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8 poems for me (with comments)

A poetry about me is a recurring theme in literature. Poems about motherhood can be read as commemoration every day, a date that is generally special for many people.

This time we usually honor the women who raised us and dedicate us love, na maioria das vezes fazendo o seu melhor nessa tarefa.

Thinking nisso, we selected inspiring poems about more for dizer-lhes or quanto são important in nossas lives.

1. Foi de mãe todo or meu tesouro - Conceição Evaristo

Or take care of minha poetry
I learned from me
mulher de pôr reparo nas coisas
e of assuming life.

To brandura de minha fala
na violence of meus ditos
ganhei de mãe
mulher prenhe de dizeres
fertilized in the mouth of the world.

Foi de mãe todo or meu tesouro
I saw everything or meu ganho
mulher sapiência, yabá,
do fogo tirava agua
do pranto criava consolo.

Foi de mãe esse meio riso
given to hide
joy inteira
that distrustful faith,
pois, when you go barefoot
each finger olha a estrada.

Foi me that got me down
for the miraculous songs it gives life
apontando-me or fogo disfarçado
em cinzas e a agulha do
tempo moving not palheiro.

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Foi me that I felt like
as kneaded flowers
debaixo das pedras
the empty bodies
rent calçadas
and she showed me,
I insist, foi ela
to fazer da palavra
art and craft
do meu sing
by minha fala.

This moving poem by Conceição Evaristo is present to us Black Cadernos, Publicação do Coletivo Quilombhoje in 2002.

Or mapped or olhar text from Thanks from a black woman to her mother (and in some instância às suas ancestrais) by ter l have taught how to feel and place in the world, tracing enormous lyricism.

Conceição Evaristo appoints his mãe as a great teacher and teacher, master of nursery art and promoter of artistic fazer da filha.

2. Mãe - Mario Quintana

Mãe... São three letters hardly
So I am blessed;
Também or céu tem three letters
E nelas can be infinite.
To louvar nossa mãe,
Everything or bem that disser
It never has to be so big
Like or bem that she loved us.
Palavra tão pequenina,
Bem we know the lips meus
What is the size of the céu
E barely less than Deus!

Mario Quintana was known as "poet of simple coisas". A gaucho writer developed a literary style in which he managed to translate sentiments with uncomplicated words and images, more deeply lyrical.

Em Mãe, Quintana introduces this little word as a fio conductor to pay homage to this more, comparing to or ceu and reiterating his capacity to love infinitely.

3. Sem title - Alice Ruiz

Depois que um corpo
other corpo
nenhum heart
or little

This is a poem about me, more than showing the perspective of my own more than gestating. Alice Ruiz managed, in just a few words, to show how she felt physically and emotionally to create a child.

Assim, I suggested that sua capacity to feel and love is expanded, it gives the same shape as your ventre.

It is important to say that, since the pregnancy experience is a transformative fact, motherhood can be experienced in many ways that do not necessarily pass through the gestation.

4. O Menino Que Carregava Água Na Peneira - Manoel de Barros

I have a light on water and men.
Gostei mais by um menino
that carregava água na peneira.
A mãe disse que carregar água na peneira
It was the same as roubar um vento e
sair running with him to show years irmãos.
A mãe disse that it was or the same
to taste espinhos na água.
Or the same as raising peixes no purse.
Or menino was tied in nonsense.
You want to ride alicerces
of a house on Orvalhos.
A me reparou que o menino
gostava mais do vazio, do que do cheio.
He falava that vazios são maiores and tied infinites.
As the time that menino
that was schism and exquisite,
because he gostava de carregar água na peneira.
How did he find out that
Escrever would be or the same
to load water into the peneira.
No scrubbing or minor viu
that she was capable of being a noviça,
monge ou beggar ao same tempo.
Or I will learn to use those words.
He saw that he could fazer peraltagens as words.
And he began to fazer peraltagens.
He was able to modify the afternoon by dropping a chuva nela.
Or menino fazia prodigies.
Até fez uma pedra dar flor.
A me reparava or menino with tenderness.
A mãe falou: Meu filho você vai vai ser poeta!
Você vai carregar água na peneira a vida todo.
Você vai encher os vazios
com as suas peraltagens,
and some people are going to love you for serious nonsense!

This poem by Manoel de Barros was published in 1999. Exercises of being a child. She presents her childhood in an incredible manner, showing her brains and inventiveness of men.

No poem appears to me like um emotional support, valuing your creativity and encouraging to create poetry as simple things gives life.

In this way, it shows how important it is for the child to have caregivers who recognize its value so that it builds a Saudi self-esteem.

5. Incompreensão dos Mistérios - Elisa Lucinda

Saudades de minha mãe.
Sua morte leaf face an anus and a fate
Essa coisa fez
eu brigar pela first time
com a natureza das coisas:
what a waste, what a carelessness
What a burrice de Deus!
Not lose her life
more to life of perdê-la.
Olho pra ela e seu portrait of her.
Nesse dia, Deus deu uma saidinha
e or vice was fraco.

A capixaba writer Elisa Lucinda reveals all a saudade de sua mãe nesse poem. É um text on a lose and indignation for not more than a companhia dessa figure you dear.

Elisa expresses her rebellion as "Deus" for allowing the game of mine and investing in order to say that she lost her life, probably to her own.

6. Sem title - Paulo Leminski

Minha mãe dizia:
- Ferve, water!
- Fried, ovo!
- Pinga, pia!
E tudo obeyed.

Nesse little poem by Leminski, to me it is shown quase as uma feiticeira, magical and super powerful. O poet built a cenário in which a woman performs chores in a surprising and uncomplicated way.

Certainly or poem is a tribute to more, but it can also be an opportunity to refletify these tasks domestic são de fato tão simple and prazerosas of serem made or only historically turned to the mulheres e more. In any case, it would be interesting to ask how this work can be divided among all the members of a family.

7. For Semper - Drummond

Why does Deus allow
What else are you going to do?
Mãe não tem limit
É tempo sem hora
Light that does not turn off
When it blows or winds
E chuva desba

Hidden hairy
Na pele wrinkled
Pure water, pure water
Pure thought
Dying happens
How is it brief and it happens
Sem deixar vestígio

Mãe, na sua graça
E eternity
Why does Deus lembra
Deep mystery
Of tirá-la um dia?

Fosse eu rei do mundo
Baixava uma lei
Mãe não never die
Mãe ficará always
Together with seu filho
E ele, velho embora
It will be small
Feito grão de milho

This poem integrates or livro Lição de Coisas, launched in 1962 by Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Nele, Drummond introduces me as uma idea of ​​eternity, as a figure that joins nature and is present in life of filho or da filha in a way that is almost omnipresent.

Either writer inquires about Deus or reason for more partirem, saying that or feeling for them, nothing true, will never die, that it does not matter how much time passes, or bond will be eternal.

8. Minha Mãe - Vinícius de Moraes

Minha mãe, minha mãe, eu tenho medo
Tenho medo gives life, minha mãe.
Sing to twelve cantiga that you sing
When I ran doido ao teu regaço
I eat two ghosts of the telhado.
Nina o meu sono cheio of restlessness
Batendo de levinho no meu braço
That you are very medo, minha mãe.
Repousa friend two teus olhos
We are old and light and repoused
He tells me that he waits for me eternally
To go embora. Expels immense anguish
Do meu be that I do not want that I can not
Dá-me um beijo na fronte sore
That she burns with February, minha mãe.
Aninha-me em teu colo as outrora
Dize-me bem baixo assim: - Filho, no themes
Asleep em sossego, que tua mãe não dorme.
Sleep. I am waiting for you for a long time
Tired já foram for longe.
From you is your mãezinha
Teu irmão, I am sleeping
Tuas irmãs treading by levinho
To not wake up or sound teu.
Sleep, meu filho, sleep no meu peito
Sonha to felicidade. See us.
Minha mãe, minha mãe, eu tenho medo
It makes me feel reluctant. Say that eu fique
He says that he will leave, or me, for a saudade.
Afuge this space that turns me on
Afugenta or infinite that chama me
Que eu estou com muito medo, minha mãe.

Minha mãe is a poem by Vinícius de Moraes that exposes all of fragility of the poet I wanted to be there again acolhido nos braços da mãe.

Vinícius reveals his wisdom during life and places the mother figure as the only possibility to appease his comfort, returning from some way to childhood.

It was published in your first book, Or walk for a distance, from 1933, when the author was barely 19 years old.

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