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What is a DECREASING diphthong

Decreasing diphthong - examples

The hiatuses, diphthongs and triphthongs they can easily be a headache when breaking down words morphologically. And it is that, even used as a rhythmic resource in poetry, the division of words depends entirely on what we have before us. Therefore, a hiatus divides a conjunction of vowels in two, while a diphthong pastes these two vowels as if they acted as one. Thus, this is something that we must take into account when dividing words into syllables.

These vowel unions in a single syllable or two are aggravated when we discover that there are several types of diphthongs. We have already seen in a teacher the increasing diphthongs (we recommend that you visit our article about them) and now it would be time to know what is the decreasing diphthong with examples. Go for it!

First of all, and just in case, we need to remember again what a diphthong. Well, these diphthongs of which we speak are composed, neither more nor less, than by two vowels that appear together in the same syllable.

Therefore, and unlike what happens with hiatuses, a diphthong is indivisible. In fact, there are two general types of diphthongs, which are subdivided into six more each. These two types of diphthong are known as

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increasing diphthongs and decreasing diphthongs.

We already saw in the article that we mentioned above that increasing diphthongs are those that are composed of a weak vowel (i / or) followed by a strong vowel (to / and / or). Thus, the six variants that we could find of increasing diphthongs would be ia, ie, io, ua, ue and uo.

Definition of decreasing diphthong

So what is a decreasing diphthong? Easy peasy. A decreasing diphthong is the exact opposite of what is seen in increasing ones.

In this case we come across a union of vowels in which the first one is a strong vowelto / and / or) and the one that follows would be a weak vowel (i / or). Therefore, the variants that we could come across would be ai, au, ei, eu, oi and the least common ou. Let's look at a series of examples of them.

To finish this lesson on decreasing diphthongs, here we are going to leave you a list of examples of decreasing diphthongs that will help you better understand the syllabus:

Examples of decreasing diphthong withai

  1. -Airado: ai-ra-do
  2. -Aire: ai-re
  3. -Airear: ai-re-ar
  4. -Aipink: ai-pink
  5. -Aiside: ais-la-do
  6. -Aiforward: ais-lan-te
  7. -Alcaifrom: al-cai-from
  8. -A.Mainar: a-mai-nar
  9. -Apaisado: a-pai-sa-do
  10. -Apagabais: a-pa-ga-bais
  11. -Arcaico: ar-cai-co
  12. -Bailar: bai-lar
  13. -Bailarin: bai-la-rín
  14. -Baile: bai-you
  15. -Caigo: cai-go
  16. -Caiman: cai-man
  17. -I ateais: co-me-ais
  18. -Faisán: fai-saint
  19. -Fraile: frai-you
  20. -Gaita: gai-ta
  21. -Haiyou: Hai-you
  22. -Incaico: in-cai-co
  23. -Jaime: Jai-I
  24. -Jamaica: Ja-mai-AC
  25. -Maizal: mai-zal
  26. -Mosaico: mo-sai-co
  27. -Naipe: nai-pe
  28. -Paisaje: pai-sa-heh
  29. -Paihealthy: pai-healthy
  30. -Prosaico: pro-sai-co
  31. -Saijoin: sai-ne-te
  32. -Taimado: tai-ma-do
  33. -Traition: trai-tion
  34. -Traiccionar: trai-cio-nar
  35. -Traidor: trai-dor
  36. -Taigas: trai-gas
  37. -Vaina: vai-na
  38. -Vainilla: vai-ni-lla
  39. -Vaicome: vai-come

Decreasing diphthong withau

  • -Appaudir: a-plau-dir
  • -Appauso: a-plau-SW
  • -Astronauta: as-tro-nau-ta
  • -Audacia: au-da-cia
  • -Audaz: au-daz
  • -Audition: au-di-tion
  • -Audience: au-dien-cia
  • -Auditoria: au-di-to-rí-a
  • -Auit gave: au-it gave
  • -Auguru: au-gu-rio
  • -Autaste: Au-taste
  • -Authe: au-the
  • -lla: -lla
  • -Aullar: au-llar
  • -Aulido: au-lli-do
  • -Aumention: au-men-tar
  • -Aument: au-men-to
  • -Aunque: aun-what
  • -Aureola: au-re-o-la
  • -Auricular: au-ri-cu-lar-es
  • -Aurora: au-ro-ra
  • -Ausence: au-sence
  • -Ausentence: au-sin-tea
  • -Auspici: aus-pi-ciar
  • -Auspicio: aus-pi-cio
  • -Austral: aus-tral
  • -Australia: Aus-tra-lia
  • -Autentic: au-Have-you-co
  • -Autobus: au-to-bus
  • -Autocontrol: au-to-control
  • -Automobile: au-to-mobile-vile
  • -Auautonomy: au-to-no-me-a
  • -Autopist: au-to-pis-ta
  • -AuTorah: au-Torah
  • -Autority: au-to-ri-dad
  • -Auenough: au-to-su-fi-cien-te
  • -Austill: au-to-saw-to
  • -Autopist: au-to-pis-ta
  • -Auxiliar: au-xi-liar
  • -Auxilio: au-xi-lio
  • -Bauchalk: bau-ti-zo
  • -Cauce: cau-EC
  • -Caucho: cau-cho
  • -Caudal: cau-dal
  • -Caudaloso: cau-da-lo-so
  • -Causa: cau-sa
  • -Causante: cau-san-te
  • -Caufabric: cau-cloth
  • -Cauto: cau-to
  • -Claustro: claus-tro
  • -Clausura: clau-sura
  • -Tell usauriver: say-no-sau-River
  • -Embaucador: em-bau-ca-dor
  • -Enjaular: en-jau-lar
  • -Exhausto: e-xhaus-to
  • -Fauna: fau-na
  • -Flauta: flau-ta
  • -Flautista: flau-tis-ta
  • -Fraufrom: frau-from
  • -Gaucho: gau-cho
  • -Inaugurar: i-nau-gu-rar
  • -Jauthe Jau-the
  • -Jauría: jau-estuary
  • -Laura: Lau-ra
  • -Laurel: lau-rel
  • -Maullar: mau-llar
  • -Maulido: mau-lli-do
  • -Mauricio: Mau-ri-cio
  • -Pauthe: Pau-the
  • -Pausar: pau-he
  • -Pauta: pau-ta
  • -Precaution: pre-cau-tion
  • -Raudo: rau-do
  • -Recaugive: re-cau-give
  • -Restaurante: res-tau-be-te
  • -Sauce: sau-EC
  • -Sauna: sau-na
  • -Trauma: trau-ma
  • -Traumatic: trau-ma-ti-co

Examples of decreasing diphthong with ei

  • -Aceite: a-cei-tea
  • -Aceitoso: a-cei-to-so
  • -Aceituna: a-cei-tuna
  • -Afeitar: a-fei-tar
  • -Alfeitsar: al-fei-czar
  • -Beiwith: bei-with
  • -Deidad: dei-dad
  • -Descafeiswim: des-ca-fei-I swim
  • -Esternocleidomastoid: es-ter-no-clei-do-mas-toi-de-o
  • -Freidora: frei-do-ra
  • -Peiswim: pei-I swim
  • -Peinar: pei-nar
  • -Peine: pei-ne
  • -Reina: rei-na
  • -Reiswim: rei-I swim
  • -Reinar: rei-nar
  • -Reino: rei-no
  • -SeiH.Heis
  • -Treinta: trein-ta
  • -Veinte: vein-te
  • -Veintiún: vein-tiún

Decreasing diphthongeu

  • -Ceuta: Ceu-ta
  • -Deuda: deu-gives
  • -Eucalipto: eu-ca-lip-to
  • -Euphoria: eu-fo-ria
  • -Euclothing: Eu-clothing
  • -Feudal: feu-dal
  • -Feudo: feu-do
  • -Neuronas: neu-ro-nas
  • -Neutro: neu-tro
  • -Neutron: neu-tron
  • -Neusurgeon: neu-ro-ci-ru-ja-no
  • -Leucocito: leu-co-ci-to
  • -eudonym: pseu-do-ni-mo
  • -Reunion: reu-nion
  • -Reunir: reu-nir
  • -Terapeuta: te-ra-peu-ta
  • -Zeus: Zeus

Decreasing diphthongI heard

  • -AndrI heardfrom: an-drI heard-from
  • -BI heardcot: bI heard-cot
  • -BI heardcollate: bI heard-co-te-ar
  • -BI heardna: bI heard-na
  • -CellulI heardfrom: ce-lu-lI heard-from
  • -CI heardncidir: cI heardn-ci-dir
  • -EsternocleidomastI hearddeo: es-ter-no-clei-do-mas-tI heard-of-o
  • -GasI heardl: ga-sI heardl
  • -HelicI hearddal: he-li-cI heard-dal
  • -HerI heardca: he-rI heard-AC
  • -HerI heardco: he-rI heard-co
  • -MI heardsés: MI heard-sees
  • -I heardgo: I heard-go
  • -RombI heardfrom: rom-bI heard-from
  • -TrapezI heardfrom: tra-pe-zI heard-from

Examples of decreasing diphthongou

  • -Beounidense: es-ta-dou-ni-den-se
  • This car is U.S.
Decreasing diphthong - examples - Examples of words with decreasing diphthong
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