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The 90 best Star Wars phrases

'May the Force be with you'. This phrase has become an iconic message among science fanatics. fiction and cinema, as it represents courage, sacrifice and perseverance in the face of little favorable. Star Wars is the space science fiction saga created and brought to the big screen by George Lucas, which catapulted him to fame and changed the course of this genre forever.

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Great Star Wars Quotes

Next we bring a journey through the best Star Wars phrases that shows us the fight and the motivation to win.

1. Attachments lead to jealousy, the shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear losing. (Yoda)

No attachment is beneficial to our growth.

2. The Force will be with you. Forever. (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

The force comes from within us.

3. Their lack of faith is troublesome. (Darth Vader)

Many people have beliefs that help them keep going.

4. Fear, fear attracts the fearful, the strong, the weak, the innocent, the corrupt. Fear, fear is my ally. (Darth Maul)

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Fear freezes us. That is the real enemy.

5. The force is powerful in my family, my father had it, my sister has it, I have it. (Luke Skywalker)

The legacy that remained.

6. The strength of a Jedi flows from the Force. But watch out for the dark side: Anger, fear, aggression; of the Dark Side Force are. Easy flow fast to join in combat. (Yoda)

Light and darkness coexist together and must be kept in balance.

7. Impressive… Very impressive! You control your fear, Obi-Wan has instructed you well... (Darth Vader)

We need to control fear if we want to move forward.

8. Who is crazier: the madman or the madman who follows the madman? (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

A very interesting question that can have many answers.

9. There are not enough Jedi to protect the Republic. We watch over peace, not war. (Mace Windu)

The true goal of a Jedi.

10. War does not make one greater. (Yoda)

Wars only bring devastation.

11. When you bet, in the long run, you always lose. (Qui-Gon Jinn)

Bets can be turned against you.

12. It seems that we are made to suffer. It is our lot in life. (C-3PO)

We cannot avoid suffering, but we can work to overcome it.

13. Always in motion is the future. (Yoda)

Life is not static and we do not know what tomorrow holds for us.

14. Just for once, let me look at you with my own eyes. (Darth Vader)

The desire of a man who never completely extinguished his light.

15. Anyone who accedes to power fears losing it one day, even the Jedi. (Chancellor Palpatine)

The quest for power can turn into an obsession.

16. Someday I will be the most powerful Jedi of all time. (Anakin Skywalker)

A wish that led him to destruction.

17. No. Don't try it. Do it, or do not, but do not try. (Yoda)

Daring to do it is the only way to know if we can or not.

18. Join me and together we will rule the Galaxy as father and son. (Darth Vader)

A very tempting but dangerous offer of power.

19. Our meeting was not a coincidence. Nothing happens by accident. (Qui-Gon Jinn)

There are those who think that things do not happen by chance.

20. From the moment I saw you, so many years ago, I have not stopped thinking about you for a single day. (Anakin Skywalker)

Showing his deep love towards Padmé.

21. The Dark Side of the Force is a path that can bring abilities and gifts that many do not hesitate to describe as unnatural.

The dark side offers you unmatched power, at a sunk cost.

22. I was not chosen to watch my people suffer and die while we chatted about this invasion in committee. (Queen Amidala)

We cannot remain silent in the face of injustices.

23. There is something in me that was always there, but now has awakened and I need help. (King)

It never hurts to ask for help when we need it.

24. Are you allowed to love? I thought that was forbidden to you. (Padmé Amidala)

A world without love is a total punishment.

25. If one wants to know the great mystery of force, one must study it from all sides. (Chancellor Palpatine)

Force is both good and bad.

26. It would be impossible only if your team is incapable.

Teamwork is necessary to achieve a goal together.

27. I have no interest in hearing your reasons boy, that life was mine to take. (Darth Vader)

There are people who do not want to hear reasons, even if they are wrong.

28. There is always a bigger fish. (Qui-Gon Jinn)

To consider ourselves unique and untouchable is a mistake.

29. Don't be dazed by this technological terror you've built. (Darth Vader)

Sometimes we do things without thinking about the negative consequences in the future.

30. I have traveled this galaxy from one extreme to another, I have seen very strange things, but I never saw anything that led me to believe that there is a single powerful force that controls everything. (Han Solo)

Han Solo's point of view.

31. I am one with the Force. The force is with me. (Chirrut Imwe)

The strength is in the confidence you have in yourself.

32. I'm not fear to die. I have not stopped dying day by day since you came back into my life. (Padmé Amidala)

Resigned to her fate and unable to change the man she loved.

33. There must always be two, no more, no less. A teacher and an apprentice. (Yoda)

Just the two of them.

34. A wonderful girl. I'll either end up killing her or I'll start to like her. (Han Solo)

Talking about Princess Leia, who ended up conquering her heart.

35. Sometimes we have to corner our pride and do what is asked of us. (Anakin Skywalker)

Pride can be a very bad advisor.

36. We are the spark that will ignite the flame that will burn the First Order! (Poe Dameron)

Sometimes you just need a little reason to start a big move.

37. With each passing moment you become more my servant. (Chancellor Palpatine)

A harsh warning that ended up becoming Anakin's fate.

38. You underestimate the power of the Dark Side, if you don't fight… you will meet your destiny. (Darth Vader)

It is always necessary to face our fears in order to move forward.

39. You must unlearn what you have learned. (Yoda)

To break the rules you first have to know them thoroughly.

40. You have a power that I do not understand and that I would never have. (Princess Leia)

talking about Luke's natural power.

41. Love you. -I know. (Leia to Han Solo)

One of the most iconic love phrases in the saga.

42. I think my eyes are getting better. Instead of a large dark patch, I see a large patch of light. (Han Solo)

A phrase that characterizes Han Solo's acid humor.

43. The time to fight is now. (Jyn Erso)

The best time to do something will always be now.

44. This is how a war is won. Not fighting what you hate, but saving what you love. (Roste Tico)

Great advice on how to win a war.

45. May the force be with us. (Admiral Ackbar)

A phrase that became a prayer of hope.

46. In my experience, there is no such thing as luck. (Obi Wan)

Luck is something that is built as we train and take advantage of opportunities.

47. Religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster by your side, boy. (Han Solo)

If there is anyone who knows weapons, it is Han Solo.

48. Hope is like the sun. If you only believe it when you see it, you will never make it through the night. (Princess Leia)

Hope must be maintained at any moment. Not only in the one that best suits.

49. What if the democracy that we thought we were serving no longer exists, and the Republic has become the evil that we have been fighting to destroy? (Padmé Amidala)

A fear that came true sooner rather than later.

50. Never. I will never convert to the dark side. You have failed, Your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me. (Luke Skywalker)

The man who resisted the power of the dark side.

51. It is against my programming to impersonate a divinity. (C-3PO)

Talking about its limitations.

52. Mentors often see our mistakes more than we wish. This is how it matures. (Padmé Amidala)

Mentors help us strengthen our best traits and confront our weaknesses.

53. Luke Skywalker? I thought it was a myth. (King)

A fight that was forgotten to become a legend.

54. Master Luke will be fine… For a human being, he is quite resourceful. (C-3PO)

Showing his trust in Luke.

55. Starting today, your new name will be Darth… Vader. (Chancellor Palpatine)

The christening of one of the greatest villains in the galaxy.

56. Thus dies freedom, with thunderous applause. (Padmé Amidala)

There are times where people dig their own dictatorship.

57. Chewie, we're home... (Han Solo)

The moment Han Solo retrieves the Millennium Falcon.

58. The Force is not owned by the Jedi. (Luke Skywalker)

The force does not belong to anyone, because it is within each one.

59. No mystical energy field controls my destiny. All that is nothing more than legends and nonsense (Han Solo)

Each one has the power to create his own destiny.

60. The possibility of destroying a planet is insignificant compared to the power of the Force. (Darth Vader)

Showing the magnitude of the force when you have control of it.

61. When I left, I was just the apprentice. Now I am the teacher. (Darth Vader)

Has he really surpassed his master?

62. Are you admitting that your team is incapable? If so, don't forget that they are only a reflection of your capabilities, Commander.

A team is only as weak as the person who is leading them.

63. Sometimes I don't understand human behavior. I just try to do my job in the most efficient way. (C-3PO)

Human behavior can surprise us at any time.

64. Your focus determines your reality. (Qui-Gon Jinn)

The way you live your life is the way you perceive the world.

65. You were like my brother, Anakin. I loved you. (Obi wan Kenobi)

A heartbreaking goodbye filled with regret, anger and betrayal.

66. Show me again the power of darkness… And nothing will stand in your way. (Kylo Ren)

Opting for the path of darkness.

67. The closer I am to you, the more it grows; The fact of thinking that I am not with you prevents me from breathing. (Anakin Skywalker)

Showing the intensity of his love for Padmé.

68. I feel like someday you're going to kill me. (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

A mocking belief that became a prophecy.

69. Let the past die. Kill him, if necessary. (Kylo Ren)

The past needs to be left behind.

70. I am your father. (Darth Vader)

The moment of a shocking revelation.

71. But sometimes you disobey orders. (Ahsoka)

We must be careful with the actions we decide to follow.

72. The more proud, the stronger the fall. (Count Dooku)

When a person is arrogant he cannot see his own failure until it is too late.

73. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. (Opening phrase)

The iconic phrase with which this adventure begins.

74. Well, if the pride is double, double is the fall. (Count Dooku)

Sooner or later, life takes its toll.

75. Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those who transform into the Force. (Yoda)

The best way to honor someone is to remember him with love and not mourn his death.

76. I am a prisoner of the kiss that you should never have given me. (Anakin Skywalker)

A love doomed to failure.

77. Your eyes can deceive you; don't trust them. (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

We must never get carried away by appearances.

78. You cannot stop the changes, just as you cannot stop the setting of the suns. (Shmi Skywalker)

Changes cannot be stopped, but we can adapt to them.

79. Attachment is prohibited, possession is prohibited, compassion, on the other hand, which for me would be nothing but unconditional love is paramount in the life of a Jedi. So it could be said that we are encouraged to love. (Anakin Skywalker)

Love can be in many other actions and emotions.

80. The good is only a point of view. (Chancellor Palpatine)

Like evil.

81. This is the way. (The Mandalorian)

The way to go, even if it is not always straight.

82. Your presumption is your weakness. - Your faith in your friends is yours. (Luke Skywalker / Palpatine)

many misunderstand what a weakness actually is.

83. If you once take the path of the dark side it will forever dominate your destiny. (Yoda)

When we get carried away by negative feelings, it is difficult to find the light again.

84. I never question something... until after I do. (Han Solo)

Act before thinking, is it recommended?

85. Focus on the moment. Feel, don't think, use your instinct. (Qui-Gon Jinn)

There are times when it is better to let instinct speak.

86. You are not Vader. You are a child with a mask. (Snoke)

We cannot replace other people. Admiration is not the same as imitation.

87. When I'm gone, the last of the Jedi will be you. The Force runs strong in your family. Pass on what you have learned. (Yoda)

Leaving a legacy of many years.

88. You must be very careful when perceiving the future, Anakin. The fear of loss is a path to the dark side. (Yoda)

Fear can lead us down a dark path with no return.

89. So this mission has been what you usually consider a success? (Yularen)

Success is subjective.

90. I am defenseless, take your weapon… Attack me with all your hatred, and your journey to the ‘Dark Side’ is finally complete. (The emperor)

A sacrifice to secure power.

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