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Top 10 Psychologists in Oakland (California)

Oakland is a city located in the San Francisco bay area which has a permanent population of just over 400,000 people.

It is thanks to its more than important geographical location, that in the city of Oakland today all the services that anyone can easily find eventually you may need, and that of course also includes, a wide variety of psychology professionals who are experts in the treatment of all kinds of difficulties.

  • It may interest you: "The 16 Best Psychologists in San Francisco (California)"

Top Rated Psychologists in Oakland

On the other hand, it is also interesting to mention that there are not so many Spanish-speaking psychologists that today offer their services in this city, and it is precisely because of This is why we have decided to make a detailed list of the most interesting psychologists in Oakland who offer the possibility of being able to carry out therapy with them in Castilian.

Although, as you can see, some of the following specialists do not have a physical consultation in Oakland itself if they offer us the option that we can perform therapy with them through the use of video calls, something that can undoubtedly be much more comfortable for a large number of patients. persons.

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