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Top 14 Life Coaches in San Francisco

The psychologist Nancy carolina damian She has a Master's Degree in Clinical and General Psychology from InterAmerican University, has a Diploma in Child and Adolescent Development by Los Angeles City College and she also has a Training Course in Life Coach and another in Mindfulness

This professional offers her services to people of all ages, both online and in person in their consultation and intervention It is based on the integration of Coaching, together with other effective orientations such as Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness and Therapy Brief.

Some of his intervention specialties are cases of depression, emotional dependence, internet addiction and sex, sexual difficulties, low self-esteem, anxiety disorders, cases of sexual abuse and the processes of divorce.

The Coach Alex Gonzalez Herrero He is a specialist in personal financial productivity, as well as Neurorwealth and currently attends online to anyone who wants to become an expert in finance.

Her intervention is individualized from the first session and some of her main specialties are the establishment and achievement of objectives. financial, training in effective investment modalities, empowerment of one's own capacities and emotional difficulties of all kind.

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The psychologist Ana Isabel Rey She is one of the most prominent professionals in his field of intervention and offers an online therapy service aimed at adolescents and adults of all ages who want to improve some aspect of their lives, both professionally and at school and personal.

Graduated in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, this therapist has a Master's Degree in Coaching Certification By Values, she has another Master's Degree in Orientation and Labor Intermediation and a Higher Degree Course in Sociocultural Animation.

Her intervention is eclectic and she applies Coaching in an integrated way together with Positive Psychology and Mindfulness, with which she addresses the problems of self-esteem, school difficulties, job orientation problems, test anxiety and any type of problem that the client may have in their day to day.

The Personal and Executive Coach Nieves Rodriguez He is a specialist in serving adolescents, adults, professionals and executives who may present any type of problem, through face-to-face sessions and also online.

Her approach is holistic and is based on the integration of Coaching techniques together with other effective therapies such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy or Mindfulness, with which she attends to anxiety problems, low self-esteem, stress or guidance in curricular adaptation and work problems of all.

In addition to that, Nieves Rodriguez is also a specialist in serving leaders and teams with problems of leadership, time management issues, change management or performance improvement professional.

The Coach Gabriela villalta It attends by video call and with all possible comforts to children, adolescents, adults, elderly people and also couples who request it.

Her intervention is based on the integration of Coaching together with other effective therapies, with which she attends to cases of anxiety and depression, leadership deficits, trauma, bullying, family conflict and low esteem.

Manel Fernández Jaria he is one of the most recommended Coaching experts to go to to request a Life Coach service in the online modality aimed at entrepreneurs, managers or professionals of all kinds who want to improve in some area in particular.

Graduated in Humanities from the UDL, this professional has a Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy from UNIBA, another Master's Degree in Occupational Safety, Health and Well-being, a Postgraduate Degree in Emotional Intelligence for Organizations and an Expert Training Course in Coaching, Emotional Intelligence and Programming Neurolinguistics.

In your consultation you will find a professional with 25 years of experience and specialized in jointly applying various highly effective therapies with the aim of training the leadership problems and emotional management, as well as stress management, relationship problems, team cohesion, soft skills and deficits in anger management.

The psychologist Elizabeth A. Willems She has more than 10 years of professional experience and currently she offers a psychotherapy service aimed at adolescents and adults of all ages, families and also groups.

Licensed in Psychology from Alliant International University, this therapist is State Certified from California and is a specialist in Coaching, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and EMDR Therapy, among others orientations.

Her intervention is offered both in person and online and some of the areas that she successfully addresses in her consultations include trauma, depression and anxiety, addictions, domestic violence, and family or conflict conflicts. couple.

Liz gilbert She is a California Institute of Integral Studies Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in Coaching, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Mindfulness and Gestalt Therapy.

This therapist applies in an integrated way the therapies that best adapt to the needs of adults of all ages who can present relational problems, deficits in coping skills, anxiety disorders, depression or problems with esteem.

Her intervention is also offered by video call for those who request it.

The Clinical Social Worker Maria Buch She has more than 12 years of experience, in which she has specialized in serving adults both individually and as a couple, mainly in the field of changes and transitions vital.

Licensed by the University of California, this therapist is Licensed by the State of California and masters both Coaching and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Brief Therapy, tools with which she attends to anxiety disorders and depression, family conflicts, low self-esteem, grief and problems of relationship.

Sky Jimenez is a California Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a nearly a decade's experience serving people of all ages, as well as couples and families

Graduated from the University of San Diego, this professional offers a quality Coaching service integrated with other effective therapies such as the cognitive-behavioral approach, Humanistic Therapy or the Mindfulness

Among her most notable intervention specialties are cases of ADHD, relational problems, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, cases of sexual abuse and stress.

Lindsay hesser She is a Marriage and Family Therapist Graduated from the California Institute of Integral Studies and Licensed by the State of California, with more than 12 years of experience behind her.

The therapist Lindsay Hesser offers an integrated coaching service together with EMDR Therapy and Mindfulness, among other tools, with which she has used specialized in treating addictions, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, cases of depression, family conflicts and low esteem.

The Marriage and Family Therapist Stephanie del Chiaro offers a Coaching service aimed at adolescents, adults, couples and also groups, both in person and online.

Throughout more than 14 years of experience, this therapist has specialized in attending to the family conflicts, depression, sexuality problems, relationship conflicts, stress and the duel.

The Marriage and Family Therapist Adam D. Blum He is the founder of the Gay Therapy Center in San Francisco, a therapy space aimed at the LGTB community that offers its services in person or by video call.

This therapist has an experience of more than 15 years and in her consultation offers a Coaching service aimed at people with anxiety, depression, emotional dependence, sexual problems, low self-esteem or cases of abuse sexual.

Megan murphy is a Licensed Counselor in Mental Health and Certified in Positive Psychology and Coaching from New York University.

His intervention is aimed at adolescents, adults and also couples who may have anxiety problems, addictions of all kinds, cases of depression or stress, infidelities, grieving processes, relationship problems or low esteem.

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