Education, study and knowledge

The Bones

Discover what the BONE FORMATION is like

Discover what the BONE FORMATION is like

The bone tissue formation it takes place through two ossification mechanisms. Although bones Form...

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ALL BONES of the lower limb

ALL BONES of the lower limb

The lower limb bones They can be grouped into four groups, each set of bones has points of union ...

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What are ACCESSORY bones and their function

What are ACCESSORY bones and their function

When they tell us about human skeleton, the first thing they tell us is that it is constituted ap...

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What are the sesamoid BONES

What are the sesamoid BONES

Did you know that in our skeleton there are some bones so small that its name refers to the tiny ...

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HIOID bone: function and characteristics

HIOID bone: function and characteristics

The hyoid bone it's a little bone that we have in the throat. It is a bone with very special char...

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SKELETON functions: mechanical and metabolic

SKELETON functions: mechanical and metabolic

The skeleton is an internal structure characteristic of vertebrate animals, in addition to shapin...

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CERVICAL vertebrae: characteristics and function

CERVICAL vertebrae: characteristics and function

Together, the cervical vertebrae are the ones that make up the cervical spine or cervical region,...

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What are the names of the bones of the human head

What are the names of the bones of the human head

Knowing how the human body is made and how it works is essential for everyone. For example, do yo...

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Types of BONES according to their shape

Types of BONES according to their shape

The body of a adult human being It is made up 206 bones. In children, as many of them have not co...

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Discover what are the long bones of the human body

Discover what are the long bones of the human body

Image: Answers.tipsOur skeleton is made up of different bones, from the skull to the phalanges. A...

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The different PARTS of a VERTEBRA

The different PARTS of a VERTEBRA

Image: Natural Sciences The vertebrae are the bones that make up the spine of human beings. The s...

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The spine is a group of bones fundamental of our skeleton. The spinal column of human beings is s...

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