O Poço, from Netflix: explanation of the main themes of the film
Or little (The hole, not original) is a Spanish film of horror and science fiction, directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia. The longa-metragem of 2019 is an original Netflix production that has reached a huge success in Brazil, as well as in other points in the world.
Extremely distressing, with violent passagens that beiram or gore, or film is a dystopia that provokes many reflections on our reality.
Taxed both from "great" and from "disturbing" public hair, Or little Surprising final item and leave several questões no ar. Trust or trailer dubbed down:
Attention: from this point on, you will find spoilers on the end of the film!
Or little: end of film explained
In this case, we will have to start the final hair, since everyone is confused about the outcome of the narrative. Imprisoned in a dystopian prison where everyone belongs to a level and cannot leave him, Goreng meets a figure who breaks the rules: Miharu.
A woman is a kind of assassina selvagem who uses a platform to get locomotion to the prison and procure or filho, which would be lost in the building. Goreng tenta ajudá-la and ela repeats or gesture, saving his life from the most sedentary of Trimagasi.
![Frame: Miharu on the platform.](/f/5c5eb757d7b4bd4bbffd3c78cf2e346c.jpg)
During a long time, the spectator was raised to believe that a woman and louca do not exist there is nenhuma raised by ali, I ate because nenhuma would manage to survive.
Not so much, when the protagonist and his companion, Baharat, is checking the end of the Poço, get me to see a hidden girl e param to go. Depois that or partner dies, in a sequence of two ferments, Goreng continues to travel to or founded with Miharu's filha.
![Frame: final do film.](/f/509f6f72a54689aad6d7650e7ce2f5c7.jpg)
When the platform is not founded, he finally sees it: the message that he needed to send to the person was not a twelve intact, the same words of revolt about or that he did not assist.
TO verdadeira messagem, the one that can really change everything, it is the mere existence of the men who just saved him. A life that is born and prosperou naquele place of death is a symbol of hope and a possibility mind for transformation.
Not needing to be or the bearer of the message, which fails by itself, Goreng sees or the spirit of Trimagasi declaring that his missão de her ended. You two parties together as the platform ascends, carrying garota.
We can believe that or heroi morreu, depois to fulfill or its role of him, but we will never know if he has made a boy or girl, or no, something else.
Film analysis Or little: main topics
Heavy, dense and difficult to understand, Or little I will leave some indications and questions that the spectator needs to follow carefully.
A premise is simple and terrifying: the protagonist, Goreng, is not "Poço", uma vertical prison with two inmates for walking in a huge buraco no centro. That is why, every day, he descended a table that contemplated a luxurious banquet with melhores iguarias.
Those who are not level 1 are first to eat; A few minutes depois, the platform passes a next level, which can be fed as well. The ritual is repeated for countless walks and the individuals are forced to eat the remains of the burning of this area.
![Goreng e Trimagasi eating.](/f/3035b62d281f5fb08aec2ac4d5a4d1f5.jpg)
Ali, to food is everything or what does it matter, since it depends on the survival of each um. It is funny to note that I have attached some nomes remetem for the culinary world. For example, "Goreng" is a typically Indian recipe and "Baharat" designates a mixture of tempers.
Whenever we accompany or protagonist in his life, we can also perceive several sociopolitical symbologies and critiques.
An extreme metaphor for a division of classes
"Eat ou be eaten"
Or the first companion of Goreng and Trimagasi, a homeless man who is not there yet. Poço has been around for a long time and explains how the local works. He does not allow you two to approach each other, making it clear that each um it just depends on whether: é "eat ou be eaten".
![Trimagasi eating.](/f/d210314f1a820632a01be201646f3624.jpg)
Or homem, that enlouqueceu because of the consumer society, faces everything here as normality (for "é óbvio"). As an object escorted to carry for or local, Trimagasi pegou a faca that is attached sozinha, ready to attack and defend everything or custody.
It is becoming evident, peels the way it treats you who are below, that ali all are sozinhos and some against others.
Eating can be very easy or very difficult, it depends on your class ...
Due to the hierarchy that is established, it is implicit that each level does not communicate nem collaborates with each other: do not fail as low and top do not respond. Assim, or system seems to have been ugly to isolate the individuals, we do not allow an organized and collective action.
From the beginning of the film, or the spectator, I will be sown with the clash of realities, having dinners that pass through the extremely clean and sumptuous life of Poço's miserly life.
A passage in which we attend, slowly, at the banquet table being consumed and preyed upon, as it passes snowy hairs, it is an example of lack of resources caused by profit de quem is not mole.
![Frame: table I do not eat, food cheia.](/f/4fe29fb43263c89b154afcf86cc6f6ca.jpg)
Or I despair so much that it transforms these people into assassins, forcing them to kill and convert to cannibalism as a last resort for survival.
"Solidariedade spontânea"
You might be eaten by Trimagasi, when according to level 171, Goreng ends up having to eat meat from the old companion. This is his new level parceira, Imoguiri, which draws a revival in the narrative.
A woman, who works for the Administration and volunteered to participate in the "experience", tries to alter the mode of operation of the local, dividing the refeição in porções. Embora credit na "spontaneous solidarity", His appeals were received with laughter and insults two more for 15 days.
Irritated, is Goreng who forces you to abide by the order, warning that he would go back to fezes in all food, always that the platform is not at its level: "Solidarity ou merda!".
"Go down to go up ..."
![Frame: Baharat e Goreng.](/f/0ecb5ce4d5962dced39255ba1d82cab6.jpg)
Not so, it is checked by a third party member of Cela, Baharat, which changes everything or cela. Or homem, crente em Deus e cheio de esperanzaça de sair dali, oil or Goreng plane for dominate platform and redistribute food.
It is through the union, the joint action, that the prisoners will be able to alter two events in order and pass a message so that it is not present.
Religious themes and symbols
Não esó só Baharat que fala em religião during or film and affirms that that local é o Inferno. We will pay attention, there are several biblical references that go through the narrative. Na verdade, quase no outcome of the film we can see representações two sins capitais us inmates, like or homem who plays notes for or ar.
Logo does not começo da narrativa, Trimagasi asks or protagonist: "Você accredit em Deus?". More to face, Imoguiri hints that he could be there as a missão. Depois de ela commits suicide, Goreng sees (or hallucinates like) or seu spirit of her, who or apon as "o Messias", "o Salvador" that vai liberate them.
A person also faces a reference year sacrifice of Jesus in the biblical texts, asking that the companion eat his meat and drink or drink from him. Baharat, or prisoner who embarks as a protagonist in the "suicide missão" also extremely religious and is seeking salvation.
The numbers two snow also do not seem to be perhaps. For example, or number 333, where you do "heroes" for me because I found a child, it could be a reference to Jesus' identity when he died. On the other hand, with this number of andares, or Poço teria 666 inmates, a number associated with Diabo.
Relationship as free Dom Quixote
When he had the opportunity to escort an object to take to Poço, Goreng opted for an exemplar of the free Dom Quixote de la Mancha, one of the most notorious works of the Spanish language.
Appalled by romances of cavalaria, or famous personagem lived obsessed with defeating vilões and fazer justiça. With his deliriums of moving or world, Quixote became um symbol for dreamers and loucos that, in some way, seems to inspire or protagonist.
When he presents or sees his plan to Baharat pela for the first time, he replies that "só um louco faria isso". Or despair, perhaps watered by a dose of loucura, it was that I led you to do something that no one ever achieved before.
Conheça also
- Melhores horror films
- American Psychopath Film
- Film Mãe! (2017)
- Filme A Casa, da Netflix
- Parasita film
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- Film A Onda (Die Welle)
- There are more series to attend Netflix this year
- Livro Dom Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes
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