Discover the types of monarchy that exist

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Throughout history, many have been the different forms of government that it has used in the different types of states but, without a doubt, the most used has been the monarchy. The monarchy is a form of state that has been a part of humanity almost from the earliest civilizations and, although it has had periods of more or less use, it has managed to reach our days. Therefore, in this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to talk about the different types of monarchy that exist.
- What is a monarchy?
- Main types of monarchy
- Other types of monarchy
What is a monarchy?
The monarchy is a form of government or state in which a dynasty represents the country, being the leader of the family, the king or monarch, who occupies the role of head of state. This important role in the politics of a country can vary depending on the type of monarchy from which let's talk, having existed states in which the king had all the power, and others where he is a figure symbolic.
The word monarchy comes from the Greek, coming from the terms that referred to the government of a single person, joining the words of "One" and "rule." Instead, the word king or monarch comes from Latin, from the term "rex", although other words can be used to refer to the king, depending on the place.
Characteristics of monarchies
Although monarchies can be of different types, the truth is that all of them have a series of common features, which resemble the different types to each other. These characteristics are as follows:
- He is personal and for life, only being able to exercise it one person until for some reason he must leave it.
- The king transfers his position hereditary to his children.
- The king represents the state in its international relations.
- Many times they have been related to religion.

Main types of monarchy.
Not all types of monarchy are equally common, there are a few types widely used by the most countries throughout history, while others have been much more specific and specials. The main types of monarchy are 4, being the following.
Absolute monarchy
The absolute monarchy is a form of government where the king has absolute power, not existing any type of division of powers, since all of them are concentrated in the monarch. The king only answers to God, since he is considered to be exercising power as God's representative.
This type of government was the most used by the kings of Western Europe during the Old Regime, although it has also been used by other countries such as the tsars of Russia or the emperors of different territories. At present there are still countries that use this form of government, being examples Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
Constitutional monarchy
The constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which there is a division of powers, and the king only exercises the executive power. It is a midpoint between the total power of the absolute monarchies, and the lesser power of the parliamentary monarchies.
Some examples of constitutional monarchies are the old Italian monarchy or late 19th century Japan.
Parliamentary monarchy
The parliamentary monarchyis the one in which the king is the Head of state, but he is under the control of the legislative and executive powers. The king has barely any power, serving more as a kind of state representative in diplomatic relations.
It is the type of monarchy most used in monarchical European countries today, our closest example being the Spanish monarchy.
Hybrid monarchy
The hybrid monarchy is one that mixes the concepts of absolute monarchy and parliamentary, in which the king cedes part of his powers to the government, but is still much more influential than in parliamentary and constitutional monarchies.

Other types of monarchy.
Once we have talked about the main types of monarchy, we must talk about other types that exist, much more specific, and with far fewer examples. Some of these other types of monarchy are as follows:
- Federal monarchy: It is one in which the monarch is the president of a federation of states. An example of this kind of monarchy is Malaysia.
- Elective monarchy: It is a type of monarchy in which the king is elected in some electoral way. A clear example is the Vatican City.
- Feudal monarchy: It is the type of government of the monarchies of Western Europe during the Full Middle Ages.
- Popular monarchy: A type of monarchy more united to the people, generally as a consequence of some revolution. An example is the current Belgian monarchy.
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