6 works of art to understand Marcel Duchamp and Dadaism
Marcel Duchamp was an important French artist of the XX century commencement. They were two responsible for the creation of the Dada movement, which together with other European vanguard revolutionized ways of raising and appreciating non-Western art.
OR Dadaism It has as a basis questioning or artistic paper and tracing the absurd atmosphere that pairava no world, no context of the First World War.
We selected 6 works by Duchamp that are fundamental to understand the work of the artist and the given movement.
1. Nu descending to escada (1912)
Nu descending to escada It was produced in 1912. É a first outstanding work Duchamp's e, despite the abstract characteristics, represents a figure descending escadas.
The canvas was inscribed in an exhibition to be exhibited together with cubist works, but it was rejecte, because, apparently, it was too futuristic.
Later, he participated in a cubist show no Galeries J. Dalmau, in Barcelona, in 1912. No next year, during exibição in New York no
Armory Show, to work cause controversy and, precisely because of the disso, it becomes um enormous event.2. Bicycle wheel (1913)
In 1913, Marcel Duchamp decided to place in his studio, in Paris, a bicycle wheel fixed on a wooden bench. Nascia assim um two firsts ready-made, entitled Bicycle wheel, that só ganhou esse status in 1916.
O gostava artist from Olhar to Roda enquanto produced other works, at the same time it turned simply for See or move the object and compare it with the observation of the chamas do fire to tremble in a lareira.
The first version of the work was lost, as in 1916. Então, or artist to recriou in 1951. Consider-i know Bicycle wheel um work forerunner of kinetic art.
It is worth lembrar that or thermos ready-made Means "object soon", ou seja, an object that was not or an artist that was produced, but rather than choose as art.
This type of art became a framework not a Dadaist movement, because it questions the production of the same, bem as the role of the artist, tracing an irrational character that it gives itself.
3. Bottle holder (1914)
To work Bottle holder was conceived in 1914, when Duchamp Acquire or object in a department store I decided to pick it up for your ateliê.
Provavelmente o que chamou a atenção do artist foi o character "aggressive" gives peça, a small metal structure to position carafes. Soft pontas broached fizeram as ficasse also conhemem as Hedgehog, which means "ouriço".
The original version of the object is not loose Pelas irmãs de artist, depois that he moved from Paris and deixou to peça lá. Currently there are 7 replicas back in the world museum.
Embora Duchamp affirms that serious ready-mades I do not mean anything, some scholars say that you are made of metal nesse trabalho it will be an allusion to ao penile organ and that or fato deles não terem nicknamed carafes teriam relação com a condição de solteiro do artist.
A work is another important piece of Dadaism, to the extent that, as well as other "ready-objects", I was elevated to the condition of art, being a manufactured product, I was at the beginning with another intention.
4. Fonte (1917)
To work Fonte, raised in 1917, caused alvoroço no meio artistic and I attached the page and reason for reflections. That is considerate or ready-made of major highlight na art.
A history gives Fonte I'm curious. In 1917, there was an exhibition where the artists could inscribe their works and pay a sum for them to be exhibited. Assim fez Duchamp, ao inscrever um mictório assinado com um nome fictício, R. Mutt.
Or work was rejected naquele anus, meanwhile, ganhou notoriedade no next year. About or ready-made, Duchamp disse:
Se o Mr. Mutt, fez A source with your own mãos ou não, not of importance. Ele a escolheu. It is attached to an everyday object and is positioned in such a way that its usefulness disappears under a new title and point of view - the creation of a new thought for that object.
An important observation is that, recently, will emerge dúvidas about the authorship of the work. There are indications, through letters, that I will not be true afterwards Fonte, seja or da German Dadaist artist Elsa von Freytag Loringhoven.
5. L.H.O.O.Q. (1919)
Nessa work, Duchamp used as support a cartão com a representation of famous fabric Mona Lisa, feita em 1503 by Leonardo Da Vinci.
O artist interfering with the work, accreting bigodes and cavanhaque, ugly to pencil. Ele ainda escreveu acronym L.H.O.O.Q at the bottom. The lyrics, written in French, produce a sound similar to "Ela tem fogo no rabo".
Or work was interpreted as uma provocation On the values of art history I attacked that moment, scandalizing society with a boa dose of humor and irony. Such an attitude is coherent as Dadaism, which valued criticism, or debuff and or sarcasm in a certain measure.
6. A noiva fired her celibate hairs from her, same ou O grande vidro (1913-1923)
Essa é, perhaps, a Most important work of the carreira by Marcel Duchamp. In 1913, the artist began to think about it and made some sketches, knowing that in 1915 he bought two glass plates that serve as support for work.
Então ele accents shapes and figures. A first of them form an abstract figure in the upper part, symbolizing noiva. A part of the base, or artist, includes other forms, made up figures, cabides and engrenagens.
Em 1945, a conceited fashion magazine Vogue I stamped on his cape a model behind Or big glass, as the fosse a propria noiva da obra.
Duchamp does not have many clues about the meaning of the work and, I go through it, discuss it about it, pois são many as lines of interpretation.
What was Marcel Duchamp?
Marcel Duchamp was born on July 28, 1887, in Blainville-Crevon, in France. I came from a family with possessions, or a family atmosphere was stimulating from an artistic point of view.
Their irmãos Raymond Duchamp-Villon and Jacques Villon were also artists, so much so that in 1904, Marcel moved to Paris to go to or meet them and enrolled in the Julian Academy.
From then on, the artist participates in salões e faz experimentações based on cubist movements.
Not in 1915, Duchamp resolved to move to New York, a place where he found considerable freedom to create or unite with North American Dadaists.
In 1920, he returned to be related as European Dadaism and in 1928 he established relationships Estreitas com os surrealistas. This is also the time that he began to participate in xadrez tournaments, an activity that he dedicated himself to.
The artist remains in the US for a long time, in the meantime, he died in Neuilly-sur-Seine, in France, not on October 2, 1968.
Marcel Duchamp has had an intensely creative life and contributed enormously to rethinking art, opening space for new proposals and values in this field of human atuação.
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