The 60 best phrases of Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt was a famous president of the United States of America, born in 1882 in the town of Hyde Park in the North American state of New York.
His great integrity as a politician and the fact that he held the position of head of state when the United States entered the World War II, have made this politician one of the most famous presidents in the history of the States United.
If you would like to know more about his way of being or want to know some of his most interesting quotes, keep reading; we will do a review by the best phrases of Franklin D. Roosevelt, commented.
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The phrases of Franklin D. Roosevelt's most memorable
This is a short selection of the phrases and reflections of Franklin D. Roosevelt more interesting, each with a small comment about its meaning and the topics it deals with.
1. We defend and build a lifestyle, not only for the citizens of the United States of America, but for all Humanity.
Since its founding, the United States of America has been tremendously relevant to Western society. So much so, that many of our ideals as individuals tend to have an ideological base directly or indirectly related to the culture of this country.
2. The only thing we should be afraid of is fear itself.
As difficult as the situation might seem during World War II, Roosevelt was always very aware of the great capabilities of the American people. If he was fully committed to the war effort, there would be no rival capable of standing up to the military might of the United States.
3. We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.
Education has always been one of the most important rights for the inhabitants of the United States and that is precisely why, that in this country today a large number of public schools can be found in absolutely all state.
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4. There is a mysterious cycle in human events. Some generations are given a lot. Much is expected of other generations. This generation of Americans has a date with destiny.
The population of the United States was then involved in a tremendously complicated situation and Roosevelt was fully aware of this, only if each man and woman put everything on their side, said nation would be able to emerge strengthened from that so difficult moment.
5. Leaving people hungry and out of work are the things that are done in dictatorships.
This famous former president always fought with great ferocity for the future of all his fellow citizens, because for him this was the only reason why he really wanted to be head of government.
6. Today, among us a concentration of private power unprecedented in history is growing.
In the Roosevelt years, private capital in the United States was gaining strength, something that to some extent even intimidated more than one government group.
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7. I believe that in each country the people are more inclined towards peace and freedom than their governments.
We all want to live in peace regardless of the country in which we are, that is why in the face of a possible military escalation as citizens we must always demonstrate against the call to weapons.
8. In life there is something worse than failure: not having tried anything.
If we do not try, we will have already failed before we start, since luck is always a factor that only usually favors the most daring.
9. If you treat people right, they'll treat you right… 99% of the time.
We can certainly only expect kindness from others if we are also kind to them. One lesson that we should all learn is that in life, many more flies can be hunted with honey than with cannon shots.
10. There are as many opinions as there are experts.
As human beings we all have our own point of view and that is why, as this quote well comments, there may be as many opinions as there are experts on a certain topic.
11. He who does not live to serve, he does not serve to live.
Humility is undoubtedly one of the most positive qualities that a person can possess and it is also thanks to her, that a society can reach in the future levels never seen before of peace and prosperity.
12. In our quest for economic and political progress, we all go up, or we all go down.
As a leader, Roosevelt always knew that the United States had to put all the meat on the grill if it wanted to grow as a nation, something that undoubtedly happened throughout its entire tenure.
13. Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.
According to a well-known German publicist, a lie can be turned into truth if it is repeated more a thousand times, something that Franklin Roosevelt as can be seen from this quote never agreed.
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14. The Constitution of the United States has proven to be the most wonderfully elastic compilation of rules of government ever written.
Depending on what our interpretation of a law is, it can be executed in one way or another, which is why Depending on each government group, the United States has been directed over time in a thousand ways different.
15. We can afford everything we need, but we cannot afford everything we want.
As individuals we must be aware of our economic capacity and knowing that, we must act in consideration of our needs and not our desires.
16. Whenever they ask you if you can do a job, answer yes and start learning how to do it right away.
Many times we are the ones who self-restrict ourselves. It is important to bear in mind that if we do not try, failure is something that we will already have guaranteed in advance.
17. True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence.
A person cannot be totally independent at the individual level if he is not capable of having his own economy, that is that is why this former president always had in his mind trying to improve the employment situation of all his compatriots.
18. The only limit to our understanding of tomorrow will be our doubts about the present.
No matter how complicated life may present itself to us, we must be persevering men and women, if we wish to achieve in the future the destiny that we really deserve.
19. Here is my principle: Taxes will be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle.
According to Roosevelt, taxes should be proportional to the economic capacity of each person, an idea with which many of us will probably also agree.
20. Wanting is not enough: you must ask yourself what you are going to do to get what you want.
If we want something with great fervor, we must get down to work to achieve it, because the simple fact Desiring something will not make that object or certain situation materialize in time in front of us.
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21. We have always had the hope, the belief, the conviction, that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon.
Roosevelt pursued throughout his life a brighter future for all his compatriots and that is why, without the magnificent management of him we can be sure that the United States would not be today the great nation that all we know.
22. A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward.
The future can be much better than the present if we all do a little bit of our part, it is important to remember that as a popular expression says, you cannot put barriers to the forest.
23. It is an unfortunate human flaw that a paperback often groans louder than an empty stomach.
Those who enjoy the pleasure of reading may even forget to eat while immersed in this activity, something that, as this quote to F. Roosevelt also happened to him.
24. Are you working under the impression that I read these memos of yours? I can't even lift them.
This famous former president was an avid reader throughout his life, an activity certainly very beneficial that the one that surely could greatly improve his understanding about the world that surrounded.
25. No group or government can adequately prescribe what should constitute the body of knowledge with which true education is concerned.
There are many governments that over time have decided to adapt the education of the youngest according to their interests, a way of proceeding with which Franklin Roosevelt as can be seen was never at all agreement.
26. Joy is the philosopher's stone that turns everything to gold.
Joy is undoubtedly the most valuable emotion in the life of any person because without it, it is totally impossible for someone to reach a state of minimal happiness.
27. Trust… It thrives on honesty, honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on protection and selfless fidelity in performance. Without them he cannot live.
Only by being honest people will we get those around us to trust us, since trust is a personal resource which can take a long time to achieve.
28. Do something and if it doesn't work, do something else.
Being persistent is something that will allow us to be able to achieve success over time, since fortune usually only favors those who avidly seek it.
29. To reach a port we must sail, not drop anchor, hoist the sail so as not to drift.
Only if we put all our effort into a certain project will we make it have the opportunity to be able to reach a successful conclusion, we must bear in mind that in life nothing is ever achieved without effort.
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30. Art is not a treasure in the past or an import from another land, but part of the present life of all living and creative peoples.
Art should always be considered the heritage of all humanity and it is certainly for this reason that no conflict of a warlike nature should ever damage this type of representation.
31. When you see a rattlesnake about to bite, don't wait until it does to crush it.
The surprise effect during a conflict can be something totally decisive and Roosevelt being well aware of it, he did not miss the opportunity when he had the opportunity to act.
32. Action should always be preferred to criticism.
It is our actions that really represent us as individuals and that is why an action is always something that will be worth much more than an indefinite number of words.
33. The American government cannot allow Americans to starve.
His people were always the foremost of his concerns and with that in mind, he would never allow that with the passage of time Americans could be forced to live all kinds of calamities.
34. Virtues are lost in self-interest, as rivers are lost in the sea.
Some of our personal goals can lead us to lose some of our most valuable ideals, that is that is why as rational beings we must always bear in mind that the end does not always justify the media.
35. The hopes of the Republic cannot forever tolerate either undeserved poverty or selfish wealth.
Roosevelt is a president who always fought for the future of all his compatriots, although some of them never fully agreed with him throughout his term.
36. Liberalism becomes the protection for those of conservative vision.
The political parties in those times were immersed in a fratricidal war, something that all later had to put aside with the arrival of the Second World War.
37. Men are not prisoners of destiny; They are only prisoners of their own minds.
It is our thoughts and ideals that will always determine where our life takes us, that is why that ultimately we are always the ones who decide what our end will be as individuals.
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38. A radical is someone with their feet firmly planted in the air.
It is true that ideas of a radical nature are always very dangerous because these, assiduously, do not usually leave much space for reasoning at the individual level.
39. When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold.
All the people of the United States were equally important to the war effort, for if a single link in the chain would fail this nation could end up in disaster overnight. morning.
40. The first truth is that the freedom of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of the power in private hands to the point that it becomes stronger than the state itself democratic.
As we can see, Roosevelt's ideas could have some socialist overtones, a way of thinking that with the passage of time undoubtedly gained him more than one detractor.
41. It is common sense to choose a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.
Only by being persistent will we be able to achieve all our vital goals, which is why this former president of the United States never stopped working throughout his life.
42. Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the excitement of creative endeavor.
Reaching a personal goal is always something very valuable for anyone and of course, former President Roosevelt always knew how to celebrate all those victories that he achieved.
43. Be sincere; be brief; remain seated.
According to this former president, every man should always try to keep his composure at all times, being somewhat indifferent whatever the eventual problem he may be facing.
44. I have seen war and hated it. I say this over and over again. I hope America stays out of this war.
Whenever possible, wars should try to be avoided by any nation, although it is important to bear in mind that on some occasions they are simply unavoidable.
45. I believe in individualism… But only when the individualist begins to thrive at the expense of society.
The common good must always be above the individual good because otherwise, the society in which we live could never be said to be totally fair and egalitarian.
46. For civilization to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships, the ability for all peoples, of all kinds, to live together in the same world in peace.
If we wish to reach the zenith of our civilization we must ensure that we maintain peace between the nations, because only in this way will all of them achieve levels of prosperity like never before seen.
47. Judge me by the enemies I have made.
It is very common for very successful people to have a large number of enemies, something that is very logical having Take into account that envy is usually much more present in our society than we sometimes imagine.
48. I am neither bitter nor cynical, but I do wish that there is less immaturity in political thinking.
Populism was something that in his opinion should simply disappear, when a representative of the people carried out a proposal he always had to commit to comply with it.
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49. I always think about what I should do and not what I would like to do.
In his personal life, this president always showed himself to be a highly introverted person, a characteristic of this famous political scientist that can be seen clearly reflected in a large number of Photographs.
50. I accuse the current administration of being the highest-spending peacetime administration in the entire history of the United States.
In his rise to power, Roosevelt never hesitated to speak openly about the efforts of previous presidents, something that throughout his career earned him both admirers and detractors.
51. I don't see this United States as a finished product. We are still in the making.
As President of the United States, Roosevelt knew very well that his nation still had a long way to go, albeit to a great extent. Thanks to efforts like yours, this country managed to become over the years the most powerful state in the world. world.
52. Philosophy? I am a Christian and a Democrat. That is all.
He was always very clear about his principles and ideals and therefore, he hesitated throughout his life to carry out all the actions that were possible in order to defend them.
53. The test of our progress is not that those who have much have more, but that those who have too little have more.
In the past, even in the United States, there were many, many people living below the poverty line, something that in Roosevelt's time began to change dramatically. It should be noted that today millions of people can still be found in this country who have not yet managed to get out of this situation.
54. No man can tame a tiger like a kitten by petting it.
We must always keep in mind who our enemies really are because only in this way, we will be able to carry out the necessary actions to overcome them.
55. Somoza may be a son of a bitch, but he's our son of a bitch.
Roosevelt was always very clear about who his allies really were and never hesitated to eagerly defend them, although this could end up undermining his level of popularity to some extent.
56. The nation that destroys its land destroys itself.
This former president of the United States was always very aware of the issue of conservation of the natural environment, something that he could expect from him considering that he was a person who really enjoyed taking long walks in natural places like Yellowstone.
57. We have to be the great arsenal of Democracy.
Roosevelt was always very clear about his idea that they should represent the United States for the rest of the world. nations, and this idea was none other than to be a bastion of fundamental rights for all their population.
58. Don't forget that I discovered that more than ninety percent of all national deficits from 1921 to 1939 were caused by payments for past, present, and future wars.
War is a situation that in one way or another will always end up harming us, that is why all Countries should always try to avoid warfare by all the means at their disposal.
59. Rules are not necessarily sacred, principles are.
Only if we are faithful to our principles will we be able to become, over time, the best possible version of ourselves.
60. The democratic aspiration is not a simple recent phase in human history. It is human history.
Human beings have been looking for a system of social organization that is purely democratic for a long time, something that many countries have not yet been able to develop in the 21st century.