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The best 10 Psychologists in Sevilla la Nueva

The psychologist Juan Garcia-Bouza He has more than 15 years of professional experience behind him and throughout his career he has specialized in serving adolescents of all ages, adults, couples and also families.

His intervention is based on the humanistic approach and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, with which he attends school difficulties, low self-esteem, addictions, emotional problems, depression and anxiety.

Juan García-Bouza is Graduated in Psychology from the UCM, has a Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology from CINTECO, has a Postgraduate Specialist in Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and has a Training Course in Clinical Psychology of the Drug addiction.

The psychologist Rebeca Carrasco She is Graduated in Psychology, has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology, a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology and a third Master's Degree in Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.

It is a professional specialized in serving adolescents, adults, couples and families, all telematically and applying together various highly effective therapies, such as EMDR Therapy, the cognitive-behavioral approach or Psychoanalytic Therapy Relational.

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In her consultation you will find a therapist specialized in successfully attending to family conflicts, school difficulties, anxiety, depression, divorce proceedings, sexual abuse and addictions.

The psychologist Romina Paola Giarrusso She has a degree in Psychology from the Argentine Catholic University, she has a Health Master's Degree in Clinical Practical Psychology and also has She is a Training Course in Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, another in Personality Disorders and a third Training Course in Disorders of the Childhood.

This professional has more than 10 years of experience behind her back and currently she attends online to children, adolescents, adults, seniors, couples and also families.

Her intervention is mainly based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, one of the most used by psychologists around the world due to its good results in the client, and with which she treats learning disorders, cases of anxiety and depression, insomnia and problems with couple.

The psychologist Paz Holguín she is an expert in Juvenile Delinquency and criminal response with juvenile offenders, and throughout her career has specialized in serving people of all ages, especially children and teenagers

Paz Holguín has a Degree in Psychology from the UAM, she has a Master's Degree in Child and Adolescent Therapy from ISEP, she has a Degree in Evolutionary and developmental neuropsychology by the same center and has a Training Course in First Aid Psychological.

Her intervention integrates various highly effective therapies such as Humansite Therapy or the cognitive-behavioral approach, orientations that she integrates into online sessions in which he addresses school difficulties, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, divorce processes and trauma.

The Recal Clinic is one of the most prestigious in the Community of Madrid in the field of addiction treatment and in the Currently, its team of therapists attends online to adolescents, adults and also in the field family.

The intervention of the center is integrative and is based on the application of various highly effective therapies adapted at all times to the particular needs of each client, among which EMDR Therapy, Mindfulness or Therapy Cognitive-behavioral.

At the Recal Clinic you will find the most suitable professional to attend to cases of alcoholism, the internet addiction, sex addiction, gambling, substance abuse or addiction to video game.

The psychologist Javier Ares She graduated in Clinical Psychology with Honorable Mention from the UCM, has a Master's Degree in General Psychology Sanitaria from UDIMA, a Master in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and a Master in Clinical Psychology and Health.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in applying only therapies based on the scientific method, such as Third Generation Therapies and the cognitive-behavioral approach, with which it serves adolescents, adults, the elderly and couples

His services are also offered in the telematic mode and with all the comforts and attention for the client, being some of his outstanding specialties, family conflicts, addictions, low self-esteem, couple crises, anxiety and depression.

The psychologist Thomas Saint Cecilia directs the Center for Psychological Consulting CECOPS, where he attends online to people of all ages, as well as couples and companies that request his services.

This professional bases his intervention on the cognitive-behavioral model, with which he treats disorders eating habits, cases of anxiety and depression, stress, infidelities, divorce processes and problems as a couple.

Tomás Santa Cecilia has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, he has a Master's degree in Advanced Cognitive-behavioral Psychology from the Albor-Cohs Group and

The center Advance Psychologists It has been serving people of all ages, as well as couples and families for more than 20 years, and today it is another of the most prominent in the Community of Madrid.

In it you will find a team of professionals specialized in various areas of intervention, whose services are offered online and are based on the joint application of the best effective therapies proven.

Some of the main disorders attended by professionals at the Avance Psicólogos center are cases of anxiety and depression, family conflict, relationship problems, sexual disorders, low self-esteem and stress.

Another of the most important psychotherapy centers in Madrid is Let's hear Psychology, an online psychology portal made up of a team of highly qualified therapists and experienced when it comes to serving people of any age, as well as in the sphere of the couple and the family.

The intervention of the professionals of this center is individualized at all times, it is based on the application of various highly effective therapies and some of her main specialties are relationship problems, sexual difficulties, addictions, low self-esteem, stress and conflicts relatives.

The psychologist Ana Isabel Rey She is a Graduate in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, she has a Certification in Coaching by She values ​​and she has a Master's Degree in Guidance and Labor Intermediation with Groups at Risk of Exclusion.

This professional is a specialist in attending online to adolescents and adults with school difficulties, disorders of learning, deficits in academic performance, cases of school failure or deficits in the techniques and strategies of study.

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