Psychologist Rosario Fernandez Moreno (Hinojos)
I am a professional who considers empathy, the ability to listen and the belief in change as essential qualities in therapeutic work. I can help you, because with my 15 years of experience in psychological care, I gather the knowledge and experience necessary to meet your demand. In addition, I consider networking essential, and if I need referral to another professional resource, I have easy access once the required one has been identified. I am a specialist in family therapy, so although the demand is in principle individual, if the intervention of other members of the network is required, I act in this regard. In addition, I am a therapist in the field of drug addiction, handling impulse control problems and any type of addiction.
Specialist in drug addiction treatment and family therapy. Intervention in minors, adolescents, youth and adults, with 15 years of experience in these areas.
Empathy and the ability to listen are the skills that best define me, together with the faithful belief that people change.