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The prince of the mist by Ruiz Zafón: main and secondary CHARACTERS

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The prince of the mist: main and minor characters

The Prince of Mist is the first successful novel by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. It is a youth play that narrates the paranormal events that Max and his family experience after they have moved to a small beach town, fleeing the second world war that is hitting the big boys hard cities.

In this lesson from a TEACHER we want to introduce you main and secondary characters of The Prince of Mistso that you can know who are the ones who carry the weight of the story so that the plot advances in the novel.

The main characters are those who make the story evolve. Not only are they those that appear the most during the course of the novel, but they are also the ones that provide more relevant information to make the plot take unexpected twists.

The protagonist of the work is Max, but below we present a list with all the main characters of The Prince of Mist.


Max is the protagonist of the novel and he is the one who carries the thread of the story at all times. The whole work revolves around him, his ideas and the decisions he makes. He is a 13-year-old boy who begins the novel being very childish, however, the story itself makes him mature and think in a more adult way.

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He's a smart boy he is agile and savvy, although he also has quite a few episodes in which we see that fear paralyzes him.


Is the Max's older sister and he is 15 years old. The two brothers are accomplices and go on all adventures together. Alicia is falls in love with Roland and that is what will bring about the tragic end of the novel. She is a daring girl, who has very clear ideas and who is not easily scared.


In Roland dwells all the mystery of the play. He is a 17-year-old boy who lives with his supposed grandfather, the owner of the lighthouse, who adopted him when he was very young. This is the same boy who supposedly drowned in town, JacobIt just isn't discovered until the end of the novel. Due to the spell that the prince of mist had cast on him, die at the end of the play saving his love Alicia with his last breath of his life.


Victor is the Roland's supposed grandfather, that is, the person who rescued him when he was very young. He built the lighthouse with his own hands to avoid more shipwrecks like the one he had to suffer aboard the Orpheus and at the end of the work he gives it to Max. He is the only one knows the whole truth and he tries to hide it until the story is well advanced.

Prince of mist

His body died in the Orpheus shipwreck, but his soul keeps tormenting people from town. He offers them his most coveted wishes for a high price. He offered Roland's father the woman of his dreams, in exchange for him giving him his firstborn when he was born and that's why roland dies at the end of the novel.

The Prince of the Mist: Main and Minor Characters - Main Characters of The Prince of the Mist

The secondary characters of The Prince of Mist do not provide essential information for the evolution of the story, but they do provide details about the circumstances that are being lived and bring a general atmosphere to the novel.

These are the secondary characters from The Prince of Mist.


Is the little sister of the family, he is 8 years old and when he arrives in town he meets a cat that he decides to adopt. It turns out that the cat belongs to the prince of the mist and that brings bad luck to her family causing her to fall down the stairs and fall I was unconscious in the hospital for a few days.


He is he Max's fatherHe is a watchmaker by profession and he is the one who makes the decision to leave the city and take refuge in the town to escape the war. During much of the play he is away because he is in the hospital with Irina and his wife.


Is the Max's mother. During much of the play she is absent because she is in the hospital with Irina and her husband.


Is the mother of the drowned child, Jacob and he studied with Victor, they were very good friends.


He was the Eva's husband and he also studied with them at university. He dies of a rare disease because of not offering his firstborn to the prince of the mist as he had promised.

Now you know the main and minor characters of the prince of the mist. If you are interested in continuing to learn about this topic or something similar, do not hesitate to consult the reading section.

The Prince of the Mist: Main and Minor Characters - Minor Characters in The Prince of the Mist

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