Education, study and knowledge

What are the parts of the human body

What are the parts of the human body

Image: blogger

Within the set of living beings, humans or called Homo sapiens, we have developed some parts of the body more than others, being the largest organ developed the brain, an organ that undoubtedly makes us different from other animals since it makes us discern about our surroundings.

Next, in this lesson from a TEACHER we will talk about what are the parts of the human body to learn more about how we are divided.

Before getting into what are the parts of the human body, we must define what it is. We can affirm that it is a physical structure that is made up of an infinity of tissues, the most important being:

  • Bones: the skeleton is the main element that helps us to support ourselves, in addition to being the framework where the organs will be inserted. A curiosity is that we are made up of about 206 bones in total, most of which are found in the hands and feet.
  • Muscles: soft tissues that are intertwined with the skeleton and that allow its mobility in addition to keeping it together.
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  • Organs: they are the essential elements for life, within them we can highlight: the brain, kidneys, liver, stomach. In this other lesson we will discover all the internal organs of the human body.

All these elements are united in the human body, forming a single being, the result of which is each one of us. However, we can say that there are three large well-defined groups, into which the body, although we cannot understand the functioning of each part separately, since everything is a set.

What are the parts of the human body - What is the human body?

Image: OkDiario

Once we have understood the definition, we can go on to see which are the parts of the human body that we will divide into three fundamental parts:


It is the fundamental part so that life is given, since it is the place where the brain, the organ that is in charge of giving all the orders to the rest of the body, without it, we could not move, breathe, the heart would not beat….

In the same way inside the head, we will find senses as important as the smell (nose), the hearing, the sight (eyes) and the taste (language). This part is attached to the rest of the body through the neck, through which the spinal column passes.


Continuing with the lesson on what are the parts of the human body, we go to the trunk, in this part we will find the organs of the respiratory system (such as the lungs, among others), or the circulatory system (the fundamental element being the heart).

In addition, the vertebral column is located in the trunk, a very important part of the skeleton, since it is the backbone of all this, in addition the nervous system runs through its interior, connecting the brain with the rest of the body and it will be through this that the orders.


We will subdivide this group into two parts in turn:

  • Superiors: which is formed by the arms, forearms and hands. This last part is the recipient par excellence of the sense of touch (although in other parts of our body we have that sense, it will be in the hands where it is most acute). These are attached to the trunk through the shoulders.
  • Lower: through the hip join the legs and feet, fundamental elements to be able to walk or run. One of the most important arteries and veins in the body passes through them, which is responsible for having the tissues well-irrigated with blood and thus avoiding cellular malnutrition.

In this other lesson we will discover what are the parts of the nervous system.

What are the parts of the human body - The parts of the human body
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