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4 keys to knowing yourself through your menstrual cycle

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Women menstruate an average of 35 years throughout our lives... that's many years, right? What not all women know is that the menstrual cycle is a great way to get to know yourself.

I bring you the keys to know yourself through your menstrual cycle: you will discover how to enhance each phase, as well as apps and recommended readings.

  • Related article: "Types of hormones and their functions in the human body"

The 4 phases of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is a great self-knowledge tool because it influences us, although it does not determine us, on a physical, emotional and mental level.

Women are cyclical and, consequently, we do not feel the same way at all times. If we pay attention to our evolution, we will find a multitude of benefits and opportunities to take advantage of. Let's see what happens in each phase.

The cycle is made up of 4 phases, and not just bleeding, as we usually believe. In each of these phases there is a different production of hormones and neurotransmitters. The complete cycle lasts between 28 and 29 days on average.

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Although there are many hormones that contribute, the most important are progesterone and estrogen; This means that physical and emotional tendencies can be observed in the different phases, but... eye! They can vary from woman to woman.

1. Pre-ovulatory or follicular phase

Estradiol levels rise, which is a type of estrogen and the egg grows and develops.

What does this translate to?

In a greater sexual desire, well-being and pleasure. At this stage of the month we feel better. We also rest better and our skin and hair look healthier. We are more energetic and optimistic. We want change, the new, create ...

  • You may be interested in: "Estrogens: Types, Functions, and Effects in the Body"

2. Ovulation

The egg follicle swells and ruptures to release an oocyte, which may or may not be fertilized.

What does this translate to?

We tend to be calmer. It increases our self-esteem and we have more desire to be with people. We feel more beautiful and with greater sexual desire.

  • Related article: "The 4 types of sex cells"

3. Premenstrual or luteal phase

If there is no fertilization, the empty follicle becomes the so-called corpus luteum. Progesterone begins to predominate.

What does this translate to?

In irritability and conflicts. We can also connect more with what we need to change in our life. We become more thoughtful, introverted, and intuitive.

We express in a more emotional way things that already worried us. We tune in better with our inner knowing and with what we do not want in our life. Finally, we become more sleepy.

  • You may be interested in: "Premenstrual Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Remedies"

4. Bleeding

The corpus luteum breaks down and endometrial tissue is expelled, that's why we bleed.

What does this translate to?

This is not the time to act, this phase invites recollection and sadness. The body is making a great metabolic effort and consequently, we need to rest and be calm.

Menstrual cycle
  • Related article: "Types of blood: characteristics and compositions"

How to enhance each phase for your own benefit

Despite the fact that each woman and each body is a world, we can establish the following strategies in a general way.

We can make the preovulatory phase a period of reflection and decision; Our ovulation is usually a good time to express ourselves, to open up.

While we are premenstrual, we can take advantage of it to connect with the things that we do not like and to which we want to set limits.

Finally, the menstrual phase is a good time to continue learning to stop and respect our rhythm.

  • You may be interested in: "Self-knowledge: definition and 8 tips to improve it"

4 Apps and 4 recommended books about the menstrual cycle

There are many books that address the subject from very different perspectives. Some examples.

  • Period Repair Manual, by Lara Briden: This is a good bedside manual, it contains very simple and comprehensive explanations of common derangements.
  • Woman Code, by Alissa Viti: the author is a nutritionist, and in her book she talks about hormonal health, developing her own method.
  • Red Moon, by Miranda Gray: it is a much more poetic reading, loaded with myths, legends, stories and metaphors that will make you connect with the ancestral feminine wisdom.
  • I menstruate, a manifesto, by Erika Irusta: the author talks about the menstrual cycle from an activist position. She is the first menstrual pedagogue in Spain.

Some useful applications When it comes to learning to record your cycle, they are: Clue, Flo, Period calendar, and Woman Log.

To finish ...

Every day is a good time to get to know each other better. Both through our body (and this includes our cycle) and through other pathways. Knowing yourself helps you focus your life and improves your relationships. What are you waiting for?

If you feel that it is time to deepen your knowledge of yourself, you can do it with my hand.

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