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What is a DECALOGUE and how is it done?

What is a decalogue and how is it done?

A decalogue It is a set of ten phrases or sentences written in the form of a list and showing the main norms or rules to carry out a specific activity. It is very common to find decalogues, for example in schools, since they are easy phrases that children can remember.

In this lesson from a TEACHER we want to explain what is a decalogue and how is it done one for you to learn to write this type of text.

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  1. What is a decalogue
  2. How to make a decalogue
  3. Decalogue example

What is a decalogue.

A decalogue is a set of 10 sentences that show the norms or rules that a group of people in an institution must follow in order for it to function correctly. For a few years, they have been implemented in companies and companies to improve the environment among workers.

It should be noted that the rules that are written in a decalogue are not instructions on how to do a certain activity, but rather describe optimal behavior based on ethical rules. If everyone follows the decalogue, many conflicts can be avoided in the places where they spend more hours of the day.

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Normally, these decalogues are created in communities that they spend many hours together and have to share many situations and tense moments. That is why both the schools and the work points are recommended to have a decalogue adapted to their community.

The word decalogue comes from greekdekalogos and to find its meaning we can divide it into two well differentiated parts: deka what does ten and logo which means word or expression. The most famous decalogue that we have are the ten commandments of the Bible.

What is a decalogue and how is it made - What is a decalogue

How to make a decalogue.

To write a decalogue You don't have to follow strict rules, but you can really adapt it perfectly to the theme you need. If you are writing for a school, try to keep the sentences simple and short and even add some pictures to reinforce the idea. On the other hand, if you are writing for a law firm, use technical phrases with which they feel familiar.

These are some tips to help you in the writing of your decalogue:

  • Who is it for: Before you start writing, you should think about who this decalogue is addressed to. Think about the age of the readers, gender, lifestyle, etc.
  • What is it for: Reflect on the objective that you want to convey to the people who read the decalogue. It will be of little use to make a decalogue on how to work efficiently if what you want is to solve coexistence problems between colleagues.
  • to write: Write the points one by one without skipping the order, that will make the ideas are ordered. Write only 10 points to make it a decalogue. Pay close attention to points 1, 9 and 10 which are the ones that people read the most carefully and are the ones that stay in their minds.
  • Teach the decalogue: Show the decalogue to several people in your immediate environment and ask them to tell you what they have understood and if it can be useful for them to improve in that area of ​​work.
  • Correct: Correct everything that the people to whom you have shown them have been reviewing you.
  • Modifies: Over time, situations change. Do not stay with the same decalogue for 10 years in a row, but update it depending on the time and the specific situation.
What is a decalogue and how is it made - How to make a decalogue

Decalogue example.

In order for you to understand in a practical way what a decalogue is, we want to show you one of the most famous that exist: the decalogue of healthy habits.

In this example you can see how there are 10 phrases or sentences arranged in the form of a list that show an ideal behavior that you should follow if you want to have a healthy life.

Decalogue of healthy habits

  • Eat five meals a day: breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, snack, and dinner.
  • Eat everything. That is, you have to follow a healthy, complete and balanced diet.
  • A day you have to drink between 8 and 10 glasses of water.
  • It is necessary to carry out 1 hour of physical activity daily. Likewise, it is necessary to carry out, at least 2 or 3 times a week, activities that improve flexibility and strength.
  • You have to take care of your health to be healthy and strong.
  • It is essential to take advantage of free time to enjoy and be with family and friends.
  • Every day you have to shower, wash your hands before and after eating and even brush your teeth.
  • It is established that you have to use the Internet, television or video games for less than two hours a day.
  • It is essential to sit correctly to avoid that the back does not look sore and damaged.
  • Every day it is necessary to sleep a minimum of 8 hours.

This is the decalogue of healthy habits of the health department of Spain.

Now you know what is a decalogue, how is it done and you have seen some examples. If you are interested in continuing to learn about this topic or one related to it, do not hesitate to consult our writing section.

If you want to read more articles similar to What is a decalogue and how is it done?, we recommend that you enter our category of Writing.


  • i Paris, F. C. (2000). Decalogue for an intercultural education. Pedagogy notebooks, (290).
  • Murillo Torrecilla, F. J., Martínez Garrido, C. A., & Hernández Castilla, R. (2011). Decalogue for effective teaching.
  • López, F. G. (1994). The decalogue. Divine word
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