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Requiem for a Spanish peasant: main and minor CHARACTERS

Requiem for a Spanish Peasant: Characters

Requiem for a spanish villager is a short novel by Ramón J. Sender that happens in a small town in Aragon, almost on the border with Catalonia at the time of the Spanish Civil War. When the priest Mosén Millán is in his sacristy preparing to offer a mass for the death of a young man from the town named Paco, his thoughts assail him and he begins to remember the life of the deceased.

All the work passes in the mind of the priest and in his thoughts it is a dramatic work full of feelings, which shows the reality of an era. In this lesson from a TEACHER we want to introduce you characters of Requiem for a spanish villager.

The work is clearly supported by the two main characters, one who tells the story and the other who is who lived it. Thanks to them the whole plot of the play is developed and we are learning, as spectators, of the events that happened at the time. These are the two main characters of Requiem for a spanish villager.


Paco is the protagonist of history. Mosén Millán, the narrator, will simply limit himself to explaining his life from beginning to end: his birth, his baptism, his communion, his wedding, his adulthood and his death. He is the character for whom the mass is going to be celebrated today, that is, to

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who they have to bury.

He grew up very attached to the church and even he was the priest's assistant, until one day he decided to get away from those paths and make his life for himself. The main characteristic of him is that he was altruistic, he constantly put himself in the place of others and fought for injustices. Above all he fought a lot all his life for abolish the poverty of his people and that is precisely what led to his death.

He belonged to a family with land although they worked from sunrise to sunset to support themselves. He was much loved by the people and he married a girl named Águeda.

Mosén Millán

Is he storyteller. At the time the play takes place, she is in her sacristy preparing to celebrate mass for Paco's death and it is there, in her solitude, where all these memories about the life of the deceased. She wanted Paco as her son, although at the last moment she betrayed him revealing his hiding place and upon finding him, they killed him.

He was the village priest and she consoled herself thinking that Paco's death had been within a Christian environment, since he had administered all the sacraments to her during her life. She got along better with the rich of the town that with the poor whom she really had to help and that was what made Paco separate from the priest.

Requiem for a spanish villager It happens essentially thanks to Paco and Mosén Millán, the two main characters that we mentioned above, but it is the secondary characters that give depth to the work. Next we want to show you the secondary characters of Requiem for a spanish villager.


After two long years of courtship, she married Paco. She was a very good, diligent and hardworking village girl and she was very loved by the townspeople.

The shoemaker

She liked to make people laugh, but she cared a lot about the politics that she governed in her country. She didn't have too many real friends even though she talked to everyone. At the end of the play she is killed along with 5 other peasants from the villageher, just before shooting Paco.


She is a very nosy lady of the town and everything he learned about, then he exaggerated it when he told others. She was single although she boasted of having slept with everyone she loved. She knew very badly about the cobbler's death.

Don Valeriano

He had a long mustache that hung down the sides. He was one of the rich men of the town and he was kind to Paco when he went to his house to fight for the rights of the poor, although later he was one of those who participated in Paco's murder.

Don Gumersindo

He was one of the rich men and he lacked humility. He took advantage of any occasion to speak of his own goodness. Since he felt guilty, he wanted to pay for Paco's mass even though Mosén Millán wouldn't let him do it.

Don Castulo

He also wanted to pay for Paco's mass because he felt guilty. Always he played with two faces: he wanted to be friends with Paco and the townspeople, but later he went with the rich to laugh at the less favored.

The gentlemen

Young people from the capital who entered with pistols to fight against all the people opposed to the monarchy. They performed at night and they killed many peasants contrary to their ideas. They went to look for Paco to his hiding place, after Mosén Millán betrayed him and shot him in the cemetery.

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