The 85 best phrases of Pythagoras (about science and life)
Pythagoras is a great protagonist of the modern era. His name has resonated in every mathematical theorem taught to us since school, proving that his knowledge were so profound and practical that to this day they are still used in the branches of mathematics and science. science.
Regarded as the true first mathematician From the Hellenistic era, Pythagoras had a great fascination for the exactitudes of triangles, from which he later derived his studies of arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and also music.
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Best Pythagorean Quotes About Science And Life
In this article we have brought the best compilation of Pythagorean phrases that have endured over time.
1. You must help a man to take a load, but you must not help him put it aside.
The teachings that are given to man should focus on his personal growth to ensure a responsible individual in all his actions.
2. Don't be ambitious and stingy; the right measure is excellent in such cases.
Everything in life has its balance, both the good things and the bad things.
3. Do not say a few things in many words, but many things in a few words.
Knowing how to express yourself does not need ornate words, but certainties.
4. The men who always speak the truth are the ones who come closest to God.
The lie never stands for long, contrary to the truth, which is eternal.
5. Purify your heart before allowing love to settle in it, as the sweetest honey turns sour in a dirty glass.
Love is a pure and sincere feeling, so it has to be housed in a heart without grudges or fears.
6. Have only one wife and one friend. The forces of the body and the soul do not tolerate any more.
Enjoying life to the fullest does not imply having multiple partners or thousands of friends.
7. O legislator! Don't give me laws for the peoples, but peoples for the laws.
A satisfied people is one that respects the laws and at the same time protects them.
8. Number is the ruler of forms and ideas, and the cause of gods and demons.
We must not let ourselves be governed by vain and meaningless ideas, but rather let ourselves be influenced by ideas that motivate us.
9. Save the tears of your children, so that they can water your grave with them.
The first responsibility of parents is to educate their children to be happy in life.
10. To educate is not to give a career to live, but to temper the soul for the difficulties of life.
In life you not only have to learn a trade to live, you also have to train.
11. I prefer the staff of experience to the fast cart of fortune. The philosopher travels on foot.
Knowledge and experience are the only tools we can have to achieve everything we set out to do in life.
12. Choose a woman of whom you can say: I could have looked more beautiful but not better.
Stay with that couple that even when they are not very beautiful, their way of loving you, respecting you and loving you are the correct ones.
13. With order and time, you will find the secret of doing everything, and of doing it well.
The secret to doing all the activities of the day and having time for everything is getting organized.
14. Abandon the great roads, follow the trails.
In life we find shortcuts that lead us to better opportunities than the path we were traveling.
15. Number was the substance of all things.
Applying the calculation in all our activities will help us to understand its meaning.
16. Listen, you will be wise. The beginning of wisdom is silence.
Listening to yourself, the environment and others are the key to wisdom and knowledge.
17. He who does not know to talk, does not know to shut up.
Just as we learn to speak, in the same way we must know how to shut up at the right time.
18. Don't make your body the grave of your soul.
Our body is a temple that we have to take care of since it houses our essence.
19. You will see that the evils of men are the fruit of their choice; and that they seek the source of good far away, when they carry it within their hearts.
We all have the ability to do good, but we are also responsible for the evils that we have done.
20. Don't be afraid to die. Death is just a stop.
Many fear death, but we must understand that it is only an inevitable part of life.
21. Get used to an orderly and decent way of life without luxury.
A simple life is equal to or even more satisfying than a luxurious life, for it brings with it the gift of tranquility.
22. The number rules the universe.
Everyone is under the administration of calculation and numbers.
23. Above all, respect yourself.
Respecting others is important, but respecting yourself is paramount.
24. It is better for a man to have his mouth closed and others believe him to be a fool, than to open it and for others to convince themselves that he is.
There are circumstances in which it is better to remain silent than to speak up and make a fool of yourself.
25. Happiness consists of being able to unite the beginning with the end.
Everything is connected. And each door is a new opportunity in life.
26. A beautiful old age is ordinarily the reward of a beautiful life.
What makes older people the happiest is knowing that they have lived a great life.
27. The human soul is divided into three parts: in mind, in wisdom and in anger.
We are all filled with anger, which can be a motivation to get ahead or the tool with which we hurt someone.
28. Holding on to these things, you will know the worlds of the gods and mortals that permeate and rule all.
Clinging to the things of the world does not represent any happiness.
29. The number is the interior of all things.
Mathematics is an essential part of our life.
30. Choose the best way to live; custom will make it pleasant for you.
The good life will get easier as we get used to it.
31. He who speaks, sows. He who listens, collects.
Listening is the way we can learn lessons and tips to succeed in life.
32. Educate the children and it will not be necessary to punish the men.
An early education teaches people to appreciate the valuable and humane in life.
33. Write in the sand the faults of your friend.
As humans, we can all make mistakes, so it is important to learn to forgive.
34. Nothing perishes in the universe; everything that happens in it does not go beyond mere transformations.
Life is a constant metamorphosis.
35. Some are slaves to greed or money, but others are interested in understanding life. The latter, proclaimed philosophers, value discovering nature above all else.
Just as there are lovers of the material and wealth, there are also human beings who are concerned with the value of life.
36. Geometry is the knowledge of the eternally existent.
All things in the world are represented by shapes and lines.
37. It is necessary to find the infinitely great in the infinitely small, to feel the presence of God.
God is always present in both small and magnificent things.
38. Anger begins in madness, and ends in regret.
Anger never brings anything good as a result.
39. If you want to live long, save some stale wine and an old friend.
Friends are important in life. Unique experiences are shared with them.
40. Two kinds of tears have a woman's eyes: of real pain and of spite.
Speaking of which women cry out of suffering and resentment.
41. Measure your desires, weigh your opinions, count your words.
A good life is full of objective goals, sound opinions, and nurturing words.
42. Before anything else, control your tongue.
The tongue is the punishment of men, because we can say something that costs us everything.
43. Evolution is the law of life.
Nothing is static. Everything is constantly changing because this is how we move forward.
44. Friendship is an harmonious equality.
Surround yourself with friends who help you grow, not discourage you.
45. If there is light, then there is darkness; if it's cold, it's hot; if there is height, there is depth; if there is solid, there is fluid; if there is hardness, there is softness, if there is calm, there is a storm; if there is prosperity, there is adversity; if there is life, there is death.
For every good thing, there are bad things. Because this is how we can appreciate both.
46. Help your fellow men to lift his burden, but do not consider yourself obliged to carry it away.
We can help the needy, but not bear their burdens.
47. Don't despise anyone; an atom casts a shadow.
We all have capabilities and potentials that make us valuable.
48. Between two men equal in strength, the strongest is the one who is right.
Physical strength does not compare with knowledge, which makes a man great.
49. Before the doctor call your friend.
Referring to venting our sorrows with friends.
50. You will also know that according to the Law, the nature of this universe is similar in all things.
All things have similarities in this world.
51. The soul is a chord; the dissonance, his illness.
Disagreements and disagreements make both soul and body sick.
52. You must do great things, not promise great things.
It is better that our actions speak for us, not the words that we say.
53. Shut up or say something better than silence.
There are times when the best we can do is say absolutely nothing. .
54. The beginning is the middle of the whole.
The hardest step to take is getting started. Therefore, it represents half the way.
55. Freedom said one day to the law: "You hinder me." The law responded to freedom: "I keep you."
Law and freedom always go hand in hand, supporting each other.
56. Learn the silence. With the serene stillness of a meditative mind, listen, absorb, transcribe and transform.
Only with a calm mind can all kinds of problems be solved.
57. Man knows himself; then you will know the Universe and God.
When we know ourselves in depth, we can better understand our surroundings.
58. Man is mortal because of his fears and immortal because of his wishes.
Fear is our worst enemy, but our desires make us accomplish great things.
59. It is difficult to travel through many paths of life at the same time.
Nothing ties us to experience various opportunities, as long as we can maintain a good balance in them.
60. Most people, whether by birth or by nature, lack the means to grow in wealth or power; but all have the ability to advance in knowledge.
Even when living in absolute poverty, acquiring knowledge is not reflected in it, but in the desire to progress intellectually.
61. If you suffer injustices console yourself, because the real misfortune is to commit them.
The worst injustice is the one we inflict with our own hands.
62. Of all things, two statements can be made and they are completely contrary.
Life has its adversities and its charms. All of this complements each other perfectly.
63. He who buries gold hides the truth.
Those who hide their intentions from him will never be entirely sincere.
64. He chooses rather to be strong in soul than strong in body.
Having a strong soul will make us more receptive, understanding, and compassionate.
65. In life, some choose fame and others money, but the best option is that of those few who spend their time contemplating nature as lovers of wisdom.
Choosing the opportunity to have knowledge is one of the best investments since it allows you to open thousands of doors.
66. It is not appropriate to have a blunt sword or to use free speech ineffectively. Nor should the sun of the world be deprived, nor the freedom of expression of scholarship.
Knowledge is the vital tool to face the obstacles that are presented to us.
67. Man, don't be your wife's slave or tyrant.
We are not owned by anyone, nor are we the owners of anyone.
68. He who sows the seeds of murder and pain cannot reap happiness and love.
If you harvest darkness you will not receive sunny days.
69. The strength of the mind rests in sobriety, because this keeps your reason clear of passion.
Thinking in a measured way makes us act fairly.
70. The land gives abundant wealth and peaceful food. And it gives you food that is free from death and blood.
Nature is so generous that it provides us with plants that provide us with healthy food.
71. "Yes" and "no" are the oldest and simplest words, but they require more thought.
It is not easy to say these simple words, as they can have great consequences.
72. Perfect equality does not exist except between the dead.
It is only in death that we all have equal conditions.
73. When the wise man opens his mouth, the beauties of his soul come into view, like statues in a temple.
A man's wisdom can be seen just by hearing his voice.
74. The wise man must be prepared for everything that is not under his control.
It is not possible to control everything, so it is important to have a backup plan to act in different circumstances.
75. Do not become an enemy of the man of whom you stop being a friend.
When a friend leaves your life, remember the good things you experienced with him. Don't make it your enemy.
76. The maximum that man has is the soul, which induces him to good or evil.
What we have inside is what leads us to act.
77. When you are away from home, never look back, because the erinias follow in your footsteps.
Do not long for your past as it may appear when you least expect it.
78. It is better to be silent than to argue with the Ignorant.
Arguing with an ignorant is just an unnecessary waste of energy.
79. Worry germinates in the cradle of ignorant laziness.
Remove all worry from your life as it will prevent you from continuing with your activities.
80. The more we do, the more we can do; when we are busiest is when we have more time to have fun.
Seeing that we are capable of accomplishing something, we become motivated to do more.
81. When a reasonable soul abandons its divine nature and becomes like a beast, it dies.
When we become irrational beings, we are transforming ourselves into animals.
82. Rest satisfied with doing good, and let others talk about you however they want.
If you agree with your good deeds, then turn a deaf ear to the criticism of others.
83. Avoid anything that can attract envy.
Envy can seriously damage the course of life.
84. If you want to live long, save some stale wine and an old friend.
Keep good memories and keep your friends to ensure a long and serene life.
85. We must declare war on five things: the sufferings of the body, the ignorances of the mind, the passions of the body, the riots in the city and family discord.
All negative things that bring us discomfort must be eliminated from our life.