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What are the names of the bones of the human head

What are the names of the bones of the human head

Knowing how the human body is made and how it works is essential for everyone. For example, do you know how many bones are in human head and what are their names? The head of the human being is composed of 28 bones in total and these are distributed in the 3 different parts of the head: the skull, the face and the middle ear. Therefore, these three parts of the skeleton make up the head.

In this lesson from we are going to explain to you what are the names of the bones of the human head and where they are located in it.

To begin to explain the names of the bones of the human head and where they are found in it, we must bear in mind that these are divided into 3 parts and the main one is the skull. The skull bones They have the function of protecting the brain and are the following:

  • Frontal: the front is symmetrical, medium and unique in size. It is located in the anterior or front part of the skull, as its name suggests. It delimits with the ethmoid, the sphenoid and with the parietals.
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  • Temporary: there are two temporal bones in the skull, one on each side of the head. They are medium in size and are exactly at the level of the ears.
  • Occipital: it is unique in the skull, symmetrical and of medium size. It is located at the back and bottom of the skull, just before the nape of the neck.
  • Parietals: there are two parietals in the skull, they are larger than the previous ones described and are in contact with each other in the upper part of the skull. They delimit with the frontal part in front, the temporal ones on the sides and the occiput on the lower back part. They are one of the most important bones in the head, as they protect a large part of the brain.
  • Ethmoid: it is individual that is inside the skull, between the nose and the eyes, in front of the sphenoid. In fact, thanks to the ethmoid, the cavities of the nose and eyes are shaped.
  • Sphenoids: it is medium in size, symmetrical and unique. It is located frontally, reaching from side to side of the skull and at the level of the nose and eyes.

In this other lesson from a TEACHER we will discover the internal organs of the human body so that you know what they are and where they are.

What are the names of the bones of the human head - The bones of the skull

To continue with the names of the bones of the human head, the next most important part of this is the face. In the face we find the main organs of various senses of the human being. The Bones of the face in the human head are the following:

  • Palatines: They are at the back of the bony palate, located between the sphenoid and the maxillae.
  • Unguis or tear ducts: it is individual in the form of a quadrilateral sheet and of compact tissue. Located between the tear ducts of the eyes and the nose.
  • Vomer: it is individual in the form of an irregular and quadrangular sheet. It is medium in size that makes up the back of the nasal septum, thus dividing the nostrils into two parts.
  • Nasal: together with the vomer they make up the nose.
  • Turbinates: They are made of spongy tissue and are located on the sides of the nasal chambers. Although the most common is that there are three turbinates, there can be up to five.
  • Lower jaw or mandible: it is flat, symmetrical, centered and unique. It is located in the lower part of the mouth and is U-shaped.
  • Upper jaws: it is short, double, and quadrilateral and irregular in shape. Located above the jaws, shaping the mouth.
  • Malar or zygomatic: They are double that are short and are located in the area of ​​the cheekbones. Delimited with the temples, the sphenoid, the upper jaws and the frontal.
What are the names of the bones of the human head - The bones of the face

To finish explaining what are the names of the bones of the human head, we will talk about the ossicles of the middle ear. In the middle ear we find 3 different ossicles that complete all the bones of the head and that help us in the auditory process:

  • Anvil: Also called incus, it is part of the chain of ossicles of the middle ear, connected with the stapes and the hammer. It is found in the area of ​​the eardrum and is called an anvil because it is exactly this shape.
  • Stapes: Also called the stapedium, it is found in the area of ​​the eardrum and is articulated with the anvil. At the other end it is attached to the oval window. As its name suggests, it is shaped like a stirrup.
  • Hammer: It is also known as malleus which is in connection with the ear drum membrane. He is in charge of transmitting the sound vibrations to the anvil.
What are the names of the bones of the human head - The bones of the middle ear

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