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The 90 best phrases of Natos and Waor

Natos y Waor is a duo of rap musicians originating in Madrid, whose lyrics are established from various components such as poetry and social and cultural events that make us reflect on the various personal and alien acts that are committed in society. Its members, although they are known by their stage names, their real names are Gonzalo Cidre (Natos) and Fernando Hisado (Waor)

  • We recommend you read: "The 90 best Rap phrases (and their meaning)"

Famous quotes from Natos and Waor

They are not only an example in the music industry, but they also become an international flag, thanks to the Argentine nationality of Natos. To show a bit of the work of these rappers, we have brought a compilation with the best phrases of Natos and Waros about their songs and other things.

1. Have you found out who the boss is? If you want, I'll give you another clue, Sherlock.

Emphasizing who is in control.

2. Why tell you about my drama if you don't care?

Don't trust people who aren't interested in listening to you.

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3. Go to the balcony, stop me space-time, kiss me slowly, get me out of this prison.

A sample of his romantic verses.

4. I am happy to me, and to the world that they give him the ass.

The only person you have to please is yourself.

5. I trust little to avoid betrayal.

It does not hurt to be cautious with the people around you.

6. She told me to kiss her, to kiss her slowly as if the world was ending and it's over, by the way.

A relationship that comes to an end.

7. I'm an honest boy with the ways of a fucking pimp.

A phrase that reminds us that appearances can be deceiving.

8. The fan of Spanish rap is like the cat Flora. If you put it in she screams, if you take it out she cries.

About fans of Spanish rap.

9. I threw a bill in my ex's face, and while she was leaving me I told her get paid.

Relationships that don't end well at all.

10. Do you want me to pray? Multiply the loaves for me. Faith will not fill my plate or cover my skin.

Things are accomplished with actions, not waiting for something to happen.

11. I am doing what I can, at least I am sincere.

Give what you have, not what others force you to do.

12. I do not want a lumi with pots, mascara, Chanel, just that I have fun and that she likes against the wall.

Appearance is the least to have a good time with someone.

13. If we die we can say it was fun.

Live your life without regrets.

14. I would sell my soul to burn in your hell.

A passion that consumes very deep.

15. I am the opposite of what you imagine. Queen, don't want your life to look like mine.

There are forms of life that we do not perceive with the naked eye.

16. Enough freedom is taken away from us elsewhere to take it away from yourself when listening to music.

Musical tastes should not be restricted.

17. I was the black sheep for leaving the herd, five years later I am the owner of the stable.

Making a difference can take you to the top.

18. The party smelling of speed, the girls with the joints on their tits.

A party that got out of control due to drugs.

19. I have learned and I forget faster and faster.

The things that are not good for us must be eliminated.

20. Maybe I don't sweat it so much, when you're spending all your time trying to prove it.

Not everyone around you has a genuine interest in you.

21. I know paradise, I saw it in your pupils.

Love with the right person.

22. The broken heart, the intact pride.

Do not close yourself to a new opportunity even if your heart has been broken.

23. The thorn was made a stake and had to be removed.

When we don't figure things out in time, they pile up until they are unbearable.

24. The system educates people not to bother and they are all the same, but for us it is a pride to accompany people in their day to day.

A critique of the restriction of the educational system.

25. I enjoy happy times in honor of difficult times.

A positive attitude to face problems.

26. On Friday I step on the accelerator. On Sunday I hit it because on Saturday I burned the brakes.

Things that are done in a hurry never end well.

27. I apologize for mistakes that I don't even remember.

The only way to make up for mistakes is by taking action.

28. I live in love with your smile, girl, only if I am the one who causes it.

The joy of causing a smile in the loved one.

29. With you or with no one, call me crazy.

A drastic decision that is governed by the heart.

30. We became strong by defeats and abandonments.

Bad times are what make us strong.

31. I don't do a lot of things in my life. But at least what I do, I do it well and I stop nonsense.

You don't need to do everything, just focus on one thing and be an expert on it.

32. How can I be affectionate if only alcohol pampers me?

No addicted person can be able to give love without first overcoming her vices.

33. We were locked in, we made butron.

Dark moments can bring out the worst in us.

34. If you want, I invite you to be the least of my problems.

People with unresolved problems can spiral you into torment.

35. I would have to confess and I don't know where to start.

If you want to release your burdens, don't be silent.

36. I don't want to be on top if I don't have you on top of me.

It's no use being successful if you don't have someone to share it with.

37. Nobody gave me the map of this fucking maze, I learned to trust instinct.

Sometimes you only count on yourself to get ahead.

38. I live the golden age bro, longing for the turkey.

Even though we can have it all, there are times when we feel empty.

39. I asked him for the meaning of life and he answered me evasively.

Not all people have the same vision of the future as you.

40. It clenches, but does not choke, I clench my teeth.

About holding out and moving on.

41. The most important things are not taught to you, they are experiences, you learn and stumble.

The best teachings are acquired through the experiences we live and how that can change our perception.

42. Here and now is the time baby, we'll see later.

Enjoy the present, there is no use worrying about something that has not happened yet.

43. Only the touch of your lips can resurrect me.

The power that that special person has in us.

44. I took it with two balls not to see you, but now I need to be drunk to love you.

The drastic change that can occur in any relationship.

45. Sorry if I lied to you, I learned it from you.

Don't give people what you don't get from them.

46. I collect smiles and tragedies, the first half because of the rush.

Our whole life is full of happy moments and difficult moments.

47. I like to be in the dark, drunk and alone. Or with you I lay on the bed doing the Mongolian.

Two pretty drastic poles to pass the time.

48. Like a faded flower in autumn all year round.

An expression to highlight the state of mind.

49. I trip over the stone a thousand times until I break it in two.

A very peculiar and somewhat hurtful way to overcome a problem.

50. I have an empty memory chest, full of the time we have asked for.

A phrase that tells us about the time we let slip away.

51. A whole life living on a Tuesday the thirteenth.

Talking about having very bad luck in life.

52. I rap, I live rock with tequila and salt.

A possible sample of your personal tastes.

53. I turn a Tuesday into a Saturday.

Is this a good or bad thing?

54. Bet on me, collect the dough.

Show what you can do.

55. Now all empty, I cry blood. Looking at your photos as to not remember you

The pain felt after a love loss.

56. I am the kind of clumsy that hurt more words than blows.

Words leave very deep wounds in our mind, which can play on our confidence.

57. Everyone knows the chain that drags.

Everyone must be clear about what their faults are.

58. From your embrace, life imprisonment, the judge dictates, the judge represents.

Talking about the imminent fall when falling in love.

59. The bitch is not having dreams, compadre, the bitch is not reaching them.

A frustration that takes forever.

60. My conscience with my instincts tied to sticks while my muse cries alone sitting in the box.

The consequences of leading a restless life.

61. I only move for heart and desire, honor and money.

Reasons that move a person.

62. In the end everything is appearances and shits of those.

Although appearances can be deceiving, they are also essential because they are our cover letter.

63. My sorrows flow into my squid like a ship. I don't want to be your friend, I want your four lips.

The weight of a friendship that is turning into an unrequited love.

64. I live as I want, without giving further explanations.

You do not owe explanations or reasons to anyone.

65. There will be time to rest when we are dead.

A very common phrase so as not to forget the work we have to do every day.

66. I am much happier if I do not share you.

Demanding fidelity must be both ways.

67. The coin has two sides and mine never comes out.

A representation about the frustration of not being able to have a chance.

68. I slept with many and did not sleep with any.

It is not the same to have sex just to fill a physiological need than to do it with a person you love.

69. Because I spend everything in rumba on any given Monday.

When there is no concern about waste.

70. We hope to inspire young men and women to pursue their dreams, be it in music or whatever else they are passionate about.

One of the strongest reasons the duo make music, to get involved with the people who follow them.

71. He told me to be quiet, that the words are blown away by the wind. She told me to wait for her like I had time to spare.

Waiting can be a sentence when the other person has other plans.

72. If you don't risk you don't lose, but you don't win either.

To achieve something, it is sometimes necessary to take a leap of faith.

73. Make the anecdotes stumble over time.

A bad experience may weigh you down today, but tomorrow it will become just one more memory.

74. Give me your poison, I'm thirsty.

The obsession that leads nowhere.

75. Life on the edge makes me fun.

A life full of risks that cause pleasure.

76. If I counted on the fingers I had, imagine the ones I still have.

Friends need not be many, but true.

77. Tensioning the rope until it breaks.

Things in constant tension don't last long.

78. People would be happier without those mental barriers.

Mental barriers are what prevent us from reaching our potential, by staying safe.

79. I count percent, the failures, I am not right. Give me opportunities and I screw it up, I'm an expert.

On ruining the opportunities that present themselves.

80. I don't fight for a piece of cake, I want it all.

Do not settle, go for everything.

81. I squeeze every second of what little I have.

Take advantage of every moment you can, this will help with your growth.

82. Thinking about how the hell I'm not going to be afraid, if you're not next to me.

That feeling of disorientation and loss that remains when someone leaves your side.

83. From what hurt me back in the day, I turned away.

Stay away from everything that hurts you.

84. Love, love, for my wife and my men.

Love for everyone.

85. The maturing thing, I take it easy ...

Maturing is something that happens spontaneously with time and circumstances.

86. For me, rap, trap, r & b, reggaeton… they are the same shit, we can make beautiful songs at any rhythm. Labels have to be done away with.

Talking about the separation that people make in these musical styles.

87. I leave for tomorrow what I should have done yesterday.

A call on procrastination.

88. Today they look over those who yesterday flew low.

With consistency, you can reach the top.

89. They want to have power, I can have you.

Different forms of power.

90. A drawer full of fines, a thousand and one sequelae, two thousand traumas and three thousand reasons for you to love me.

Our experiences mark us, but they should not limit who we are.

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