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History and evolution of photography in the world and in Brazil

A photography is an image reproduction technique that uses luminosity as a basis.

A light is important for the photography that originates from the word is a junção two Greek thermos Photo, which means "light", and graphein, which squeezes out the writing. Therefore, the name of photography is "to written with light".

Its history dates back to periods of antiquity, but it was slightly older in 1826 than the first photo was true. O responsável foi o francês Joseph Niépce. Embora, not Brazil, another French, Hercule Florence, also created a photographic method more or less at the same time.

Many other people contribute to the evolution and diffusion of the technique that revolutionized art and communication in the whole world, being presently present in us every day.

History of photography

The first optical devices

Ainda na antiquity, or human being perceived that in light offers possibilities of representation of images.

Through the observation of the incidence of light by means of small holes, it was verified that the images were produced, provably held against the walls of tents and cabins.

instagram story viewer

Assim, criou-se a mechanism called "dark camera", which would reproduce inverted images, being or forerunners of photographic cameras. Aristotle is attributed to the invention of the equipment, in Grécia Antiga.

dark camera
Illustration of "dark camera"

Later, in the Renascimento period (not seventeenth century), it began to use other devices of projection with the purpose of entertainment or to serve as support for the artists to carry out their paintings. These devices were called "magic lanterns".

magic lanterns
Illustration of dinner that is used to "magic lanterna"

A first photography of the world

O emergence of the first permanently printed photograph only in the nineteenth century, more precisely in 1826. Foi nesse ano que o francês Joseph Niépce Get taxed on a license plate to the image of the quintal of your house, in Borgonha, in France.

The chemical used was a material derived from petroleum, called "Betume da Judeia", an element that hardens in contact with light. The duration time for the image to be fixed was 8 hours and the result was a fairly contrasted photo.

first photography Niepce
A first photograph of the history took 8 hours to be engraved on a metal plate

Or daguerreotype

Later, Niépce joins another chamado French Louis Daguerre e dois continue experiments. In 1833 Niépce died and then Daguerre assumed research, improving technique.

It is substituted or betumed by a polydial vapor and iodine vapor, which creates a film of iodete from prata which is very sensitive to light. Such a huge face change differs, diminishing for minutes to fix the image.

O novo invention was called Daguerreotype In 1839 it was presented to the Academy of Sciences of Paris, from then on, it becomes accessible to the public and becomes a successor.

It turns out that this appears to have a limitation, only allowing a copy of each image to be made.

A first photography with people

It is worth noting that the first photograph in which people appear was made in 1838 by Daguerre, in Paris. Naquela epoch, or time of exposure for the photography to be feita levava até thirty minutes.

Because of this, the images of cities, it always seemed that there were no people, that they were moving, not giving time of serem fixated by the camera.

priemira photography with pessoas daguerre
This is the first photo in which people appear. Repair silhouette of dois homens no lower edge esquerdo da imagem

Meanwhile, in given situation, a homem who was engraving sapatos ficou stopped for a longer time, allowing his image to be impressed by his client.

Or Talbot calotype

Foi em 1840 that or English Fox talbot announces a form of photographic negative that has been researched since 1834 and that it is possible for the image to be reproduced more times and printed in papéis, it was or calotype.

In the meantime, to use the invention, it was necessary to pay for direct use hairs, or those that were more expensive, for isso or calotype that had not been inserted in other countries, other than England.

Evolution and popularization of photography

Other people contribute to the evolution of photography, like the Englishman Frederick Scott Archer, responsible in 1851 for the revelation in colloid, a cold sheet of glass that produced melhores images.

In 1871, another Englishman named Richard Leach Maddox created a gelatin from prata brometo, more sensitive and which could be revealed later, modernizing the photographic process. That technique was a "dry plate".

Assim, in 1886, arises at Kodak, North American company George eastman. Kodak revolutionized photography in the world because it sold cameras and films rolled at more accessible prices and freed clients from the development process.

Kodak photography
Kodak advertising pamphlet in its earliest days

Their slogan was "você aperta um botão e nos fazemos o resto". From there to a dissemination of photography on a larger scale.

A photography in cores

A cor na history of photography emerged in 1861 raised Scottish hair James Clerk Maxwell and Thomas Sutton, but this technique presents many falhas.

first colorful photo
Photograph taken by James Clerk Maxwell. A first colorful photo does not register bem os tons de vermelho e verde

Someone in 1908 is a maid, a most faithful man of colorful photography, when you are French signed Auguste and Louis Lumière - the inventors of cinema - development Autochrome.

This method consisted of three overlapping plates with isolava filters only one primary color on each plate and a combination of overlapping giving colorful images.

A digitization of photography

In 1975 he was raised by Steven Sasson as a prototype of the first digital camera. In the meantime, an invention that was not oiled and some emmees from the 80's arises the first camera with an electronic sensor that is placed on the market.

The company responsible for this modernization also went to Kodak, which created a machine that managed to capture and record thousands of points of light - the pixels - and transformed them into images.

History of photography in Brazil

Or Brazil has been accompanying the invention and evolution of photography from a long time ago. Here, even in 1839, chega no Rio de Janeiro or daguerreotype e nomes as Victor Frond (1821-1881), Marc Ferrez (1843-1923), Augusto Malta (1864-1957), Militão Augusto de Azevedo (1837-1905) and José Christiano Júnior (1832-1902) overssaem.

photography by Marc Ferrez
Photograph of people sketched in a coffee lavoura in 1885, by Marc Ferrez

Além disso, and important to highlight or not Hercule Florence (1804-1879), a French based in Brazil, that despite a little skewed in history, has an important role in technical creation.

In 1833, Florence also developed a photossensitive method through a dark camera. At the time, communication was complicated and the researcher did not have contact with the inventions that occurred at the same time in Europe, made by Niépce and Daguerre. Florence, meanwhile, was the first to perform her photography experiment.

Another important reason for the dissemination of the procedure in the national only was the father of the emperor Dom Pedro II, who entered into contact with that language when she was still born.

Or the young man became an admirer of photography and went on to encourage this non-country art, including collecting examples and posing for various photographers.

Types of photographs

In the beginning, when photography emerged, it was seen in a very technical way, as a ferramenta that had a clear function, which was simply to print images of the real thing.

As a time, the relationship between art and photography was becoming more influential to another, I added that photography was also becoming an artistic language.

Então foram arose diverse modalities of photographic fazer, depending on the theme and the intention that was feared, veja some.

Documentary photography

A documentary photography is the one that seeks to tell a story or event, or yet to represent a place, or a time. It can be daring to family photography, travel photography or others and is often confused as photojournalism.

photograph by Dorothea Lange
Iconic photo of Dorothea Lange, Mãe Migrante (1936) during a Grande Depressão nos USA

In the meantime, nesse bouquet, the intention of the artist is to draw a narrative in a more poetic way and many times it is subjective, inviting the spectator to an interpretive analysis of situations.


No photojournalism, photography must be clear and objective, transmitting information by means of image. It should be more of a direct communication tool, "illustrating" the reports and helping the public to understand two facts.

photograph by Lewis Hine
Photograph from 1908, by Lewis Hine, shows a child working in the US textile factory. This is an example of two primordial photojournalism

Dessa forma, or photographer who matches this branch, is afraid to give news using as a tool his olhar, framing and photographic sensitivity.

Family photography

Family photography is present in people's lives since photography has become accessible to the public. Everyone seeks to register their relatives and friends and, above all, they are filhos.

family photography 1930s
Photography from the 30s in the interior of São Paulo

Assim, this is a type of photography many times it is practiced hair cidadão comum, a more photography uncompromised with aesthetic concepts, such as frame, light and composition, and that values ​​more a questão Affective e or registry.

Ainda assim, many people discover true artists through family photography, by enriching me and developing myself or by using it.

You can also be interested in hairs artigos Types of art and Sebastião Salgado: shocking photos that summarize the photographer's work.

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