship is fundamental in life.

71. As I swim, I sing songs in my mind. (Alexander Popov)

You have to enjoy every moment of life.

72. The Olympics are a wonderful metaphor for global cooperation, the kind of international competition that is unitary and wholesome, and a game between countries that represents the best of us. (John Williams)

It refers to the Olympic world.

73. We have survived a war. There are still children who do not know if their parents are alive. There are still children who do not have to eat, a notebook or books to go to school. I come from that country and I have become an Olympic champion. It is a huge thing for us. (Majlinda Kelmendi)

When the goal is reached, everything that has happened has been worth it.

74. Sometimes life gives you opportunities and you have to know how to make the most of them. (Orlando Ortega)

Take advantage of every opportunity that presents itself.

75. This medal is a response to all those who insulted me and told me that judo was not a matter of monkeys, that the place of the monkeys was in a cage, not in a Games, that I was the shame of my family. (Rafaela Silva)

Don't let the opinions of others prevent you from conquering your dreams.

76. Only play. Have fun. Enjoy the game. (Michael Jordan)

As you walk to your goal, have fun.

77. We have undoubtedly accomplished things that had an impact. If we are the first, the second, the third, that does not matter, what matters is that we leave a mark, that people felt identified with what we did. (Emanuel Ginobili)

Make your life a motivation for others.

78. No more. I have hung up the competition swimsuit and I am not wearing it again. )Michael Phelps)

There are times when decisions must be firm.

79. Except to stop breathing, I have done everything to try to win. (Lidia Valentine)

Don't stop trying everything to achieve your dreams.

80. You can't win everything, but you can try. (Babe Zaharias)

He doesn't always win, but he always tries to.

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