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Sentences with verbs in INFINITIVE- [summary + examples!]

Sentences with infinitive verbs - with examples

We could give thousands of examples of sentences in Spanish with conjugated verbs in any tense or verb mode, but that is something that we already have quite clear. The fact is that the Spanish language has a very rich variety of verb formations that, on many occasions, is an important slab when it comes to learning it as a second language.

Beyond these formations according to the mode or time, we can also find the use of the infinitive, with different functionalities, within a sentence. That is why in a Teacher we are going to talk about the sentences with infinitive verbs with examples. You may still be interested.

The infinitive is the base form of a verb. This form is not conjugated by the tense or the verb mood and it is given in a unique and immovable way in all verbs. This means that it does not vary in gender, number, time, mode or any other factor. For example, the infinitive of the verb to run is, obviously and at the risk of being redundant, to run. And this shape never changes.

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From that base already we conjugate the same verb in its different modes, times and people, but it would no longer be treated in the infinitive way. Therefore, we can say that an infinitive verb does not express time or mode. That is, the infinitive verb is totally impersonal and timeless. With this, and obviously, it is the way in which we find verbs in dictionaries, their base form.

Verb conjugations

In the Spanish language we find three endings to form the infinitive, which are called as conjugations. Those three conjugations are:

  • First conjugation: verbs ending in-ar (love, sing, dream, etc.)
  • Second conjugation: verbs ending in -er (eat, drink, have, etc.)
  • Third conjugation: verbs ending in-ir (live, feel, say, etc.)
Sentences with infinitive verbs - with examples - What is the infinitive?

There are different ways that an infinitive can appear within a sentence. But something that always tends to happen is that they have the nature, rather than a verb as such, a noun. Therefore, with this function may appear as followss within a sentence:

  • Core of the subject: The verb in the infinitive fulfills the function of the nucleus of the subject as one more noun. For instance: To sing It is my passion since I was four years old.
  • Subject accompanied by pronoun: The verb in the infinitive is still part of the subject of the sentence, but is preceded by a possessive. For instance: You to sing it is quite peculiar.
  • Direct complement: The infinitive verb accompanies another conjugated main verb. In this case, the verb in the infinitive is a noun that acts as a direct object. For instance: Maria decided to buy another entry for Vicente.
  • Indirect compliment: In the same way as seen in the direct object, the verb in the infinitive acts as a noun that accompanies a main verb in the form of an indirect object. For instance: While in the city, my friends looked for a hotel to to sleep.
  • Circumstantial complement: We can find the infinitives also in many varieties of the circumstantial complement (mode, place, time, etc.). Let's see an example of an infinitive in a circumstantial complement of the place: We saw the town at pass the tunnel.
  • Predicative complement: When we find a complement that modifies the subject or complement, and gives it some characteristic, we have before us a predicative or predicative complement. Well, infinitive verbs can also play this role. For instance: I heard them to sing from the other part of the stadium.
  • Complement of the noun (apposition): Similarly, when a complement characterizes a noun and accompanies it, we know it as the noun's complement. We also find cases of the infinitive with this function. In fact, a trick to identify this function is to observe that it appears between commas, which is known as "apposition". For instance: To run, my passion, I have never made an effort.
  • Adverb Complement: We also find the verb in the infinitive acting as a complement to an adverb, characterizing it and providing more information. For instance: I'll wait for you there pass the bridge.

So that you finish understanding the use of verbs in Spanish, here we leave you a selection of examples of sentences with infinitive verbs. Take note!

  • Looks like be they are still tired.
  • My parents are going to to buy a new TV.
  • Come Dressed like that was not entirely suitable.
  • I would not like it very much to live in that area, it is very far from the center.
  • We wait for you to take something on that terrace.
  • I could recognize to the hear his voice.
  • its wake not quite good.
  • I've always wanted to live the experience of spending a few days in the mountains.
  • You can mourn all you want, I'm not going to buy you that doll.
  • His hobby, read, is no longer as satisfying as before.
  • They are looking for new concert halls where play.
  • I'm going to tell a nice story that you haven't heard yet.
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