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7 poems about childhood commented

Or começo das nossas lives is a remarkable phase that many remember with love and saudade. Associated with innocence, with joy and also with the world uncovered, in childhood it became the subject of many poetic compositions of great beauty, by the inner world.

Confira, below, the poems of the Portuguese language that we selected, accompanied by a brief analysis:

1. Infância, by Manoel de Barros

Coração preto gravado no wall amarelo.
A chuva fina pingando... pingando das arvores ...
Um irrigator of bruços not canteiro.

Paper barquinhos na agua suja das sardamientos ...
Trunk of folha-de-flandres gives avó no room to sleep.
Réstias of light no capote preto do pai.
Green maçã not prato.

Um peixe de azebre morrendo... sleeping, em
In the afternoon I show you the
Girassóis, aos bois.

Manoel de Barros (1916 - 2014) was a Brazilian writer of the twentieth century, mainly based on his relationship of proximity to nature.

Na composição acima, published in Poetry (1956), or little guy quote here what via

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na time when he was a child. Além gives life that existed in his garden, listing some memories such as streets, moves, roupas and ate food.

In this way, or eu-lyrical pint um portrait of his childhood, starting from "retalhos" that is lembrando and transforming into verses.

2. Evocação do Recife, by Manuel Bandeira

Recife sem mais nada
Recife da minha infância
A rua da União onde eu brincava de chicote-queimado
e partia as vidraças da casa de dona Aninha Viegas
Totônio Rodrigues was very velho and botava or pincenê
na put my nose
Depois do jantar as families take a calçada com cadeiras
laughter namoros mexericos
To people jump, I do not give rua
We men will shout:
Coelho sai!
No sai!

At a distance as voices macias das meninas politonavam:
Roseira give me a rose
Craveiro dá-me um botão

(Dessas roses muita rosa
Terá morrido em botão ...)
we longos da noite
um but
A big person says:
Fire in Santo Antônio!
Outra contrariava: São José!
Totônio Rodrigues achava always was são José.
Os homens punham or chapéu saíam smoking
And I was going to be a boy because I couldn't go see or fire.

O poem from Pernambucano Manuel Bandeira (1886 - 1968), member of the Geração de 22, was published no free Libertinagem (1930). In a work, the modernist influences are evident, such as free verse and daily themes. Em "Evocação do Recife", or poet declares or seu love pela city onde nasceu.

It is not a stretch that we appear above, we can find different lembranças that or eu-lyrical preserves its memory of him, so many years later. You mentioned verses as brincadeiras, as people and até os costumes locais.

A saudade that the subject transmits through his words of him contrasts as Desire Antigo de Crescer, from being an adult and being ready to face the percalços gives life.

3. Quando as crianças brincam, by Fernando Pessoa

When as crianças brincam
E eu as oiço jump,
Qualquer coisa em minha alma
Começa to be happy.

And all that childhood
That you don't see me,
Numa wave of joy
That no foi de ninguém.

I was burned, I was an enigma,
E quem serei visão,
Quem sou ao menos sinta
Isto no heart.

Um two greatest poets of the Portuguese language, Fernando Pessoa (1888 - 1935) produced a vast and diversified work that became an international influence.

A composition that we highlight was written in September 1933 and, later, included in the collection. Poetry (1942). Um two themes that are repeated in a pessoan lyric is a nostalgia for childhood, something that goes through "Quando as crianças brincam".

In these verses, we perceive that the eu-lyrical associates the experience of being a child with a feeling of joy. Logo below, we discover that your own memories desse tempo não são assim tão happy.

It becomes noticeable that this notion of childhood was idealized hairy guy, turning a kind of "lost paradise" that maybe never had ever existed.

4. To go to lua, by Cecília Meireles

Enquanto não têm foguetes
to go to Lua
The boys slide off the scooter
pelas calçadas da rua.

Vão cegos de velocidade:
same as break my nose,
what a great happiness!
To be fast is to be happy.

Ah! you can be anjos
long handles!
More than just marmanjos.

Consecrated among readers of various kinds, Cecília Meireles (1901 - 1964) was a Brazilian writer and educator who dedicated a large part of her work to the younger public.

A composition "Para ir à lua" was published as a children's poetry book Ou isto ou here (1964). Nestes verses, the author debruça about o power of imagination that exists in all the crianças.

When he is jumping, the garotos tied up some cliffs, but he does not worry about anything; They just wanted to have fun. Imagining that you are going to go to lua, transmit to or read uma sensation of lightness that is missing many times in adult life.

5. Infância, by Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Meu pai montava a cavalo, ia para o campo.
Minha mãe ficava sitting sewing.
Meu irmão little slept
Eu sozinho, menino between mangueiras
the story of Robinson Crusoé,
buy history that does not end anymore.

No half-day white light a voice that learns
a ninar nos longes da senzala - and never is skewed
girl for or coffee.
preto coffee that nem to preta velha
gostoso coffee
coffee bom

Minha mãe ficava sitting sewing
olhando for myself:
- Psiu... no cord or menino.
For o berço onde pousou um mosquito
And he dava um sigh... What a background !

Lá longe meu pai campeava
I do not kill sem fim da fazenda.

I didn't know that my story
It was prettier than Robinson Crusoé.

Considered the greatest national poet of the 20th century, Carlos Drummond de Andrade (1902 - 1987) led the second generation of Brazilian modernism.

A composition "Infância" was published in Poetry and Prose (1988); later, or text was integrated na Poetic Anthology author. The verses are inspired by Drummond's own biography, growing in Minas Gerais, num rural and quiet environment of which he felt saudades.

When I grow up, or a little guy comes home with me and or a little irmão, enquanto or pai saía to work na roça. Appealing to various senses, it recalls images, sons, flavors and aromas.

Enquanto lists the stories of Robinson Crusoé, or Garoto Sonhava as a life of adventure. Agora, mais velho, el get olhar para o pasado e enxergar a beauty in simplicity of all that viveu.

6. Meus oito anos, by Casimiro de Abreu

Oh! what saudades i have
Da aurora da minha vida,
Da minha infância darling
May you not be trazem more!
What love, what dreams, what flowers,
Naquelas afternoons fagueiras
In the shadow of the banana trees,
Debaixo dos laranjais!
How are you beautiful days
Do not be available!
- Breathe innocence soul
Like flower perfumes;
Or mar é - serene lake,
O ceu - a bluish mantle,
O world - um sonho dourado,
To life - um hino d'amor!
What aurora, what a sun, what a life,
That noites of melody
Naquela twelve joy,
Naquele ingênuo fuck!
Or embroidered with stars,
A terra de aromas cheia
As waves beijando to areia
E a lua beijando o mar!
Oh! days of minha infância!
Oh! meu céu of spring!
That twelve to life was not
Nessa risonha manhã!

An influential author of the XIX century, Casimiro de Abreu (1839 - 1860) belongs to the second generation of Brazilian modernism. Or poem that we select, published na coletânea Ace Springs (1859), is one of the two most famous writers.

Here, we can glimpse a little bit idyllic childhood described hair subject. Besides mentioning emotions such as joy and hope that he felt naquele tempo, also refers to the paisagens, the cheiros, the fruits and the flowers that costumavam will surround him.

Also, as a large part of his work, a composition was written during the period when Casimiro de Abreu lived in Portugal. The correspondence of the epoch, and the desire to return to the country where it was born and growing.

The verses of "Meus oito anos", two quais só apresentamos um trecho, narram sua saudade do Brasil, as well as the charms of the nation.

7. Algumas proposições com crianças, by Ruy Belo

A child is completely immersed in childhood
A criança does not know that it has to fazer gives infância
A criança coincides with a childhood
a criança deixa-se invade pela infância like sono hair
deixa cair a cabeça e voga na infância
a criança mergulha na infância like no sea
to infância é or element of criança as to water
é o own element do peixe
A criança does not know that it belongs to terra
knowingly of the child and not knowing that I will die
a criança morre na adolescência
Se foste criança diz-me a cor do your country
Eu I tell you that o meu was da cor do bibe
e tinha o tamanho de um pau de giz
Naquele tempo all happened for the first time
Ainda hoje I swallow the cheiros no nose
Senhor that minha life be allowed to infância
Never again would I know how she said

Ruy Belo (1933 - 1978) was a Portuguese poet who became one of the main literary voices that gave rise to him. Na composition that integrates or free Homem of Palavra (s) (1970), or author reflects on what it means, finally, to be a child.

Second this little subject, in childhood he manifests himself as a enchantment species that dominates us, shaping the way we see the world of everything. Even being limited to or little that he knows, a child does not even know how much he runs, because of isso and courageous: that is his knowledge of him.

The adult, or eu-lyrical, seeks a little innocence and curiosity that it has not passed, but it also knows that the experiences of before will never be repeated.

Re-embracing that era of various uncovered, or little subject ends as the preceding one, asking Deus to continue placing surpresas and transformações no seu caminho.

Take the opportunity to see also:

  • Famous infant poems with analysis
  • Poems by Manoel de Barros for crianças
  • Poems by Cecília Meireles for crianças
  • Most famous poems about life
  • Higher poems of amizade da literature
  • Most Romantic Poems from Literature
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